Stormwatch’s Flint

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    I'm curious, has anyone talked about Flint from Stormwatch or even shown some pictures of her? I've never read Stormwatch and I can't say if she was a good or bad character:

    This was the first picture of Flint I saw, behind Rose Tattoo:


    Flint was a "hero" the last time I looked. Notice i use the term hero a little lightly because Stormwatch were a government brantch and had to follow some questionable orders. She was deffinately a cool character though and had some of the ugly realiteis of super strength appear in her books. An example of this is once on a mission to rescue hostages she snuck up on a guy and socked him in the jaw so hard his head exploded and since Image was run buy artests (which had both good and bad points) you got to see all the details. Busted bones pushing though the skin, eyes popping out, teeth shattered, I even think there was some brain matter. It was sick and rather neet  ;D I always liked the character but felt she never got enough show time. She ussually made a social appearence or two and then threw some punches and that was about it.

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