Stories about weakening men and growing women.

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  • #88497

    Hi everyone, I'm sort of new to this whole scene and I was wondering if any of you would be kind enough to provide some information on a specific subset of growth fetish.  I've become fascinated with stories where a man of equal or greater size and strength to a woman slowly has his strength taken away and grows weaker and weaker while the woman gains size and strength and grows larger and larger.  I especially enjoy the idea of diet control and restriction being used to make the male grow smaller and weaker.

    I like both the actual physical shrinking process and the physical descriptions of of the bony, frail male body especially in contrast to the growing, powerful female one. I like the descriptions of weakness and struggling the guy experiences as well as his feelings and thoughts when being so reduced and controlled.  It's also interesting to read the female perspective of such stories, how they react and treat the small frail man and using her size and power to seduce him.  There is just something about exploring the depths of male weakness and helplessness and the psychology behind it that is such a turn on.

    I've only read a few such stories, and they seem to be pretty difficult to find.  One story in particular I believe was written by a frequenter of these forums, goes by the handle 'Marknew' and wrote a story called "A Real Fantasy" that introduced me to this fetish.  Other similar examples of humilation, body transformation etc is a story called "Capturing Jason" by this guy named fucil99.  So I'm wondering if it would be possible for someone to point me to the right direction for this type of fiction, if there is more of it on the internet.  Thanks!


    I set up several years ago to begin categorizing stories:

    Male shrinkage:

    M -> F transfer:


    Go to Marknew's bookshelf at Diana the Valkyrie. You have picked a good writer for the genre to start off with and if you want woman to triumph over man, he is one of the best.

    Mr. Schmoe

    Is this what you had in mind? If so, enjoy.

    Ever wonder what has become of Eva Pogacnik?. Do you want to know the truth? YOU CAN'T HANDLE THE TRUTH!
    I'm going to tell you anyway. I can barely believe it myself. I'm Eva's boyfriend and a bodybuilder myself. One day Eva asked me if I love her. I said that I do with all my heart. She then asked if I would do anything to help her reach her bodybuilding goals. She has always had me wrapped around her finger, so
    I said that I would.
    The next day an old gypsy woman showed up at our door. Eva said that she could cast a spell that would transfer my size and strength to her. I didn't believe it but played along, anyway. We went outside and Eva set up a video camera saying she wants to record this. The old gypsy woman told us to hold hands and started to chant a spell. I coudn't believe what heppened next. The photo below shows how we looked up until then. I felt a tingling sensation as I felt my self begin to shrink as I watched Eva begin to grow.

    . She uses me to pleasure herself whenever she pleases. Indeed,  I'm basicly a dildo with a little guy attatched – her play thing.  AND LOVIN' EVERY MINUTE OF IT,  BY THE WAY!!! 😀 

    disclaimer: enhancements by the master, jdm022


    Role Reversal, by Bikeman

    Easily my favorite female growth / male shrinkage story… The sequel’s not as good IMO but I still enjoyed it.

    You should also check out “The Spell” by Marknew if you don’t mind a long read. Also check out Morpheus, Lingster, and SeaRaven for some consistently good authors.

    Also, Powerfemme parts I-III, Alt.Univ, Mistress of the House, and ABX are must-reads for any growth fetishist.

    Growing Into Herself (I think that’s the name) is great too but it’s not in the specific sub-genre you requested.

    Prophet Tenebrae

    Somewhat related and someone came into #FTF10 literally today for the express purpose of asking for stories that involve the growing female/shrinking male dynamic and mentioned Greapos – who has a few stories that basically involve the wife growing and then the husband shrinking due to her spontaneous lactation.

    It’s mostly growth and BE – I’m not sure they’re found outside TOB.

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