Shannon Courtney

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  • #117812

    You know thats the one thing I think the people who pirate and upload this stuff forget. The more we get from our sites, the more money we can spend on making new and better material. Heck I loose money with my site. And I know the guy who owns buff kitty, there is a reason why that site is in stasis right now. If you like the stuff support it.
    Everyone wins, and in fact I bet more free stuff from actual sites disseminates as well.
    And to get back on topic super glad Shannon stuck to FBB.


    i would like to point out, i did not download that video or any videos for that matter. i just find them and share them. i fully support sites and would never cheat them.

    Tanya Hyde

    Check out for lots of Shannon Courtney!!! She’s amazing!


    She got big quick.


    Just seen a surprisingly honest post from Shannon on her Facebook page ( on the subject of PEDs. Here’s the quote, for those who don’t have a Facebook account:


    Lets clear the air. No, I am not 100% natural, those who know something about this sport obviously knows that. BUT! That does not mean I’m juiced out and on a bunch of gear.
    Anavar and clen does not equal test,Tren,masteron,Dbol,winni and whatever some want to say I’m taking.
    No female should ever take those supplements.
    Im off in my off seasons, only during prep do I take gear to help get that extra edge.
    Taking supplements does not make it easier , anyone can take it but they will NEVER get what I’ve achieved unless they work their ass off and are on their diet 100% . It is not Magic!
    Please ,educate yourself before running your mouth

    That’s all off to train dem LEGZ



    Not surprising, but at least she is maintaining her femininity. If she starts getting that deep voice or caveman like jaw, then it might be time for her to quit before she destroys herself.


    Not surprising, but at least she is maintaining her femininity. If she starts getting that deep voice or caveman like jaw, then it might be time for her to quit before she destroys herself.

    Agreed. I posted it as I found her candour refreshing.

    Trash Boat

    It’s quite refreshing she says like it is. Steroids are part of the business. But there is difference in using and abusing.


    PEDs are now “supplements” . . . say what? :huh:

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Nick Furry

    She up to 162 pounds on her Facebook page.

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