Star Wars (The All-Encompassing Comprehensive Thread)

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  • #132799
    Nemo Nusquam

    New (?) character on Star Wars Annual #2, the name is Pash Davane, nicknamed Bash.



    Aside from my normal finding page I figure since I have well over 100 findings ill be starting a new comic threat, so the other one doesn’t get out of control and stays focused. I wont bother posting links to them because there is a link limit each thread and I wasted an hour and a half last week for nothing 😛 Some of these have been mentioned here and I sporadically look sometimes so these aren’t really full listings either has there may be other things ive missed or haven’t added yet.

    Most of my findings can be read which has been mentioned several times on this site

    First up

    Poof Comics, by Personality comics. 19 issues I haven’t looked through them all since some are missing but there are muscley Paraodied women all throughout.

    Gold Digger, Various stuff all over the books,
    – 6 has a villain taking a monster potion and she grows muscular.
    -42. A villainess has arm musculature more so than usual, (this happens with one of the main characters often as its part of their fighting style)
    -13 Muscular mother of the diggers
    -89 Muscular pendant that makes lower half muscular

    Starstruck, by marvel this miniseries has a main character whose drawn muscular in a lot of panels

    Deathmate, “Black” Valiant comics. Fairchild is drawn as big as youll ever see her (other than a growth ill show later) for the first half the book, don’t know what happened halfway through.

    Gen 13 v4 #9 Caitlin hulks out due to a virus that does that to people, few other muscular women in the book like a demoness or something.

    Hunter Killer #5 by Top cow, atleast the cover has a muscular woman

    Hulk 2099 #6 Two women who frequent the books get gamma radiation and hulk out for a few panels.

    Xmen 2099 #32 Muscular woman with axe (Auntie Maime)

    Spawn Dark Ages #3 Muscular demons throughout book

    Green Lantern 1990
    -21, Star Saphire is drawn like a shit brick house here
    -148, Jade is drawn even better

    Birds of prey 1999 #103 Hulked out inmate, Barda vs Knockout cover

    Purgatori 1998 #5 Purgatori kinda hulks out at the end.

    Purgatori vs Chasity

    Uncanny xmen # 528 Emmas has a bodybuilder physique in 1 panel

    Ghostrider 2099 #11 Muscular redhead


    Fantastic Four 2099 #3 and 5 muscular women (some butch)

    Wet Works, Image comics
    #15 Muscular women or Vampires not sure
    #37 &39 Muscular alien woman
    #3 Woman turns into a hulking vampire
    #6 Same woman jacked in the gym in human form

    Youngblood 1995
    #9 Woman appears to be a monster

    Take a chance by AAM-Markosia Muscular main character

    Heroic spotlight, by heroic publishing #5 muscular female weightlifter football player, and a couple others later on in womens room


    Fantastic Four 2099 #3 and 5 muscular women (some butch)

    Wet Works, Image comics
    #15 Muscular women or Vampires not sure
    #37 &39 Muscular alien woman
    #3 Woman turns into a hulking vampire
    #6 Same woman jacked in the gym in human form

    The Mantle, Image Comics, Giant muscular woman throughout most of it
    Youngblood 1995
    #9 Woman appears to be a monster

    Take a chance by AAM-Markosia Muscular main character

    Heroic spotlight, by heroic publishing
    #5 muscular female weightlifter football player, and a couple others later on in womens room
    #13 woman becomes slightly more muscular woman with wings
    #23 Pretty muscular blond

    Batman Annual 1 bloodlines somewhat muscular blond fights along side bats

    Nick Furry

    I hate that link limit also. Been burned several time by that also

    Great stuff you have before great stuff now. Keep it coming!

    Efran Fernandez

    Great find links, fungo09. I keep this reminder for i’m post on my Wikia site blog to announe the users.

    Bane Dorrance


    Ninja Turtles 1996 (Image Compics) The first few issues has a bunch of muscular female ninjas lead by Dimiko, who returns in the later books. (there are only 25 altogether) The last book she is drawn very thin for some reason.

    Ninja Turtles Present April oniel the May east saga #1 (Archie comics) April is drawn buff even through her jacket, then a ancestor of hers (from what I gather, I skimmed through) has a muscle growth into a large female robot, it should be noted the look the same. 3 other books still haven’t looked at.

    Marvel Supersoldier #8 Muscular super soldiers in gym (may be other instances in this mini series, I forget)

    Spider woman 1999 #12 Muscular werewolf

    Blade Vampire Hunter 1994 #2 Muscular female vampire (kinda veiny and not SUPER huge)

    Strangers in paradise (Abstract Studio) #3 Muscular female trainer #36 Muscular female Assasin

    Starwars X-wing (Marvel) #35 & #27 (maybe more) Muscular x-wing pilot which has gotten more muscular as series continued. And a muscular granny (more fit)

    Image Comics Backlash #25 Few fit chicks, then at the end of the book Doris D looks brutish behind her desk.

    Mister Mircale 1989 # 25 #26 #28 Muscular Barda and female wrestlers and Bardas mother also a bunch of people turn into muscular monsters.

    X-men Legacy #278 Rogue absorbs a bunch of powers has some size and muscles but her arms are ice.

    Legacy of Luthor strode #1 Muscular female assassin

    The First (Cross Gen Comics) #14 muscular blue woman

    Superman (1987) #148 Muscular female warrior


    Web of spiderman annual #10 Muscular prison woman

    Absolution & Absolution Rubicon have Alpha, a muscular team member.

    Faust Signa’s Talons (Avatar Press) Muscular female vampires (pretty built not hulking) I also think theyre drawn bigger the more powerful they are but im not sure.

    Faust Loved of the Damned, Same as above. Both NSFW

    Cant find this anywhere (though I probably couldve looked harder

    Alpha flight 1983 #110 fatish muscular mutant, also in surrounding books I think

    God Complex (Image comics) #7 Muscular Mohawk archer (more bulky thick than super muscle)

    Purgatori vs Lady Death (Chaos comics) at the end Purgatori kinda grows tall and thicker and has TRAPS when angry.

    Superman: The Man of Steel (1991) Issue #1,000,000 Has the Metal men, ones a muscularish woman

    Battle Axes (Dc/ Vertigo comics) muscular women all over, may even be a muscle growth

    Resident evil 2009 (DC comics) redhead is built pretty well in a lot of panels.

    Bodycount Image comics a mini series where in the last book the woman is drawn jacked as hell, maybe she transformed.

    Marvel Fearless defenders, all the marvel women drawn pretty well here, theres one that’s revived, like an ancient greek or something shes pretty jacked


    You ROCK, fungo!!!

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