special request…

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  • #9116
    damn frenchy

    hi all. i found this pic of Tricia Helfer on the web, and thought it would be great to see this beauty turn into a GTS. so my request (since i dont have any tools to do so) would be if somebody could do just that. i've seen many great transormation pics in this site, and would like to know if anybody would be up to the task. still or animated would be great!! involving all the great stuff, or as much as possible.Β  πŸ˜€
    thanks to all who try
    ps. foot growth would be sweet! lol

    magnus knight

    I will try, but don't expect too much, I just did my first manip yesterday and am already flooded with requests. And I'm still not exactly sure as to what the hell I'm doing.  πŸ˜•
    _M. Knight

    magnus knight

    The pic is done and at my group.  πŸ˜‰
    _Magnus Knight
    PS: there is another one there I did too.

    damn frenchy

    The pic is done and at my group.Β  πŸ˜‰
    _Magnus Knight
    PS: there is another one there I did too.

    hey Magnus. Thanks for the prompt reply to my request, and for your efforts towards the giantification (is that a word??? lol) of this woman. unfortunatly, i am unable to locate this pic on your website, as it mentions that i am not autorized to view many sections of your site. any suggestion on how i may view your work?

    on another note, keep up the great work with all your wild and crazy Giantess fantasies you keep supplying us with. I truely am looking forwards to reading up on your interprataion of pixies feet bursting out of her loafers… πŸ˜€

    damn frenchy

    just wanted to make a correction on my last post, in which i wrote Deadly Pixxxie's "Pixxxie" name wrong.

    sorry about that Pixxxie…

    hope this wont make you grow into a Goddess to then come crush me…Β  Β πŸ™„

    magnus knight

    I posted a general reply to all the people with problems viewing files on my group earlier today.  I believe I titled it "about files" or something.  That should clear it up for you.  And remember, never force a lady to grow, for they grow when they want to. 

    Deadly Pixxxie

    just wanted to make a correction on my last post, in which i wrote Deadly Pixxxie's "Pixxxie" name wrong.

    sorry about that Pixxxie…

    hope this wont make you grow into a Goddess to then come crush me…  πŸ™„

    Awww. you shouldn't have apologized….I would have gotten all worked up and burst out of my shoes.  πŸ˜›

    magnus knight

    Hey Pixxxie, I see your new Gwen pic you use now.  Wouldn't it be interesting to see a pic or read a story about her as a giantess or something.  Makes you wonder, don't it.  😐

    Deadly Pixxxie

    Hey Pixxxie, I see your new Gwen pic you use now.  Wouldn't it be interesting to see a pic or read a story about her as a giantess or something.  Makes you wonder, don't it.  😐

    It kind of does, actually…she's got adorable little features and she'd make a cool giantess. Not too big, though…I like my giantesses around 8-10 feet tall.

    And the real question is….what era of Gwen Stefani? Early ND…Tragic Kingdom…Return Of Saturn…Rocksteady or L.A.M.B.?


    Im a big fan of gwen, i have already done one pic of her buffed up

    and i have just started to work on another pic of her, and im thinking that after i had buffed her up i would make here a mini giantess too… what do u recon?


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