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  • #77930


    It was bound to come at some point…


    Not a surprise.  Peter David was clearly screwing it up from day one.  Hopefully Marvel has given him his last comic to fuck up.


    Crap.  I had a feeling this was coming after Marvel canceled Spider-Girl last month.
    I haven't been too thrilled with the way She-Hulk had been going – the constant turnover of artists, Slott's storylines and characters getting put on the backburner, the sluggish way PAD had been building up the story arc…
    But still, I'm going to miss this title. 



    Peter David's run with She-Hulk for me was up and down and up and down. Now when things are finally start getting interesting, the series is cancelled. I guess it couldn't recover from all the down/lame issues. The comic is going to be missed and maybe it will return one day. Well thank goodness I still have Ms. Marvel.


    Not a surprise.  Peter David was clearly screwing it up from day one.  Hopefully Marvel has given him his last comic to fuck up.

    Amen.  Seriously, what has he ever written that was good enough to justify his continued employment at the House of Ideas?

    Oh, well.  RIP shulkie (yet again…).


    Well, what can I say, I'm sad because she is cancelled, but I have to admit it, like many of you PAD never really got into the title. I don't know, Although Secret Invasion is comming out fairly good ( that's how I see it) I'm kind of tired of all these yearly Universe shattering events. For me, exept for some core titles, All the spread that some events have are way too big, and messy. not to mention that after you read some titles that come out before the Mega event finishes, they alredy show you what became of the big story. (Secret Invasion and the last issue of Ms Marvel)
    I'm not much of a know-all comic book hitory, but hasn't Jen's book benn on of the most cancelled/re-released titles? I mean, four volumes in 25 years, that has to be a record or something.
    What I relly don't get, is that She seems to be an important character in the Marvel U, so why mess with her storylines so much.

    Well, guess I will have to stick with HULK and the LL arc, and see where Ultimatum leads to.


    Disappointed, but not surprised.

    Artwork-wise, it was very good, most of the time.

    Story-wise, it had it moments, but generally was lackluster.

    What was really needed was a writer who both understood the audience (what we were looking for) and had a personal affinity for the character.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I find it kind of sad, considering that David's run on the book has been improving steadily over the last few issues. I guess it was too little, too late, especially considering the downer economy. Marvel's doing a purge of the "cult audience" comics as well as the bombs to save money . . . and She-Hulk's audience has dropped enough to warrant killing it.

    It's too bad, considering that Marvel actually seems to want to make use of Shulkie. Maybe there'll be yet another reboot for her down the line?

    Prophet Tenebrae

    I can't say I'm one of the "I hate PAD" crowd, I rather liked his run and I'm sorry to see him get cancelled. If anything, I got considerably more enjoyment out of it with him at the helm than I did with Dan but then, I rather think that there are probably as many opinions on what would constitute a good She-Hulk comic as there are fans.

    Which is one of the reasons Spider Girl has managed to soldier on despite a similarly sized fanbase… well, minus the recent tell I hear of cancellation but… you know what I mean.

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