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  • #62188

    More Big Hugs – and a Lift and Carry, too.  ;D

    Wondered where you might have gone, sorry about all your physical probs, I'm pulling for you in my prayers.  8)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Zespara Alathar

    This is 10 long years of supposed recovery from cancer and chemotherapy and it's left me worse than ever.

    I feel your pain.  I had colon cancer surgery last year followed by eight months of chemotherapy which I still have not recovered from.  My fingers have 80% feeling back but my feet are around 50%.  The nerves have been affected by the chemo.

    Chemo is poison pure and simple.  It'll get rid of what ails you but it can give you more problems as a result.  Aside from the appendaches, the chemo has given me a blood clot in the leg which I've since rid myself of.  My blood sugar level has been elevated from the chemo also which may or may not be why I have problems with my feet and hands.

    But the cancer is gone!  So good things do happen.  I was only at Stage 1 when I was diagnosed.  🙂

    So hang in there and keep a positive attitude.  It's worked wonders for me and my friends notice it also.



    wow 10 years is a long time but it sounds like you are handling this battle to the best of your ability, I wish you the speediest recovery as humanly possible, you are a true female warrior and I would have no problem training alongside you in the gym 🙂


    wow 10 years is a long time but it sounds like you are handling this battle to the best of your ability, I wish you the speediest recovery as humanly possible, you are a true female warrior and I would have no problem training alongside you in the gym 🙂

    It's that sort of toughness and a diferent sort of strength that should be celebrated more in women.  I admire her for her fortitiude. 8) 😉


    It's that sort of toughness and a diferent sort of strength that should be celebrated more in women.  I admire her for her fortitiude. 8) 😉

    I agree most definitely 🙂


    Thanks so much guys. I just really hope my body starts responding to the medication. I miss going to the gym. On the upside, I managed to go to the Louisiana Renfair this past Saturday. So right now I'm recovering from the consequences, basically my body acts like it's got a cold a few days when I overexert myself like that. But it was worth it. Funny thing of it all. I was walking all day long and the muscles in my legs didn't tired out at all. XD My heel, however, is another matter, as is my back. So I guess that's one thing I gained from the gym in the past year or so. My back will always be a problem, but my legs are great for walking. lol Just need to see a podiatrist to get my heel fixed. Or at least get the pain out.

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