SHE-HULK #34 w/ Lady Liberators = Thundra and Valkyrie (Oct ’08)

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    That's Frank Cho!

    Robert McNay

    That's Frank Cho!

    Yeah, the guy that dumped all of us Liberty Meadows fans overboard the second he got a gig with a big comic company.  >:(


    He also has artwork collections in stores.


    Okay. I bought my copy of Hulk #7 (2008). Both Art Adams and Frank Cho are welcome pencilers to this two-story issue. In the Las Vegas story I love how Joe Fixit (Grey Hulk) leaped up to Moon Knight and brought him crashing down. I had imagined a wickedly similar scene between Ultimate Colossus and Goddamn Batman. Colossus' weight brings down a swinging Batman, snapping his batrope. Except, a double strike to the large opponent's ears doesn't work for Bats, especially since he's already pinned down by the weight. Then Ultimate Colossus headbutts Goddamn Bats with severe results. Bat's forehead is smashed in. Bravo victor!

    In the Lady Liberators' story, Frank Cho spares no muscle and height in his female characters. Although, Art Adams did give Ms. Marvel some broad shoulders. We learn in the She-Hulk #34 that was the first time the Lady Liberators gathered under that incarnation. #34 takes place later.

    While I like the gathering of these women, I do wish they had worn extra armor, because the Rulk briefing should have taught them to be more prepared. They didn't appear to have a strategy when they approached Rulk. They may be stronger than the average man, but I'm sick of how they keep losing round 1.
    Also, since when was there a bar on top of Mount Rushmore? If that really existed drunks would be pissing over the side!

    Anyway, thanks to #34 we get the hint that they'll win. Others are bound to join the fight so Rulk will get the pounding he deserves.


    She-Hulk #34 the Lady Liberators go to the aide of a quake struck Middle Eastern country. The women are much slimmer than Frank Cho's rendition, but they're still as tall. Thankfully, Invisible Woman isn't wearing that absurd skimpier outfit from decades ago.

    I like the reasons this team gets together. But I don't agree with the political motives of opposing countries, like Russia and China. The Middle Eastern country has no oil or strategic value. Thus America stays away. But if that's the case, then what interests do Russia and China have there; why would they veto any U.N. resolution against the ruling dicatorship? Why would Russia send the Winter Guard if the country they have nothing to gain? After the Skrull Invasion, I'd imagine they'd keep them home to purge their own nation. If Russia and China value the Marinmer nation then America should be gaining a foothold too.

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