So.. what makes the art?

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  • #27964
    Amazon Lover

    I must confess… I have a tendency to skip through many worthy sections of the Amaz0ns forum (And go straight to the muscle growth art), and today I decided to look at the sections I normally miss.  I regret that I hadn't seen this thread sooner, as I have some beliefs on this.
    Art is a message from the artist to the viewer.  It can convey a thought, an idea, an emotion, or any other concept.  What makes GOOD art is the connection the viewer feels to the artist.  How do the artist and art viewer connect?  Through the concept the art conveys.  All of us connect to Kulli, DCM, Dr. Otto, etc. through a mutual agreement on feminine beauty.  When DCM draws Tetsuko, he and I are in agreement on the idea that how Tetsuko looks is beautiful.  Were he to make a girl that he found attractive that I didn't like quite as much (Highly unlikely! 😀 ), there isn't a connection and then – at least in my eyes – it's not good art.  The fact that it wouldn't be good art IN MY EYES is key; for what makes good art lies in the eyes of the beholder.

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