Some of my older female bodybuilder toons

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  • #75589

    Nice looking sketches, Greg!  Think we could see her in a bikini too?  Not that her costume isn't revealing, just would be nice to see her in something a little more relaxed. 🙂

    Greg B

    Bikini?  I don't think she could fit in a bikini! It's part of a plot device I have worked in for a future story.

    Right now I'm working on my website to make it more affordable and add more tutorials.  With the new video options I can add easier video tutorials so you guys can see me drawing Pam Wham and comic book pages at that.

    I figure if I'm gonna have a site I oughtta teach you guys how to make money as well.


    Thanks fellas!

    Yes, she loves bubble gum.

    She's not too bright. Real short on the IQ level which is part of the comedy of the toon.

    Sorry to hear she's not too bright.  At least in fiction, this trait wouldn't wind me up as it would in reality.  Who are the other girls in your initial posted ensemble piece?

    Greg B

    Well Pam Wham is the comic relief of the group so that's why she's the typical 'dumb blonde'.  It leads to real comic adventure.  You'll love it.


    Videos? Awesome to hear! I've been badgering a few of the regular artists on here for videos of them working for a while now.

    Those sketches look great. I'm glad you're not adding extra muscular definition at the expense of the curves you always draw so well.

    Hanging out for that update. Can't wait!


    Well Pam Wham is the comic relief of the group so that's why she's the typical 'dumb blonde'.  It leads to real comic adventure.  You'll love it.

    I'm sureit does, and I'm not complaining, just observing that I find it a little bit sad that the most amazonic character is a bit dim.

    Greg B

    I'm sureit does, and I'm not complaining, just observing that I find it a little bit sad that the most amazonic character is a bit dim.

    That's the appeal of the comic is that she's so dumb.  She's also Hulk strong and her clumsiness leads to the comedy.

    I've decided to give them their own website where I'll feature their adventures but keep the tutorials and tutorial videos on my main site.


    This would make a great adult swim cartoon series.
    I can see it now
    FACE: hey girls great news were a cartoon series!
    FACE:but with minor changes.
    POW OW: NO way am I going to be drawn like I have not eaten in months!
    FACE: NO!NO!NO!BOOBS & Biceps stay!!
    It Just have to wear….. School uniforms,


    The tall one looks like she's about to pick her nose.  ;D Great whimsical characters there, thanks for sharing!

    I'm sorry for butting in but…..she is placing her finger on her mouth in deep thought. She is a big clumsy ox and is puzzled all the time about simple things.


    I'm sorry for butting in but…..she is placing her finger on her mouth in deep thought. She is a big clumsy ox and is puzzled all the time about simple things.

    I gathered that, it was just amusing because the angle made it look like she was about to pick her nose! ;D

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