Small (hehe) Update (slightly NSFW)

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  • #55066

    So, Reefal, Higalack, Debido, and Bicepsual dragged me into iScribble. I blame them.

    A little(!) gnome girl, created from boredom, and viewring too much WoW artwork (no, I don't play it)

    And a "dwarven" version, tweaked by Bicepsual.
    Not for the faint of heart, or faint of butt: (don't look, if you don't have a strong stomach)


    So, Reefal, Higalack, Debido, and Bicepsual dragged me into iScribble. I blame them.

    The idea of a strong gnome or halfling in D&D is awesome. here we have a cute little woman with a sweet smile who not onley has biceps bigger than your local circus strongman but also is about 5 times as strong.

    That ROCKS!!!  ;D


    Good looking picture.


    Damn. We need a tank like her in my guild πŸ™‚
    Course, as a warlock, I'd cast seduce her any chance I'd get ('sepcially during those long Molten Core runs) πŸ™‚


    Thanks guys πŸ™‚ I'm working on a few more things. (Any D&D nerd out there knows how to get "Powerful Build" as a template or PrC?)
    Here's an idea I started, and did out of boredom:
    Of course, that's not even close to something like Smith would do, but it's a good start πŸ˜€
    khuddle, just let me finish those gauntlets of Greater Mighty Wallop πŸ˜‰


    Thanks guys πŸ™‚ I'm working on a few more things. (Any D&D nerd out there knows how to get "Powerful Build" as a template or PrC?)
    Here's an idea I started, and did out of boredom:
    Of course, that's not even close to something like Smith would do, but it's a good start πŸ˜€
    khuddle, just let me finish those gauntlets of Greater Mighty Wallop πŸ˜‰

    I don't know of any Prestige classes but there are a few thing that you can do to start off with Powerful build. Unfortunatly they are all foe medium sized races.

    You can play as a goliath or half giant. the final thing isn't really powerful build but its kind of similer.

    In the forgoten realms there is a feat called Jotunbrud that a human from either the Damaran or the Illuskan lands can take as a starting feat. A human with this feat is considered a large size when making an opposed roll when it is advantagious (such as grapple and bull rush) ferther more you are considered a large creature when a monster is trying to use a special attack like swallow hole and improved grab.

    Those are the only ways that I know of to have powerful build that are in the books. It is rather easey to make up something and see if your DM will let you use it though or better yet if your the game master to make up an NPC who hasa been magically altered to have it.  πŸ˜€


    Taking the blame for a neat pic of a cute (rich as it seems) and muscular female dwarf? NO PROBLEM!


    Hee hee, She sure is strong for a girl with pink hair. Nice work Dwarfalous!

    ze fly

    Positively & absolutely great!

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