Super Buff Sheeri out for a stroll on a beach.

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  • #35060

    The time you put into it definitely shows, it's looks fantastic. Personally I think it would look better with some soft highlights to complement the shading, but maybe it doesn't fit in with your stlye.


    The time you put into it definitely shows, it's looks fantastic. Personally I think it would look better with some soft highlights to complement the shading, but maybe it doesn't fit in with your stlye.

    Thanks for the compliments, as i said before it did take a long time for me to do. The reason is that i'm new to PS, haven't really had a lot of time to work with it. Also as you pointed out there is an art to colouring, with highlights i'm sure it would definately be better but my skill in that area still has to be developed. Under the right persons eye and talent Chris's work flys off the page with fantastic colours. I only hope that someday i'm as good as the folks are around here.

    Again thanks a bunch for the compliments it really helps to motivate me to try harder on honing my colouring skills.



    Again thanks a bunch for the compliments it really helps to motivate me to try harder on honing my colouring skills.

    I can see that you're already well on your way. I can give you a tip about placing highlights that I only just discovered. They differ to shadows in that they depend on the viewing angle instead of just the light source. A good rule of thumb is to place them in the centre of the visible part of the midtone.

    Look forward to seeing your next work.

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