So which popular superheroine is your favorite in the FMG department?

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    I guess when you say popular the their are a few obvious ones that everyone knows, but your post reminded me of perhaps the must muscular female I've ever seen in mainstream comics. It was a marvel mini-series out of the UK and I think it was called Plasmer? or something like that were a scientist tries to recreate a scientific/mystic experiment that turned her male associate into some uber Superior being (hes not in the comic) . The experiment seems to fail but it really splits her into two beings, one totally the same except evil as heck but the other undergoes extream muscle growth ( she can also grow into a freaky looking giant).


    Caitlin Fairchild, Just because:

    Caitlin is a fan of the bands Massive Attack, Elastica, and The Beastie Boys.

    Woot woot.


    I would say She-Hulk from her "Savage" era, as the current comic on the shelves these days is an abomination to the character.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    To be honest, her savage days were pretty dire too… even Dan Slott's wacky antics don't quite match up to the really stupid stuff that happened in Savage… and of course, it wasn't even trying to be silly like Byrne's stuff was.


    But it did give us grey she-hulk!  That panel of her pushing off all those demons while splashing in that nasty looking water will be forever etched into my memory.  Those hulking muscles, shredded shirt, and split open pants will be hard to forget!


    I have to bring this up now that we've touched upon Savage She-Hulk;

    You guys notice how many phallic enemies She-Hulk had to fight back in her savage days? Let's see… there was a giant silver snake, there was Elephant Man, there was that giant antenna that she snapped off, and if your're really reaching for it, there was her fight with Man-Thing…

    Just saying it seems the writer kept pitting her against things resembling or referencing male genitalia. Don't believe me? It's there in the comics in black and white! (Well, only black and white if all you have is the Essentials reprints.)

    Muscle Growth Nut

    I would say She-Hulk from her "Savage" era, as the current comic on the shelves these days is an abomination to the character.

    Speaking as a Marvel geek, I must speak out in defense of one of the few remaining well-written comics left in the universe. I challenge you to a duel, Ghostface! Infinity Gauntlets at dawn!


    She-Hulk. But I love watching Jun Fudo turn into Devil Lady.

    Deadly Pixxxie

    She Hulk for the badass clothes ripping….and Caitlin Fairchild because I'm a tall redhead named Caitlyn. 🙂


    One thing I'd like to see is a Saiyan Woman go Super Saiyan. That's something we've been horribly robbed of in the Dragonball Canon.

    But… fortunely, Saiyan Women + Power of the Internet = Some big beefy goldies.  ;D

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