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  • #35820

    I thought that WWH#2 wasn't scheduled to hit the comic store stands until next month (July) – or have they moved it up?

    It is, this is just a preview. I just meant when it comes out….BUY IT BUY IT ;D ;D ;D

    AND buy PAD's She-Hulk run. I think this is gonna be her year. And with news that Marvel getting in the movie business… any bets to how long it will be till Shulkie is on the slate?


    Muscle Growth Nut

    And with news that Marvel getting in the movie business… any bets to how long it will be till Shulkie is on the slate?

    I'm pretty sure any chances of a She-Hulk movie would be heavily dependent on how well the Hulk sequel does.


    As rendered by Tom Burgos – WWH She-Hulkie!


    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    Another great interpretation by Tom B., but the more I look at it, the more I wonder if She-Hulk should have beaten up on Pepper Potts instead… ;D

    I'm pretty sure any chances of a She-Hulk movie would be heavily dependent on how well the Hulk sequel does.

    Only if some producer foolishly tries to piggyback his She-Hulk movie onto Incredible Hulk. That mistake seems more likely to be made if Marvel Studios (is that what it's called?) did a She-Hulk movie itself merely because it has the rights to do new Hulk films.

    …teen She-Hulk appears at the beginning of the New Mutants annual.

    From New Mutants Annual #3:


    What just happened there? A kiss? Forget that! I'd rather see Doug Ramsey get it on with the original Psylocke!  😉

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Was she knocked out by his cooties or something?

    Don't underestimate the idiocy of Marvel's film policy – Elektra… eugh.

    We'll be lucky to get a She-Hulk movie or even an appearance by her.


    ??? …if it was Rogue kissing anyone, I'd understand…but this???  And I'm hoping if a She-Hulk movie is made, it doesn't end up like Elektra.  I TRIED watching that movie twice, and still can't remember any of it. 🙁

    Muscle Growth Nut

    Was she knocked out by his cooties or something?

    Looks like he gave her a nerve pinch or something in that panel. Note the impact flash-thing on his thumb.


    Good eye, MGN…I missed that completely.


    Another great interpretation by Tom B., but the more I look at it, the more I wonder if She-Hulk should have beaten up on Pepper Potts instead… ;D

    Only if some producer foolishly tries to piggyback his She-Hulk movie onto Incredible Hulk. That mistake seems more likely to be made if Marvel Studios (is that what it's called?) did a She-Hulk movie itself merely because it has the rights to do new Hulk films.

    From New Mutants Annual #3:

    Wow that super lame.  ??? Sun spot sucks, his power level isn't anywhere even remotely close to Jen's. Again marvel having her get beet by someone with no business even giving her a suggle for more than five seconds before she has him out cold

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