- This topic has 10 replies, 9 voices, and was last updated 18 years ago by
Hunter S Creek.
February 15, 2007 at 7:52 pm #47356
ParticipantStud Juice
By MorpheusNick held up the glass of dark red liquid and smiled in satisfaction. It had taken him a lot of time, a lot of effort, and a lot of money, but he'd finally done it. After several years, he'd finally found something that made it all worth it.
Nick had spent the last several years playing around with alchemy, mostly as a hobby at first. But then he'd had the good fortune of stumbling across a real alchemical formula, one that he notes swore actually worked. It had immediately caught his attention and he'd spent a lot of time trying to get it to work and trying to get all the rare ingredients. Some of them were exceptionally rare and therefore extremely expensive. In fact, one of them was so hard to find that Nick actually had to go in on this with his two closest friends, but it would soon all be worth it.
"Carrie's gonna shit her pants," Nick smirked as he thought of his wife. She was always nagging him about wasting time and money on his alchemy, but he was going to show her. "She'll regret ever doubting me…"
Here in Nick's hand was the culmination of his work, the completed potion. The notes he'd found described it as an elixir for health, vitality, and strength, but after reading some of what it could do, Nick preferred to think of it as stud juice. Because after he was done drinking it, he'd definitely become a stud.
"Not a whole lot here," Nick mused as he looked at the glass of stud juice, knowing that this was quite deceptive. There might only be enough for one small glass, but there were actually three full doses of the potion. "Enough for all three of us."
Nick smiled as he thought of his partners, his two best friends Brad and Jeff. The final ingredient for the stud juice had been nearly impossible to find, the dried berries of a plant that was supposed to be extinct. Fortunately, Nick found someone who possessed a few berries and who would be willing to sell them to him for only fifty thousand dollars. Of course, that was much more than Nick could afford on his own, but with his two friends adding their money as well he was able to buy the berries and complete the stud juice.
After a minute, Nick set the glass down on the table and reached for the phone. It was time to call Brad and Jeff over so they could drink to their health and reap the benefits of all his hard work. He could barely wait to see the look on Carrie's face when she saw his 'nonsense' worked.
"Damn him," Carrie scowled as she looked at her bank statement, cursing her husband Nick and wondering what he was up to now.
Carrie shook her head in frustration, wishing that for just once she could get ahead. She spent the entire day working her butt off so they could pay the bills while her husband hadn't worked in several months. It would have been one thing if he'd just been unable to find a new job, but he hadn't even really been looking. She was tired of being the sole earner in the household and having to support him.
"I'm the woman," she grumbled to herself, "If anyone should be staying at home, it's me…"
Of course, Carrie didn't really want to be a stay at home wife…she just didn't want her husband being such a deadbeat. Just for once she wished he'd help her out. But instead of looking for a job, Nick spent all his time on that weird alchemy stuff. It wouldn't be so bad if it was just a hobby, but he preferred to do that instead of the things that needed to be done, like pay the bills.
"What's he up to this time?" Carrie demanded as she looked over her bank statement again.
More than fifteen thousand dollars had been taken out of their bank account without any explanation. It was their entire savings, not even leaving enough for Carrie to pay all their bills that month. She couldn't imagine what Nick was spending her hard earned money on this time. She was afraid though that she'd get home and find an expensive new entertainment system. That would be just like Nick."Damn him," Carrie cursed Nick again. If it wasn't for the fact that she still loved him, she would have divorced him already. As it was, she was beginning to think about it more and more recently. And it wasn't like she was too old and unattractive to get another man if she really wanted to.
With that, Carrie paused to look down at herself, thinking that she looked pretty good. She was only 26, had perky B cup breast and a fairly nice figure. Sure, her shoulder length brown hair was somewhat plain, but she thought that she was still quite pretty. And Nick, in spite of his flaws thought so as well.
"It's lucky for him I still love him," Carrie muttered as she made her way home. "But we're still going to have to talk about this fifteen thousand dollars…"
When Carrie arrived home, she looked around in annoyance, then noticed a glass of dark red liquid sitting on the table by the door. Her mood eased a little as she realized Nick must have poured her a glass of wine to have waiting when she got home.
"He's just trying to soften me up for the money talk," Carrie muttered to herself.
With that, Carrie picked up the glass of wine. Normally she preferred to sip her wine, but she was in a bad enough mood that she just gulped down the entire glass. It all burned going down, more like whisky than wine. And the taste…
"Nasty," Carrie winced in disgust.
Just then, Nick stepped into the room holding three shot glasses. He took one look at her and gasped, "I wasn't expecting you home yet…"
"This wine is foul," Carrie exclaimed, glaring at Nick and wondering if this was his idea of a joke. "It's turned to vinegar…"
"Oh shit," Nick gasped, staring at the empty glass with a look of horror on his face. "That wasn't wine…"
"WHAT?" Carrie demanded.
"You weren't supposed to drink that," Nick exclaimed, "That was for me and the guys…"
"What the hell was that then?" Carrie glared at him, sure that it wasn't poison if Nick had intended it for himself.
"That's the stud juice…the health potion I've been working on," Nick told her, unable to take his eyes off the empty glass. "I finished it this morning…" Then he stared at her, gulping as he realized that she had just drank three full doses, more than fifty thousand dollars worth of potion.
"This stuff?" Carrie demanded angrily. "And tell me, what did you do with that money you took from our account? We need it for the bills…"
"I bought stuff for the potion," Nick tried to explain. "But you…"
"YOU BLEW OUR MONEY ON THIS?" Carrie screamed, throwing the glass to the floor at his feet where it shattered. She glared at him furiously before turning and storming to the bedroom, slamming the door behind her and shouting, "YOU'RE SLEEPING ON THE COUCH TONIGHT!"
"But… But…," Nick stammered, "You drank it all…" When Carrie didn't answer, he winced, "The guys are gonna be pissed…" He didn't know how he'd explain this to them. Then again, he wasn't even sure how three full doses would effect Carrie. He winced, "This isn't good…"
February 15, 2007 at 7:54 pm #47357Morpheus
ParticipantWhen Carrie woke up in the morning, she was surprised at just how awake and energetic she felt. She normally didn't feel this alert until after her first cup of coffee. However, she wasn't one to look a gift horse in the mouth and hurried to take her morning shower before work.
"Strange," Carrie frowned slightly, thinking that everything felt a little off. She couldn't quite place what it was though other than that she felt…different. It wasn't a bad different though. Far from it. She felt extremely good. "I must have slept a lot better than normal without Nick in the bed with me."
Carrie shook her head, thinking about how Nick had been blabbering a bunch of nonsense about his potion through the door at her the night before. She hadn't paid him any attention though and had done her best to ignore him. She hadn't even left the room for dinner, choosing instead to break into her secret chocolate stash rather than facing Nick.
"I want to strangle him," Carrie grimaced, hardly able to believe that he'd waste fifteen thousand dollars on some silly magic potion. "This alchemy thing has just gone too far…" After a moment, she decided that it was time for the ultimatum. Nick was going to have to choose between the alchemy or her. "I can't deal with this anymore…"
Carrie climbed into the shower and began washing her body, still fuming about Nick and what he'd done. But after a minute, she paused, finally noticing what was different with her body. She stared down at her breasts, startled to realize that they looked bigger and fuller. And more than that, when she looked over the rest of her body, she seemed much more firm and athletic looking than normal.
"Impossible," Carrie exclaimed, sure that it was her mind playing tricks on her. After all of Nick's going on about how his potion was supposed to make him much healthier and more fit, it was only natural that she'd start imagining it.
Carrie continued to think about how silly it was for her to imagine these things as she finished her shower and began getting dressed. However, it didn't take her long to find her imagination getting even stronger and more realistic. Her bra no longer fit, being far too tight. And when she tried putting on her pants, she found that they didn't fit right either. They were tight in the waist and seemed a little high in the angle. She even had to wear her sandals because her shoes pinched a bit.
"Impossible," Carrie said again, this time not so certain. Her clothes no longer fit right so this obviously wasn't just her imagination. She gulped, "Maybe his potion really does work…"
After several minutes of consideration and feeling uncomfortable in her own clothes, Carrie decided that maybe it was time to talk to Nick about this. She scowled, hating the idea of admitting that he might be right about the potion but knowing that she didn't have much other choice. She couldn't very well deny the changes in her own body.
"Okay," Carrie shook Nick awake on the couch, "Tell me about this potion of yours."
"What?" Nick blinked in surprise as he woke up.
"Get up," Carrie snapped in annoyance. "I think your weird health potion might be working…"
"The stud juice?" Nick gasped, suddenly wide awake. He jumped to his feet and stared at Carrie with a strange expression.
"I think my breasts are bigger," she told him.
"Great," Nick grinned, then he scowled, "Damn… I was supposed to get the stud juice, not you.."
"Stud juice?" Carrie asked.
"Um…yeah," Nick blushed. "It's supposed to make someone taller, stronger, healthier, and give them more vitality. I figured it would make me a stud, so I started calling it stud juice."
"Great," Carrie rolled her eyes, "Well it's definitely working. I feel a lot more energetic than normal and I feel great…"
"You look great too," Nick added, staring at her breasts. Then he looked her in the eyes and frowned slightly. "I think you're taller too…"
"Taller?" Carrie blinked in surprise. She looked down at her pant legs which were riding a bit high. "Where's the measuring tape?"
Once Carrie marked her height against the wall and measured it, she was surprised to find that she was more than two inches taller than normal. She gasped in surprise, then began to grin.
"I always wanted to be a little taller," Carrie told Nick then went to the bathroom. Carrie admired her reflection in the mirror, trying to notice any other changes. She was taller, bustier and noticeably more fit than before. She looked great and felt even better. "Maybe you should call it babe juice instead," she grinned.
"Um…yeah," Nick responded, staring at Carrie with an envious look as he thought about the fact that she was getting the benefits of all his hard work while he was left with nothing.
Carrie noticed his expression and scowled, "You said you had some for Brad and Jeff too…"
"Yeah," Nick agreed with a scowl.
Carrie stared at him, her eyes narrowing slightly. "You said that there was only enough for three people… You mean you didn't plan on sharing any of this with me?"
"No," Nick stammered in surprise, "I mean…" Then he turned defensive, almost accusing, "You didn't believe it would work anyway."
"What?" Carrie grimaced, glaring at her husband. "You mean that you get something like this and you don't even plan on sharing it with me? You'd share it with your friends, but not with your own wife?"
Carrie clenched her fists, becoming angry at Nick again. First he emptied their bank account out without even telling her, the he doesn't even intend to share this health potion. The only reason she was getting any of the benefits was because she drank it by accident. She suddenly realized that he would have just kept it to himself and rubbed it in her face that it worked afterwards. She couldn't believe how selfish he was.
"You're a real selfish bastard," Carrie snapped at him before turning and storming away, "I'm going to work."
When Carrie arrived at work, she found that her mood didn't improve much. Not only did her ill fitting clothes remain uncomfortable, but she kept thinking about Nick and his behavior, becoming convinced that if it kept up their marriage would be over before long. She didn't want to think about it since she still loved Nick, but he was just too much to handle at times.
Carrie had calmed down some after several hours and was busy talking to Jessica, one of her coworkers when she abruptly realized that she was looking the other woman straight in the eyes without having to look up. Jessica had always been several inches taller than Carrie, but now they were the same height. Carrie smiled faintly at that, enjoying that as well as the extra attention her male coworkers had been paying her.
"There are definitely some nice benefits to Nick's stud juice," Carrie smirked, feeling pleased to have taken it away from him that way, even if it had only been an accident. After all, he deserved it since it had been her money and he hadn't even planned on sharing with her.
During lunch, Carrie decided that she'd finally had enough of her tight clothes and rushed to the store to buy a new bra and a few more items. She knew her coworkers might say something about her sudden change of clothes but decided that she really didn't care.
Carrie didn't spend much time shopping as she only had an hour for lunch and she was feeling famished. She finished the shopping in record time then went to the nearest restaurant to eat. Normally Carrie would have just ordered a chicken salad or something small, but this time she ordered a full meal that would normally have served fine for dinner. To her surprise, she ate every bit of it and still had room for a small dessert.
"It I keep eating like this," Carrie told herself in disgust when she was done, "I'm gonna need even larger clothes…"
Upon returning to work, Jessica looked Carrie over and mused, "I noticed you changed your clothes…"
"I spilled coffee on myself during lunch," Carrie quickly explained.
"You still have the tag on," Jessica smirked, pointing to the tag on Carrie's new shirt.
"Thanks," Carrie blushed, quickly reaching back and taking off the tag.
Then as Carrie looked at Jessica again, she was startled to notice that she had to look down just slightly to meet her eyes. She gasped at the realization that she had grown taller, that she was now just a little taller than Jessica. Jessica was staring, at her as well but with a confused frown as though she couldn't quite figure out what was different.
"I'd better finish the report up," Carrie said to change the subject and get away from Jessica.
Carrie sat back down at her desk and frowned slightly, wondering if the strange potion was still changing her. When she'd woken up, she thought it was all done and over with. Now she wasn't quite certain any more. She was sure that she'd still been a little shorter than Jessica when she'd first come in that morning, and now she was definitely taller, though not by much."Nick said there were three doses in that glass," Carrie gulped, "Enough for three people… Enough for three grown men…"
Carrie shuddered slightly as she wondered what that much of the potion would do to her. But after thinking about it for a few minutes, she decided that it couldn't be a bad thing. After all, it was a health and vitality formula and you could never have too much of those. Besides, she felt incredible and absolutely loved what it was doing to her body. The more she thought about it the more she was looking forward to seeing how much more improved she'd become.
"And Nick didn't want to share this," Carrie grinned, stretching out and loving how good it felt.
When Carrie got home that night, she was annoyed to find Nick just sitting back and going over his notes on his so called stud juice. She scowled at the sight, "Didn't you bother looking for a job today?"
"This is more important," Nick told her with a scowl.
Carrie rolled her eyes, "I'm sick and tired of paying all the bills by myself. And you went and spent all our savings without even telling me…"
"It was for my potion," Nick snapped back. "Besides, Brad and Jeff put money in it too and they're pissed at the way you stole their shares…"
"STOLE?" Carrie nearly screamed at Nick. "You left it out for me to accidentally drink. What if it had been poison? You could have killed me…"
Carrie grimaced and stormed into her room again, slamming the door behind her. She shook her head, knowing that things couldn't keep going on like this. Sure Nick's potion might actually have worked, but that didn't change the fact he'd used up their savings and that she'd probably have to work overtime to pay that months bills.
Carrie couldn't stay angry though, especially when her appetite got the better of her. She finally came out to find something for dinner, surprised that she was hungry again after that lunch she'd eaten. Nick just quietly watched her preparing dinner, staying out of her way but giving her looks of both attraction and envy.
"I don't know why I'm so hungry," Carrie said self-consciously as she put a double portion of food on her plate.
"It's the potion," Nick explained, trying carefully not to get Carrie upset again. "The notes said that when it increases your vitality…it also increases your appetite and libido." He blushed as he looked away, making Carrie realize why he'd been calling it stud juice.
"Just great," Carrie rolled her eyes, but thought it was a small price to pay for those great improvements. Of course, she wasn't going to tell that to Nick since she rather liked him tiptoeing around and trying not to upset her.
The rest of the night went fairly well, especially as Nick was trying to get on her good side again. She enjoyed the attention but wasn't ready to completely forgive him just yet. Of course, the great improvements in her body and the way she felt were certainly helping.
When it came time for bed, Carrie decided to measure her height again. She marked her height on the wall where she had that morning and saw that it was several inches above the previous mark. And when she used the tape measure, she saw that she had grown a full four inches and was now 5 foot 10.
"I'm so tall now," Carrie gasped in delight. "I always wanted to be taller and now I am…"
Carrie grinned as she rushed into the bathroom and undressed to get a better look at her body. She gasped in awe as she saw now much better she looked than normal. Not only were her breasts a little bigger, but her whole body seemed to have become sexier. On top of that, she now had noticeable muscles that made her look as though she might be an aerobics instructor. She loved the way she looked now.
"Fantastic," Carrie exclaimed, caressing her new body. "I'm so glad I drank that potion… This is definitely worth that fifteen thousand…"
After Carrie had admired herself in the mirror for awhile, she decided to share this with Nick. After all, it had been his stud juice that made this all possible for her. She smiled and stepped into the bedroom completely naked, loving the look of intense attraction on his face and the other physical signs of it elsewhere.
"What do you think lover?" Carrie purred as she wrapped her arms around Nick. "Do you like the new me? I sure do…"
Carrie climbed out of bed in the morning, feeling wide awake and completely refreshed. With just a smile towards the still sleeping Nick, she reached for her bath robe and slipped it on. It was a bit too small for her now, but that only made her smile more. She bent over and gave Nick a kiss, then went to go get breakfast. She was feeling pretty hungry as well as just a little horny.
When Nick came out a short while later, Carrie was in the kitchen cooking up a thick omelet. He took one long look then grinned, "That's a pretty full omelet."
"It sure is," Carrie told him as she sprinkled some pepper on it. "But I left you enough stuff to make your own."
After Carrie scooped the entire omelet onto her plate and then went to sit down, Nick scratched his head, "I thought you were kidding…" Then he looked at the omelet again, "Is that four eggs?"
"Six," Carrie shrugged, looking a little self-conscious. "I'm hungry."
Carrie finished her breakfast quickly, nearly wolfing it down. She could barely believe that she was hungry enough to eat the whole thing or that she had room in her stomach for it. Then as she got up to put her dishes in the sink, she paused to stare at Nick eye to eye. It took a moment for it to dawn on both of them that they were now the same height.
"Holy shit," Nick exclaimed, staring at Carrie in disbelief. He was six feet tall and used to towering over her, not having her look him straight in the eye like that. He wasn't quite sure he liked it. Then he looked over the rest of her body and gasped, "You're ripped…"
"I am?" Carrie asked in surprise, looking herself over and seeing that her muscles were even more defined than the previous night. "Cool…" Then she grinned at Nick, "It's weird, but it feels so good…"
"Um…yeah," Nick nodded, wincing as he thought about the physical improvements that should have been his instead of hers. His and his friends. He gulped as he thought about how much of the stud juice she'd drank, wondering how much more she'd grow from it.
"Looking like this," Carrie flexed a her arm and grinned, "I bet I'm about as strong as you are now…" Then she laughed, "This is great…"
"Yeah," Nick muttered enviously, "Just great…"
"If I grow any bigger," Carrie continued with a grin, enjoying Nick's discomfort, "I'll be even bigger than you…"
"Just great," Nick rolled his eyes.
Carrie smirked at his reaction, then said, "At least you have a really hot wife."
Nick stared at her and nodded agreement, "Oh yeah… You're definitely hot looking now…"
"And you're saying I wasn't before?" she asked with a look of mock anger.
"Um…," Nick stammered, seeing the trap and realizing that he was completely caught in it.
Carrie just laughed at that and grabbed him, pulling him towards the bedroom. "You know that increased libido you warned me about…? Well, I'm gonna needs some help taking care of it…"Once they were going at it on the bed, Carrie noticed that it was quite different from normal. She'd noticed it a bit the night before though it was far more noticeable now. Nick was used to her being smaller and easy to physically dominate, and now that she was his own size he seemed uncertain of what to do. Carrie took advantage of that and told him, "I want to be on top for a change…"
Carrie quickly found that she enjoyed being more aggressive in bed and promised herself that she'd have to do it more often now that she had the chance. Nick was so thrown off by her new size and strength that he was like putty in her hands, a fact that she greatly enjoyed. She absolutely loved her new body and the effect it had on her husband, not to mention just how good it felt.
After the sex, Carrie went to the bathroom to clean up. She stopped to look at herself in the mirror, smirking, "I can't believe I've grown seven inches… And in just two days…"
She shook her head, then admired the rest of her transformed body. As Nick had noticed, she was definitely bustier and more athletic looking than she'd been the night before. She estimated herself to be a D or DD cup size now, which was a lot bigger than her old perky Bs.
"And these muscles," Carrie stared at them in amazement. "I look like I go to the gym all the time." Then she giggled, "Of course this is much easier…"
It was only then that Carrie noticed a few other changes. Her face looked subtly different as well, though she couldn't quite place it. It took a moment to realize that even her face somehow looked a little sexier. And her hair… She reached up to examine her hair which had grown at least four inches longer and lightened several shades. It felt so soft and silky, much nicer than before.
"I can't believe all this stud juice is doing to me," she gasped in amazement, wondering if it was all done yet or if there was more to come. She kind of hoped for the latter since she'd been enjoying this so much.
After Carrie finished with her shower, she began to get dressed only to realize the downside of her recent growth spurt. Her old clothes were now impossibly small for her while even the ones she'd bought during lunch were far too tight. She grimaced, realizing that she could spend an entire fortune on new clothes.
Finally, Carrie asked Nick, "How much more am I going to grow?" She gestured down at her extremely tight clothes, "This can get really expensive…"
"I…I don't know," Nick winced, looking envious and worried at the same time. "You had three doses of the potion…"
"How much is one dose supposed to make you grow?" she scowled.
Nick hesitated, then admitted, "I don't know." He licked his lips thoughtfully, almost as though afraid to tell her something she didn't want to hear. "The notes didn't say how much, only how much of it someone should drink."
"Great," Carrie sighed, "So it might be over, or it might keep going. This can be a big problem…"
"Um…yeah," Nick nodded, staring straight at her breasts.
"Well," Carrie sighed again in defeat, "I guess we'll have to go shopping again. I'll have to make sure I get things that are really loose…just in case."
"What about work?" Nick pointed out. "You're already really late…"
Carrie scowled, then gestured down at herself, "I think I've got bigger things to worry about at the moment. Besides, how the hell am I going to explain this at the office?"
"Good point," Nick agreed weakly.
Carrie got dressed the best she could, though she cursed the clothes she'd bought the day before as being too tight. She then cursed all the money they'd have to spend ot buy new clothes, money they could no longer afford thanks to Nick spending their savings. Thankfully, she thought, they still had a lot of room on their credit card.
Several hours later, Carrie left the store with some new clothes, each large enough to give her some room to grow. She was a little worried about this, thinking that she must have grown a little more while in the store. As they were leaving, she noticed that she had to look down just a little to meet Nick's eyes. Carrie didn't point this out and neither did he, though she was certain he noticed.
Carrie continued to slowly grow throughout the day, a fact which she was now quite aware of. She looked own at herself every chance she got, trying to see if she could see herself actually growing. The thought that she was now bigger than Nick and still growing filled her with both excitement and worry. She only wondered when it would end and how big she would be when it finally did.
By the time they were ready for bed, Carrie looked like a porn star fitness model and stood at a new height of 6 foot 3. She was 3 inches taller than Nick, which amused her a great deal, especially when he stared at her with envy in his eyes. Fortunately, he also stared at her with a great deal of lust which made him much easier to deal with.
February 15, 2007 at 7:57 pm #47358Morpheus
ParticipantOn the third morning after drinking the stud juice, Carrie woke up to a new height of 6 foot 5. Everything else had grown as well, leaving her with solid muscles that made her look like a body builder. Fortunately, her very generous curves worked to subdue the muscles and hide them a little, giving her an appearance of strength but also of sexiness.
Carrie didn't spend much time looking over her latest improvements though as she was feeling quite aroused. She licked her lips hungrily and woke Nick up, whispering, "Come on little man…" She giggled at that, "You've got a job to do…"
"What…?" Nick stammered as he struggled to wake up. Then he saw Carrie bent over him and tried pushing her away.
"You'll have to do better than that," she teased as she bent down to kiss Nick.
Nick continued to push her away, acting as though he didn't want her to kiss him. It took a moment for Carrie to realize that he wasn't just playing around. He really was trying to push her away. She jumped back, staring at him in surprise.
"I couldn't breath," Nick gasped, making Carrie realize she'd been laying across his chest.
"I…I'm sorry," she gasped in surprise, "I didn't know…"
While Nick sat up and caught his breath, she stared at him, realizing for the first time just how strong she'd become. Nick had been pushing against her as hard as he could and it had felt as though she'd been dealing with a child. She was stronger than Nick…much stronger. The idea excited her, though she didn't let him know that.
"I'm sorry," Carrie told Nick, bending over him and kissing him again. This time he didn't resist her at all and kissed back just as passionately. She grinned, still feeling extremely aroused.
It took little effort for Carrie to get Nick in the mood and ready for love making. This time there was absolutely no doubt as to who was the dominant one. She was bigger and stronger than him, a fact that she gently but firmly reminded him of several times during their sexy. That fact only turned her on even more, making everything even more exciting and satisfying.
Once they were finished and Nick was too worn out to continue, Carrie leaned back and cuddled with him, amused by how small he seemed to her. It was so different from the way things had always been before but she really enjoyed it. It was as though their physical roles had been exchanged and she loved it. Carrie thought that it seemed rather appropriate too since she'd been the primary wage earner and bill payer for quite some time.
"Well little man," Carrie gently teased Nick, then half jokingly said, "Why don't you go and fix me some breakfast. I'm starving."
"Okay honey," Nick responded meekly and climbed out of bed to do as she'd asked.
After Nick had left the bedroom, Carrie stretched out and laughed to herself, "I could really get to like this. In fact, I already do."
A minute later though, Carrie climbed out of bed and made her way to the bathroom. She was desperately curious to see what changes the night had brought her for herself. She stared into the mirror, feeling extremely impressed. She had definitely continued to get bigger, stronger, and sexier all at once. Even her hair had grown a few more inches and become a little lighter.
"Incredible," Carrie whispered, noticing something else as well. It was as though her entire body radiated an aura of health and vitality. "Of course," she smirked, "I have all the health and vitality of three people now…"
Carrie flexed her muscles, amazed by just how big they were and how solid. She'd never imagined having muscles like this, like some sort of bodybuilder. And the way she felt… She felt strong and powerful, a feeling that she absolutely loved. She ached to truly test her new strength, to find out just how strong she was.
"I think I'll go to the gym today," she grinned to herself, not sure whether to bring Nick along or not. If she worked out in front of him, she might leave him feeling weak and humiliated in comparison. Male pride was such a fragile thing after all. Then again, it might do him some good to remind him of just how strong she had become.
When Carrie went to the gym several hours later, Nick decided not to come with her. Carrie was a little disappointed by that, but decided that it might be for the best as well since she wouldn't be as distracted while testing her strength.
"I can't believe that I'm at a gym," Carrie shook her head as she went to one of the machines. "I can't believe that I'm the tallest and most muscular person here either…"
Everyone in the gym was staring at her in amazement, hardly able to believe that a woman could possibly be that big. Carrie enjoyed the attention and the envious way that some of the men were looking at her muscles. She laughed at that, then tried her best to ignore them for the moment.
Carrie randomly chose a weight somewhere in the middle of what the machine was capable and found that she could lift it with ease. She changed the weight to the maximum weight possible and found that it was definitely more difficult but still well below her own limits. She was in awe of that and tried several more machines, finding similar results.
"Very impressive," a muscular man who was 6 inches shorter than her said with a look of amazement on his face. "The free weights are in the other room if you wanted to get serious…"
"Free weights?" Carrie asked in confusion.
"Very funny," the man grinned, "But I know you didn't get that big without knowing your way around the gym."
Carrie scowled in annoyance, realizing the problem with being so big. Everyone assumed that she already knew everything she needed to know about the gym and building muscles so wouldn't take any of her questions seriously. She sighed and went to the other room with the free weights, standing back and watching for a minute to get a better idea of what was going on. Only then did she go to work herself.
Carrie stayed at the gym for several hours, learning more about how to lift weights and discovering the limits of her own strength. Of course, she was amused to realize that this wouldn't do a whole lot of good since she was still growing stronger. She'd have to come back after she finally stopped. And that time, she grinned at the thought, she was definitely bringing Nick along.
That night, Carrie had another long and passionate round of sex with Nick, accidentally leaving her husband a little bruised in the process. However, in spite of the bruises he'd enjoyed himself as well and lay collapsed on the bed in blissful exhaustion while Carrie measured herself. She went to bed a short time later, grinning broadly at the fact she was now 6 foot 8…towering completely over her little husband.
When Carrie awoke the next morning, she was disappointed to find that she hadn't grown any more during the night. She was still the same 6 foot 8 that she'd gone to bed as. The meaning of this struck her immediately. Her growth spurt was over and this was the size she'd remain.
"But I can live with this," Carrie smirked as she admired herself in the mirror. She was very tall, very muscular, and somehow still very sexy. Her breasts were the size of basketballs but were still all round and firm, not seeming to need any support as of yet. Of course, she'd have to get some custom bras for them anyway. She flexed her muscles, cupped her breasts, "I can definitely live with this."
Then Carrie grinned, realizing that there were definitely good points about this growth spurt finally being over. Now that the stud juice…or babe juice as she preferred to call it had finally run it's course, she could finally get a wardrobe that fit. She wouldn't have to worry about growing right out of her clothes again just a few hours later. That would be a HUGE relief.
Carrie stepped back into the bedroom and looked down at Nick, whom she'd been careful not to wake while climbing out of bed. She wanted to get a better look at her changes before waking him. Now she was more than ready to wake him up. She was so turned on that she was dripping down her own leg, something she knew she'd have to get used to.
"I don't think that will be too much of a problem," Carrie grinned, thinking of all the fun her increased libido had been providing. The only real problem would be that Nick wouldn't be able to keep up with her or fully satisfy her. It was sad but true. "Still," she mused, "It's time to wake him up and put him to work trying…"
But in spite of her horniness, Carrie remained where she was for another minute, staring at Nick and thinking about how great this was. This was so much better than the way things used to be, especially now that Nick was intimidated enough to listen to her. She smiled at that, deciding that after Nick took care of her little itch, it would be time to start making a few changes of her own around the house.
Carrie slowly sat down into the large recliner that had been custom built to handle her large size and weight. She smiled, more than pleased with how things had been going lately. It had been three months since she'd accidentally drank the babe juice and her life couldn't be better.
Ever since Carrie's increase in stature, Nick had been MUCH more polite and accommodating towards her. She knew that he was intimidated by her though she tried not to intimidate him too much…at least not most of the time. After all, she did enjoy giving him gentle reminders about just how strong she was now. It made things so much easier around the house.
It had taken very little convincing to get Nick to go back to work and stay there. Now they were making enough money to not only play all the bills, including Carrie's large food and clothing ones, but also build up their savings again. Of course, Carrie's new job helped with that as well.
Carrie wasn't sure how she could possibly explain her massive growth spurt to her old coworkers, nor was she sure she wanted to have them staring at her and whispering behind her back. Because of that, she'd quit her old job and found a new one where her size was a major advantage.
Now Carrie worked as the bouncer at a strip club. She didn't take her clothes off or anything like that. All she really had to do most of the time was standing around and looking intimidating. That seemed to work out well for everyone. The owner liked having a big busted woman as the bouncer since it tended to draw in more customers, and the dancers all trusted her more than they did any male bouncer.
Of course, there were a few downsides to her new job as well. For one, Carrie didn't like Nick coming to see her at work, and the owner and other girls kept urging her to get on the stage and try dancing herself. The idea of doing so was slowly becoming more and more appealing. After all, it wasn't as though Carrie had anything at all to be ashamed about with her body. In fact, she was more than a little proud of it and already enjoyed showing it off. Maybe this constant urging to try dancing herself wasn't such a downside after all.
Then there was Carrie's enhanced libido. Ever since she'd been transformed, she'd been turned on easily and often. She often spent half the day walking around wet and aroused. And though she loved Nick dearly and he did his best to satisfy her desires, he just couldn't keep up.
Carrie felt a little guilty about it, but she'd recently been cheating on Nick with not one…but two other men. Since Nick alone hadn't been able to satisfy her, she'd been having sex with a bartender at the club and one of the club patrons who was into big women. She didn't have feelings for either of them and it was merely sex, but she still felt a bit guilty. She rationalized it to herself with the reminder that it was Nick she really loved and that she was merely getting what she couldn't from her husband. He'd understand…if he knew. At least she hoped he would.
"Oh yeah," Carrie mused, glancing to the clock. "I should probably talk to Nick so we can decide what to have for dinner…"
At the same time, Nick sat in his work shop, staring at the glass of dark red liquid in font of him with an eager grin. He'd done it… After all this time, he'd finally been able to create more of his stud juice.
Just a couple weeks earlier, Nick had been cleaning his work shop at Carrie's urging and he'd found it…a small dried berry that had fallen behind his desk. It was the same extinct berry that was so vital for the creation of the stud juice. All Nick could guess was that it must have accidentally fallen when he'd been making his previous batch. And all that mattered was that he could finally create more.
"Finally," Nick grinned excitedly.
He thought about everything he'd endured for the last few months, about how he'd lost his friends for not giving them the stud juice as agreed, and about how he'd become a virtual servant in his own home. Of course, he knew that he wasn't really a servant. Carrie made him to go work but she kept working herself. She made him help around the house but continued doing chores herself. Still, it annoyed him that his wife could force him to do anything with just a glance. He was so afraid to get her upset that he'd jump and do what she wanted immediately.
"At least the sex is good," Nick told himself uncertainly.
Of course, he had as much sex as he wanted, but he was no longer the dominant partner in any way. They had sex when she wanted and how she wanted. She often even left him a little bruised by accident. He wanted a wife that he could be a real man with again, and Carrie was no longer that. Nick even suspected that she was having an affair, though he'd never accuse her of it since he didn't want to get her angry at him. At the moment, it was better to just let things be.
But now, things could be different. With the stud juice, Nick could make himself bigger and stronger too. Unfortunately, the single berry was only enough to make a single dose of the fantastic potion. It wasn't nearly as much as the three doses Carrie had consumed, but it would definitely help. Since Nick had started out much bigger and stronger than she had, he hoped that would make up the difference. He wouldn't have to be small and weak compared to his wife anymore.
"She won't be able to tell me what to do anymore either," Nick grinned eagerly.
Just then, Carrie stepped into the work shop and froze, her eyes locked on the small glass of dark red liquid on Nick's table. She immediately recognized what it was though the sudden guilty expression on Nick's face…though that made her think of a kid with his hand caught in the candy jar only confirmed it.
In a single second, Carrie thought about what would happen if Nick became as big and strong as she was. He'd be able to keep up with her sexually so she wouldn't have to keep cheating. He'd be so much stronger and nicer to look at. But at the same time, she remembered the way things used to be with Nick ignoring her and his own responsibilities. He'd refused to help with the bills, cleaning the house, or anything else. She absolutely refused to let things go back to being like that after the way they'd been so great.
Without a single word, Carrie quickly snatched up the glass of red liquid and downed it in a single gulp. The foul taste and burning as it went down confirmed that it was indeed the exact same stud juice as before, though where he'd gotten the ingredients to make more she had no idea.
"Honey," Carrie told him in a sweet and gentle tone that had a faint hint of threat behind it, "I think it's time for you to go make dinner."
"Yes dear," Nick responded meekly. He looked up at his wife and sighed in defeat, knowing that he'd just lost his last chance to reclaim control of his life and home. Then he started for the kitchen to do as he'd been asked.
"And honey," Carrie added with a grin, "Make a lot… I have a feeling I'm going to be extra hungry tonight."
Nick gulped fearfully, then weakly responded, "Yes dear…"
Carrie licked her lips as she watched Nick go to the kitchen, then she looked down at herself and grinned. Of course, she knew that she'd have to buy another new wardrobe, but that wasn't much of a problem. She laughed in delight, looking forward to finding how much she improved this time.
"This is going to be fun," she smirked as she cupped her large breasts and then flexed her muscles, wondering how much bigger she could possibly get. "A lot of fun."
February 15, 2007 at 11:43 pm #47359Anonymous
GuestThanx for this story!!
It's excellent… Could there be a continuation?February 16, 2007 at 1:00 am #47360alex
ParticipantAwesome story Morpheus. As always!
February 16, 2007 at 10:25 am #47361egad
ParticipantVery nice
February 16, 2007 at 11:53 pm #47362Fonk
ParticipantThis is a very excellent story. Thanks for posting it here! 8)
February 17, 2007 at 3:56 pm #47363Cowprobe
ParticipantThanks for the fine tale of relationship adjustment Morpheus!
It's about time the secondary motivational benefits of having an amazon wife are written. 😉
You keep writing and I'll keep reading.
February 18, 2007 at 6:02 pm #47364zimbra1
ParticipantGreat story!
Always a pleasure to read your stuff.
February 19, 2007 at 4:16 am #47365ze fly
ParticipantNiceely done! 😉
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