She-Hulk and her Skrull sidekick

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  • #66165
    gimme size

    To me, a lot of Peter David's writing feels just like what it is: the work of a 50 year old guy desperately trying to write as though he's half that age.


    To me, a lot of Peter David's writing feels just like what it is: the work of a 50 year old guy desperately trying to write as though he's half that age.

    Ouch.  He doesn't like me, btw – a few months back I started posted comments on his blog challenging his, ah….let's call them "eccentricities".  From reading his blog, my take is that he's a remarkably angry guy.  He seems to have a huge reservoir of resentment for political conservatives and traditionalists in the U.S. – beyond any reasonable degree of antipathy for the "loyal opposition".  And as someone who is a card-carrying member of both of those groups, it was only too easy for me to respond to his provocation.

    He got angrier still when I started to challenge him and analyze him. I admit it amuses me to poke him – probably a character flaw – but I'm also disappointed and astonished that he has so little to offer She-Hulk fans.  It's almost too easy to mess with the guy.


    I'm enjoying the book. I find it a hell of a lot better than Ally McShe-Hulk that Dan Slott was writing. Dan Slott put his own stamp on her. He marginalized her in her own book while turning her into the Paris Hilton of the Marvel Universe. I'm sure if he continued she would have been in and out of rehab. Well she was in therapy. I just remembered when she couldn't turn into She-Hulk right after her only good storyline.

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