Set the transformation scene. What do you like?

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    Hello. I was just wondering what people preferred when it comes to a transformation scene, eg a woman growing muscles and bursting out of her clothes etc.

    Do you like the superheroine who can change at will? – the transformation brought on by anger/fear/other emotions? – the apprehensive transformations where the subject doesn't want to change or doesn't know what's happening? or transformations where the subject likes changing and almost shows it off? Or of course any others you can suggest.  😉

    Also, what do you like most about the transformation – growing muscles, clothes ripping – general size increase?

    David C. Matthews

    Pretty much "yes" – to everything.  ;D


    I am a bit partial to changes where the subject is an unwilling participant and is rather afraid of what is happening to her.  I also pretty much go for the usual growth – BE, FMG, Taller.  Mr. DCM's Tetsuko is the perfect example. (Thanks Dave!)

    That said, you should always write what you want because you will receive several different opinions.  Unless of course you like taking requests, and if that's the case consider my request submitted.


    I'm not very much a big fan of someone changing at will.  For me it kind of takes away the excitement of something major happening to a character, when it becomes standard or routine to them it makes the transformation itself less exciting.  Some of the interesting parts in a transformation are the facial expressions, sounds they make, and watching their bodies literally grow and change to a larger size.  It's very reminiscent to human nature almost, sometimes we're afraid of going that extra mile or afraid of what we're going to become, but it's entirely possible that when that change comes we may turn into either a better version of ourselves or a darker version.

    Emotion is definitely very important for me in a transformation, and also very dynamic shots to express the metamorphosis, clothes ripping is my favorite part of them all but also seeing the massive muscles bulging out is a second place runner up for me as well.  Hmm… may have to start drawing some more once I can get my computer to stop crashing.


    Some, but not all of the above.  It really depends on whatever suits my mood at the time and whether it adds or detracts from the given storyline.  The format (willing, unwilling, etc) can at times be a reflection on the nature of the person as they are transformed.  With some who are willing, even eager to embrace such augmented power(s), it can have a positive effect on them, or with others, it can release a darker side of themselves.  The same could be said of an unwilling party turning a good person bad, a bad person worse or even visa versa – that is assuming they have the will to overcome the lesser angels of their (inner) nature.

    I personally think that a TF that comes on as an unexpected surprise, even (at first) being consciously unawares to the fact that its slowly occurring, can be one of the most interesting to experiment with as a writer.  In addition, it can be a difficult challenge to articulate since much of the classic FMG/BE/GTS clichés can't be applied in the same manner, as is the case with a self-conscious awareness as to what is taking place to the growing character.

    Oh, and clothing ripping, seams tearing, buttons snapping, zippers unzipping and garments just plain stretching in embossment, is a must.

    Except in the cases of shrinking . . . though, as a reverse striptease, that can be interesting, too.  😉

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    That's an interesting point, Alex. A lot of us when we think FMG (at least those who don't write or read stories) don't think about the mental and emotional side effects of the process. And yet it is something that one should think about.

    I like the apprehensive uncontrollable ones, usually because those are the ones that provide the best clothes ripping/muscle/breast/height growth. Plus, you can't go wrong with classic lines like "What's happening???" and "I'm growing right out of my clothes!"

    Although I admit, I'm more a fan of sweet natured mouses become sweet natured amazons; all the crush, kill and destroy femuscle stuff has never been appealing to me.


    I agree with Titaneer that the sweet natured mouse becoming a sweet natured amazon is much more appealing to me.  The C/K/D doesn't serve me much because when I fantasize about a girl growing right in front of me, I don't want her to turn around immediately after her growth and crush my skull.


    I like pretty much everything you mention, except the superheroine who can change at will. As The_Collector_2 said, it detracts from the excitement of the transformation (that's why I like JimmyDimples' fanfics of Dyna the Damsel Dynamo – he does extra things with her transformations).

    Clothes bursting and muscles growing are essential parts of the scene, too. Yum! ;D


    Thanks kindly, Fonk.  🙂

    Though to be honest, I'm not sure what I do differently when I write Deena's transformation to Dyna.  I know I lean into what's going on in her head more than the body around it. And I delve into whether or not she enjoys the change into a bigger, stronger woman.

    As for the still-gentle personality of the now-amazon, well, I'm all for it, but yet I'm more fond of her being the fierce protector.  Just like I did in The Stray: the tiny sweetheart slowly grows into a mighty massive colossus right before the bad guys' eyes.  Then after a quick fight (or even a vicious glare or demonstrative flex or destruction of property) that sends the thugs running away yelping, she turns to her intimidated, nervous, now-smaller, frailer boyfriend, helps him up, hefts him up, hugs him close, nuzzles his face to her immense, billowing bodice, and softly coos, "You all right, baby?"

    Yes, she's still loving and lovable.  She still likes plushies and wearing pink.  She signs her letters with Xs, Os, hearts and smiley faces.  And she'll gladly open any pickle jar for you. 

    But don't mess with her loved ones or friends.  EVER.

    At the transformation's end, she's strong and massive, but still sweet.  Like how I make my dark chocolate. 🙂


    Angela Langley from Murder, She wrote – Full on clothes ripping and button popping as she transforms into an Amazon

    …That's like, my total Amazon Dream.

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