something fishy

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  • #53178

    Howdy folks.  I know most of you have never heard of me, but while randomly surfing today, I have found myself plagarized.  I saw the companion board of, and lo and behold, there is my story "Jackie and the Beanstalk", albeit with a bunch of crap I never put into it. 

    I don't know who decided to take my story and add their own fantasy into it, but that is definitely not cool with me.  I'd appreciate it if someone removed that ASAP. 

    You know, any of you folks thinking, "Geez, what's the big deal…" the big deal is that it WAS my story.  It was something that I put time into, and something I shared with the community when I was more active.  To steal someone's material is filthy.  If you want your own fantasy based on that fairy-tale, then write your own, and don't put your fingering-fantsies into mine.  I wrote mostly clean fiction, and what's there right now pisses me off.  Not to mention whomever added their own crap on can't spell worth shit and the grammar is awful.  Anyone who ever read the original on ZZZ's sites knows it's mine, and these rewrites make me look like some stupid sex obsessed 13 year old. 

    Grow up.  Write your own stories, or fantasize on your own hard drive.  But whomever you are, I hope you get a nasty paper cut dipped in lemon juice before you take finger to your keyboard to plagarize one of my stories again.



    This is one of those situations where you could have sent me a message saying, "Hey, btw, there's a story up on that has been plagiarized from my writing," and I would have responded very sympathetically and tried to get to the bottom of it.

    But since you decided to come by and flame several thousand people because one person did you wrong, you won't be getting the sympathy.  And we can do this in public if that's the way you prefer it.

    That said, please provide some form of documentation showing that you authored the story in question, "Jackie and the Beanstalk," and I'll be happy to remove it from  Any dated posting on the web or Usenet will be sufficient.


    Now that I've had a half hour or so to cool off, I will admit that my post came off a bit harsh.  However, it's quite jarring to see one's work stolen like that.  I'm sure you'd agree that it's not fun to be plagarized.

    As for proof, no.  I don't have "proof" on the internet that it's my story, other than my own disc with a file date.  I can't prove that I posted it on ZZZ's Giantess Grows site in 2000, as that website had been purged many times over since then. 

    So, I guess if you leave it up, I don't really have any recourse, other than to reiterate to anyone reading that I did not add the porno party that takes place in the middle of the story.

    I would just hope no one else ever has the cruel shock of seeing their words twisted and claimed by someone else.



    I've contacted the person who posted the story to and asked him to explain its origins.  In the meantime, if any other reader recalls that this story was written by Kate, please PM me.


    I can testify for the age of Kate's story(s), since I was involved with both of the ZZZ forums and had at one time archived her stories on my web site The High Castle.

    Further, with Kate's permission, a few years ago, I re-archived her works on Oz's – of which, they are still there in the library section.

    Another witness would be Silent One, who also was involved with the ZZZ forums.  You can PM him to verify it.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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