SHE-HULK #34 w/ Lady Liberators = Thundra and Valkyrie (Oct ’08)

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    Can't vouch for any femuscularity in this issue, but I can say the teaming-up of She-Hulk, Thundra, and Valkyrie in a single issue is WAY LONG OVERDUE.

    Oh, yes and they threw in the Invisible Woman, too.  8)

    Artwork Link:

    Written by PETER DAVID
    Penciled by GG STUDIO’S
    Cover by MIKE DEODATO JR.
    From the pages of HULK, the Lady Liberators arrive to launch a new story arc! She-Hulk has been capturing the bad-guys as a bounty hunter…but is that enough for our conflicted hero? Time to kick things up a notch" and that means calling in Valkyrie, Thundra and the Invisible Woman to dispense some hard justice as the Lady Liberators! The red-hot team of Peter David (STEPHAN KING’S DARK TOWER) and GG Studio’s Vincenzo Cucca continue to shake things up in a major way for everyone’s favorite green glamazon " and her next big journey starts here!
    32 PGS./Rated T+ …$2.99

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I know this looks like a POV shot, but I wonder why The Invisible Girl looks really tall.


    Interesting, although I'm not sure about the Invisible Woman hanging with those three. Sure, Sue and Jen have been teammates before, but she's not a fighter like the others. She's a heavy hitter in a fight, but she's still more the scientific type.

    We'll see.

    The Muffin man

    Interesting, although I'm not sure about the Invisible Woman hanging with those three. Sure, Sue and Jen have been teammates before, but she's not a fighter like the others. She's a heavy hitter in a fight, but she's still more the scientific type.

    We'll see.

    Well besides being the most powerful of the Fantastic Four, they've also got 3 heavy hitters there, so they'd need some "brains" (i.e someone WELL above average in this case) as well as a defensive power.


    EPIC. Its about time… 😀

    Muscle Growth Nut

    From Scans_Daily, a preview of Hulk #7 featuring the Lady Liberators…

    Drawn by Frank Cho. YES, PLEASE.

    The Muffin man

    From Scans_Daily, a preview of Hulk #7 featuring the Lady Liberators…

    Drawn by Frank Cho. YES, PLEASE.

    This goes against my beliefs of never supporting Jeph Loeb.


    Check this cover out:

    Lord, even the Invisible Woman's pumped up!

    That is awesome!  Now I have to go buy comics again!


    Nice art, but I couldn't help notice the Invisible Woman; I guess cosmic rays wreak havoc with your hips.

    I guess Tigra and Hellcat are there for moral support, haha.

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