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  • #62178

    Sorry I've been gone from here for so long peoples and friends. Things have been… very tiring… I was out of the gym for three months due to my ever poor health and just got back in last week. So as a result, I felt reluctant to post here. I mean no progress, no questions… What else was there to post except to keep up with friends? And that I'm afraid I'm not very good at.

    Anyways, to get to the point, I finally saw an edocrinologist… My system, simply put, is royally screwed up. lol The doc himself even called it crap.
    To explain more clearly, my blood tests show that my T3 and T4 thyroid hormones are low… My testosterone, which for a woman, should be between .1 and .71, is high at .77. I know, .77 doesn't seem high compared to the range of .1 and .71, but the doc said it really is. On top of all that, my cortisol is crazy. It won't settle either high or low or normal so my body doesn't have time to adjust.

    Armed with all this information, my doc set out to start off balancing my T3 and T4… So far… My body's responded fine to the T3… But… the T4… is not changing… Even after I accidentally overdosed on my medication for it for three weeks. There were thankfully no negative effects of the OD, but the T4 in my system did not rise at all, nor did my T3 raise, which is converted from T4. So apparently.. My body's just tossing it out the window.

    What does this all mean? All three problems are major factors in causing deep fatigue, libido loss(mine's virtually non-existant), and memory loss. All three are also coincidentally, the same indicators of early stage alzheimer's. Don't have alzheimer's, but same indicators, to give you an idea of just how bad the fatigue and memory loss can be. I can function mentally, but I get very frustrated with my memory.

    And as for the fatigue… Well, with the triple whammy of those problems, I've been going downhill for 10 years with no real medical help until now. It's a matter of getting so gradually worse off you don't notice it until you can't see the top of the well anymore. It's like the experiment of boiling a frog. If you drop it right in boiling water, it'll jump out. But if you put it in the pot of water and slowly raise the heat a bit at a time… it won't notice.. and boil to death… That's basically my situation the last 10 years. I knew I wasn't getting better, I knew I was ill, but I didn't realize how bad it was getting.

    Sorry for this post being such a downer, but… I dunno, I guess I felt I owed people as much of an explanation as I felt a need to get some of this weight off my shoulders.
    I've gotten back into the gym since last week as I said, but I feel like I've been set so far back by the three months out. I'm almost back to where I started.



    Great to hear from you again, in any event.  I'm sorry about your tough times. 🙁  Will keep you in my prayers.


    ::hugs tight:: Thanks so much, Jimmy.


    Best wishes – I've not read that many of your posts, but I know from those that I have read that you are motivated and really want to be buff and fit.  Let's hope that, with your endocrine system working better, you'll be able to achieve your goals.


    Thanks CP. IF we can get my endocrine system in order. I just pray it can happen.


    well I wish you a speedy recovery asap, day by day, and I'm glad to hear you going back to the gym, eating the right foods along with consistent exercise can only help you in the long run 🙂


    I'm sorry to hear that, and sincerely hope you recover. Just don't give up on yourself! People bounce back from the worst of things, so keep up the effort.

    Its good to see you post, that in itself is helpful to just talk about it. Don't be a stranger!


    Thanks Lion, and FM. ::hugs:: lol Though FM, this is supposed to be my bounce back. This is 10 long years of supposed recovery from cancer and chemotherapy and it's left me worse than ever.


    Try looking up Hashimoto's Thyroiditis on WebMD. 


    Thanks Lion, and FM. ::hugs:: lol Though FM, this is supposed to be my bounce back. This is 10 long years of supposed recovery from cancer and chemotherapy and it's left me worse than ever.

    Sorry! Still relatively new here, but looks like you worked around my misguided post =)

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