Super Lucy- Nude but no sex

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  • #30401
    Warren Vehec

    Hi all,

    Wrote something a little different than what I normally write.  Let me know what you think.  I'm thinking of writing a continuation of this story.


    Super Lucy
    Warren Vehec

    Lucy screamed when a pair of muscular arms wrapped itself around her waist and hoisted her off the ground.  She screamed and struggled to free herself, but it was all in vain.  She couldn’t free herself.

    A deep familiar voice laughed, “I love it when you scream and struggle against me.  You are so much like a little girl!”  A pair of thick lips kissed her neck.
    “Put me down, damn it!” she screamed again and tried to ram her elbow and kick his shin, but they all proved to be ineffective against him.

    “Why?  I thought you liked this?” her boyfriend, Scott asked.

    “I’m working damn it!  I don’t have time to play!  Now put me down asshole!”
    Reluctantly he lowered her to the floor, but not before she felt his 10” monstrous cock sliding up her backside.  It was clear what he wanted.  Early in their relationship, she would have given in to his desires.  As of late, the thought of his arousal only made her want to hide from him.  He was too rough with her during sex and her pussy could barely handle him as he pumped into her.  She felt as if that thick shaft was ripping her apart.

    He started to move on her, she abruptly said, “No!”


    “You heard me, I said, ‘No’!  I’ve got too much work to do!”  She spotted something else, “When are you going to clean up your damn weights?  I thought we made an agreement that you would put them away when you’re done with them?”  She pointed at the cast iron disk that was scattered about the room they had set aside as their gym.

    “Why?  I’d have to take them down again.  I wanna be able to change the plates in a hurry.”

    “It looks like a pig’s sty!”

    “If it bothers you that much, then you move them!” he smirked.

    “Fine!  I will!”  She stormed off to the area.

    “Don’t hurt yourself babe!” he chuckled.

    Scott knew she wouldn’t get very far.  Not only was she small, she was also petite.  She didn’t have enough strength to lift his 30 lbs tool box.

    The pixie short dark brown hair girl grunted as she moved the weights to their designated stack.  Her small hands trembled as she tried to shift the 35 lbs plate.  The plate slipped from her hands and fell with a loud clank!

    “Fuck!” she swore.  There were still four plates of 35 lbs and six of the 45 lbs.  She knew she was loosing face to her boyfriend who stood at one side smirking at her useless efforts.  She glared at him, who now was stroking himself.  Anger flared within her.

    She screamed, “Screw you!”  Lucy stormed past him and headed towards the bedroom.

    “Whoa!  Babe!  What’s wrong?”

    She ignored him as she grabbed what clothes she could pack into her backpack.  In 20 minutes, she had most of her clothes packed into two bags.  The short hair brown-haired woman slung one bag on her shoulder and carried the other one.

    Just as she was heading out the door Scott who blocked her path stopped her.  “Where do you think you’re going?  You can’t leave!” he asserted the fact that he was bigger and stronger than she was.

    Lucy knew better than to play games with him.  She gave him a solid kick to his shin, which he promptly yelped and began hopping up and down on one foot, holding his injured leg.  Then using her small frame, she charged him.  She easily bowled him over as she went by.  For once, Lucy was glad for the knowledge that her father drilled into her for self defense.  She never thought, she’d ever use it.

    She stopped long enough to say, “I’m fuckin’ sick of your games Scott!  You think it’s cute to watch me struggle with your heavy shit!  Well, no more Mister!”  The small woman picked up her laptop with her free hand and headed out the door.  The door banged as she left.

    Flying through the air, the man of steel made his nightly patrol through out Metropolis.  His keen sight and hearing kept him alert for any criminal activities.  Nevertheless, everything has been quiet since he busted the Inner Circle gang some weeks ago.  He would get occasional accidents, but nothing serious.  Truth to be known he was getting bored.  Even his wife, Lois, was complaining his staying out for long hours was beginning to take a toll on their marriage.

    Suddenly his super hearing picked up faint cries, “Superman!  Help!”  His super vision scanned for the source of the woman’s voice.  Her voice came out of an old factory section.  He frowned when he discovered most of the buildings were lined with lead.  After a few seconds, he managed to pinpoint the location.

    He spotted her inside one of the 100 foot tall smoke stack.  She was a small thin woman standing about 5’ tall, with short brown hair.  He thought she was cute, but nothing like his Lois who was of a medium build and athletic.

    As he flew down the shaft, there was something about her that sent off a warning at the back of his head.  The tone of her voice suggested that she was not in any kind of danger.  He shrugged off the feeling.  There was very little that could hurt him.  He doubted a 5’ tall woman could pose any kind of threat to him.  He came up to her, “What’s the problem, Miss?”

    Suddenly the woman flickered and faded, leaving an empty space.  His super hearing heard something metallic sliding.  He looked up to see his only means of exit being closed off by a plate of steel.

    “Gotcha!” the same woman of the holographic image stepped out behind a glass of 6 inches thick.  He could break through the glass easily but he curious to see what she wanted of him.

    “I’m sorry miss.  It’ll take a lot more than this to hold me.”  He started to fly back up to the lead pipe to bust his way out.

    “Oh?  How about this?”  Suddenly a green flash lighten the room and all of his super abilities were stripped from him in an instant.  The 6’5” muscular man fell 10 feet to the ground.  His training with the Batman had saved him from being killed upon impact.  He tucked and rolled on the hard floor.

    She laughed, “Not so super, are you?”

    “Why are you doing this?”
    “Let’s say I’ve gotten tired of m
    en lording their size and strength over us women.  Your super abilities are going to help me change the way things are being run here.”

    “What!  You can’t mean that!  You’ll create chaos!  Besides, you didn’t steal my abilities.  All you did was weaken me.  I’ll have it back by dawn.  Better let me go now.”

    She scoffed, “You’re partially correct Ka-el or should I say Clark Kent?”  She laughed, “Yes I know all about you.  I’ve been following you for months.  You’ve never noticed a 5 foot tall woman following you; taking pictures of you; noting your strength and weakness.  I even broke into S.T.A.R.R. Labs and stole the files on your genetics.  I know the very stuff that gives you your abilities.”

    “You’re right, “she continued, “At dawn you could easily regain your super strength.  But that’s only if you get some sunlight.  Only if I decide to let you have some sunlight.  That might be a long time,” She laughed as she turned to walk away.

    He screamed, “Wait!  At least tell me your name!” 

    Faintly, he heard, “Lucy…  Soon to be Super Lucy!”  He began to worry.

    He found out that his captor, Lucy, had thoroughly thought through her plan.  The machine kept him drained and land bound.  The 5’ tall woman bathed him in sunlight three times.  Each time he was recharged into Superman instantly.  However, no matter how fast he ran or flew, her machine would suck his powers right out of him.  This left him either crashing into the wall or falling to the floor in the middle of his escape.

    He had no means to measure the time he’s been locked up in his cell.  With the exception when Lucy remembered to feed him.  She never kept a schedule as to when she fed him.  Sometimes she stayed and chatted with him.  He got a glimpse at what her personal life was like and it wasn’t very pleasant.  Through most of her life, she’s always been belittled by her dad and numerous boyfriends.  Every time he tried to reason with her to let him go, the 5’ brunette would get up and leave.

    The weaken Kryptonian sighed as he stared down at his uniform.  It appeared to be stretched out in various places, as if his sleeves and leggings were getting too long for him.  His body was undernourished as it was.  It’s probably the reason why his uniform looks so big on him now.  He could tell his body was wasting away.  He frowned as he padded around his cell barefooted.  Since he lost his super abilities, he wasn’t immune to blisters from his boots chafing his foot.  He felt more relaxed when he walks around without his boots.  There wasn’t a lot for him to do besides walk, sit, and ponder.

    While he paced back and forth, Lucy glanced at the TV monitor to see how her captive was doing.  She glanced at his stats and vital signs.  She smiled at the readings.  The former man of steel couldn’t tell what was happening to him beside malnourishment.  She could tell without reading his stats and measurement that he was getting smaller.  His once graceful step was moving sluggishly as if he was having trouble with muscle control.  He was loosing more than the density of his muscles.  His clothes hung on him as if they belonged to an older brother.  In addition, not to mention he was definitely getting shorter.  He lost 7 ½ inches of his height.  His proud 6’5” was down to a whimpy 5’ 9 ½”.

    Lucy felt her crotch grow wet with the though of him having to look up at her.  He’d cower before her as she displays her super strength.  And she’d grow so tall that he’d look like a child compared to her.

    She brought herself out of her daydream when she noticed that her clothes were restricting her movement.  She wore her pink exercise suite and a white lab coat.  To her surprise, she felt her clothes rip at numerous places when she shrugged her shoulders and arms.  She didn’t need a mirror to see where the tear was located.  The 5’ tall brunette could feel the tear at her back and shoulders.

    She hooked her delicate small finger into the hole at her shoulder and to her surprise; the fabric tore like wet tissue paper.  The sleeve came off, revealing a very muscular arm.  It was easily thicker than her spinally thin legs.  She felt so powerful.

    She couldn’t understand why her first two tests had caused her to vomit the essence of Superman.  And neither had shown any results when she tried to pick up the 250 lbs barbell.  Immediately, she remembered from her notes when she researched the previous group who had tried to drink Superman’s powers in broad daylight.  The fluid had destroyed the subject.  His body reacted as if he had been exposed to toxic waste.  His skin bubbled while he screamed in agony.  He didn’t stop screaming until he died.

    However, Lucy took the formula during the night and it was several a couple of days before she saw sunlight.  But she couldn’t understand why both times she puked.  Unless?  She never threw up Superman’s true essence.  His essence had more than enough time to alter her genetic coding.  She didn’t do it once, but twice!  Then she realized that his essence needed time to alter her genetic coding.  That meant no sun light for several days.

    Lucy blinked her eyes, realizing that she had come to conclusion almost in a moment.  She’d never been the one to draw her conclusion at a moment notice.  Normally, she’d require at least 2 days to draw up her opinion with hand written notes, charts and external reports.  This was just too freaky for her.

    Her undergarment looked so tiny on her muscular body.  Her new body looked as if she’s been lifting for years.  Power rushed through her body as she flexed her muscles on each part of her body.

    The 5’ tall brunette frowned, when she noticed that even with her new muscles, she hasn’t grown an inch.  There was no mass on her body.  If anything, she looked leaner than before.  She had been hoping for a pair of DD cup breast to accompany her new body and more curves on her hips and thighs.  Almost in an angry thought, she wished her body hulked a little bit.  She pictured in her mind what she want her body to look like.

    Suddenly her body blew up.  The fabric on her bra and underwear stretched and snapped.  The material fell to the floor as her body swelled up.  Her tits formed huge round balls on her chest.  Her arms and thighs exploded with size.

    Lucy didn’t need a mirror to tell her that she morphed into the figure she pictured a second ago.  She watched in amazement as she flexed her massive arms.  Her arm increased almost in twice the size.  She felt strong enough to punch through an armor car.  She smiled at the thought of how easy it would be to rob a bank.  Nothing could stop her.  The world was at her mercy!

    There was a hunger in her that wanted more.  The 6’ tall Lucy wanted to be more powerful than any being alive.  She wanted to become a Goddess.

    Her eyes fell on the third flask of Superman’s essence.  Would she dare drink another flask?  She already knew that she was twice as strong as Superman was, but taking a 3rd sample would create an unforeseeable event.

    Clark Kent redid his walking exercises for the third time.  As of late, he began to feel lethargy.  His cell was big enough for walking, but too small for a jog.  He’d reach the end of his cell before he could set in a pace.  It frustrated him knowing that he’ll never be free of his cell unless Lucy grew tired of keeping him there.  His stomach reminded him that it had been some time since he last ate.  He had no way of telling time other than the periodic visit from his captor.  He tried not to think so much about food.  But anything he tried to do seem to sap his strength and energy.

    Suddenly a ray of sunlight broke into his cell returning him his super strength.  Clark wasted no time making sure that he continued to be Superman.  With a single punch, he opened a 5’ diameter hole in the wall.  Sunlight flooded the room.

    “There’s no need to be doing that Clark.  I was going to have the window open.  Besides your room was starting to stink, you know?”

    The 5’10” tall man of steel spun to face the 5’ tall petite woman.  She smiled at him.  She wore a pink jogging suit under her white lab coat.  There was something different about her.  Her very present almost seem to glow.  Her smile looked as if she were taunting him.  He knew she was a dangerous woman.  If she could find a way to sap him of his super abilities, there was no telling what else she knew.  She knew secrets about him.  There was no denying that she was a huge threat to him.  She prevented him from rescuing people who needed his help and he wasn’t there to save them.

    Before Lucy could move, he was instantly at her side.  His huge hand grabbed her arm.  With a stern voice, “I’m sorry Lucy, but you’re going to jail for kidnapping and holding me against my will.”

    The tiny woman made no comment and continued to stare up at him.  She didn’t look like she was sorry.  More like as if a bug had landed on her arm.

    Not wanting to waste any more time.  He needed to get back to Lois and find out how much time has passed.  He wasn’t happy what Lucy had done to him.

    Using his super strength to pick her up, but he found himself struggling.  It felt as if he had lost all of his strength.  The little brown hair woman stared up at him.  He had the strangest feeling that she was looking at him as if he were nothing more than a gnat.

    “What are you doing?” she asked.

    “You’re going to jail for holding me against my will.”

    “Heh!  That is if you can move a little girl!”

    “You will go to jail if I have to use every once of power to bring you to justice!”  He said this with his teeth clenched as he continued to try to budge her.

    “With what power?” with a sudden twist of her arm, she broke out of his double hand grip and she back handed him across the face.  His 215 lbs body flew corkscrewing in the air and crashed into his worn sleeping cot.  His invulnerability protected his body from harm.  However Lucy’s backslap, actually stun his face.  He could feel his cheek turning red from the impact.

    Lucy giggled, “Omigawd!  That actually hurt, didn’t it?”

    Superman growled.  Maybe he couldn’t take her by brute strength, but he could take her by surprise.  His 5’9 ½” body blurred as he ran at the short woman at super speed.  He zigzagged towards her, hoping that his red and blue blur would confuse her.  He squared his shoulders as he braced himself to tackle her.

    Lucy stood calmly before him, not showing a sign of concern that he disappeared before her eyes.  Suddenly before he could bowl her over, the brunette disappeared.  He couldn’t see where she disappeared.  Kal-el circled the small room, scanning for her.

    Suddenly something crashed into the side of his head, sending him flying into the 6” thick glass.  A section of the reinforced shattered.  He blinked his eyes trying to get his bearings.

    “Oops!” she giggled, “I only meant to get your attention!”  She smiled as she walked along the length of the glass wall.  Her finger slid over the glass, tracing an imaginary line.  Cracks slowly formed in the wake of her finger.  Superman’s eyes widen at the sight of the cracks in the glass.  He could crack the glass too but not at the strength, she preformed.  Lucy did it with no visible effort on her part.  He didn’t have that kind of strength.  He was no match against her.  If he had any chance at all, he had to knock her down fast and hard.  This was something he avoided doing with non-super people.  Clearly, Lucy was super power being.  Without further thought, he charged at her.

    The 5’ tall Lucy almost laughs from the look on his face when she cracked the glass with a graze of her finger.  She was a little surprise when she heard his thoughts.  At first, it sounded as if she was listening to a Spanish radio station, but in seconds, the garble became coherent enough for her to understand.  It was no surprise to her when he charged at her.  Her body and mind naturally took over.  She didn’t have to run or move at super speed.  Lucy was able to slip into another dimension where time practically stood still for her.

    Superman might be moving at the super speed, but to her, he was moving in slow motion with his suit blurring a bit.  She smiled when she saw his shocked face that she had disappeared again.  Casually she stepped out of his lunge and watched him move past her with his cape trailing.  She smirked as she grabbed his red cape and the she stepped back into normal speed.

    Kal-el’s feet flew out from under him as he felt his cape being jerked back.  His super strong body slammed into the ground.  She knew the impact on the ground didn’t hurt him, but it seems to annoy him.

    She looked down at him, “Give it up Kent!  You can’t catch me” she laughed, “You’re too slow!”

    In a flash, the second most powerful being on the planet was up on his feet.  He began raining punched upon her.  It was a fruitless effort.  None of the punches touched her.  Lucy laughed as she slapped them away.  A few minutes later, she grew bored and decided to end it.  She slapped his solid chest, which promptly sent him flying backwards into the wall.  It wasn’t enough to send him through it, but it did rock his cell.  The dark hair man sat up clutching his chest.  He spitted out blood as he stared up at her.

    Lucy put her hands on her hips, looked hardly fazed by his attacks.  She pouted, “I’m bored.  Can’t you come up with anything better?”

    He stared at her in aghast.  He couldn’t even move her.  She brushed him aside as if he were nothing more than a bothersome child.  He needed to find a place to hide so he can heal up and find her weakness.  Maybe a way to drain her super powers.  He didn’t need to say anything.  The 5’ tall super brown-haired woman heard his thoughts clearly, as if he were speaking.

    She giggled, “Gonna see if you can take away my powers, huh?”

    He stared up at her in shock.

    “Yes, I can hear your thoughts.  Pretty neat, huh?”

    Before his thoughts could be read, he leap into the air and crashed through the steal plate in the ceiling that blocked the hole in the chimney stack.  Debris rained down on her, but she wasn’t harmed.

    However, she was a little miffed that he left.  “Hey!  Who told you, you could leave?”  She yelled up in the hole.  The super power Lucy could easily fly up after him, but she hasn’t tried out her flying ability yet.  Lucy wished that she could suck him dry of his powers.  She loved to see him get smaller.  Not just an inch this time but enough to see him shrink down to three feet tall.  She could envision his body shriveling up into a think waif.  Then she’d make him watch her blow up into a 7’ tall Goddess with massive muscles and huge tits.  Her short flat brown hair would blossom into long wavy hair.  And of course, her clothes would shred just as it did previously in the lab.  She smiled at the thought of his proud face turning into awe and then total fear of her new found powers.  Not even Superman can help himself from being turned on by her new body and looks.  Not every man would be able to help himself from being turned on when she passes by.

    Suddenly something slammed into her and seeped in.  Lucy had to steel herself from the onslaught of new sensation.  She felt herself expand, becoming more powerful than she was.  Every fiber of her being became attuned to the molecules that surrounded her.  She could feel the particle that makes up the atoms.  It was almost as if she could make it do what she wanted it to do.  She could command the air to move about her, create a tidal wave with a wave of her hand, disrupt a storm with a single puff of her breath and force the land to yield its secrets to her.  She felt as if she had the power of a goddess.

    A male scream brought her out of her daze.  She quickly pinpointed the source of the sound, which came through the chimney stack.  Her x-ray telescopic vision zoomed upon the man just as he lost his grip on the ladder, which was mounted into the walls.  The red and blue figure plummets towards the Earth from 100 feet in the air.

    Lucy smiled knowing that she stripped his powers from him.  Her pride swelled from the fact that she did this with a single thought and her powers grew even more.  With a wave of her hand, a gush of air whooshed up into the tunnel, slowing down Clark Kent’s fall.  Guided by her hand, the current brought the 5’9 ½” man down to the ground gently on his feet.  The air current dissipated once it’s done the job.

    Lucy the Goddess laughed at the stun look on the man’s face, “Kent!  You’re hopeless!  You can’t even make a good escape!”

    He screamed, “What did you do to me?”

    “As if you couldn’t figure that out!  I stripped you of your powers.  You not even super any more!  Go ahead!  Go to the sunlight and see if you can get your powers back!”

    He did as she bided him.  Barefooted, he winced as he walked over to the patch of sunlight.  Nothing happened.  He didn’t get stronger.  He felt sunlight burn his pale skin.  He was Clark Kent for good.  Something else was happening.  His uniform was slipping from his shoulder.  It grew bigger and bigger by the second.  His hands and feet disappeared into the blue uniform.

    While he continued to get smaller, the 5’ tall brown-haired woman covered her mouth to prevent herself from laughing.  At the same time, she felt a sexual rush.  It was like her dreams coming true.  She now has the power over men.  She watched the formerly most powerful being dwindle down in size to three feet tall.  Her crotch grew wetter at the thought of her boyfriend, Scott, in the same position.  Not being able to defend himself against her or any other woman.

    When Kal-el stopped shrinking at three feet tall, he screamed, “What have you done to me?”  He tried to take a step towards her, but his clothing was too bulky for him.  His feet got tangled with his pants and he fell face down on the floor.

    The 5 feet tall Lucy burst out laughing.

    He scowled and stood up and kicked off his pants.  The shirt dropped down covering his essential part.  The little man shuffled towards her the taller woman.  But with each step he took, she looked as if she was growing taller.

    Her breasts slowly inched forward, pushing aside her white lab coat.  The pink jogging suit she wore under the coat looked like it was shrinking.  Her wrists extended past the cuffs as the sleeves bulged with massive biceps and delts.  The white sleeves instantly tore apart at the shoulders.  Her pink top strained to contain her DD cup breast and it looked like it was on its way to a third D cup.  Her nipples could be seen pressing against the pink shirt.  It was evident that she wasn’t wearing a bra.  As her tits became more and more defined, the mounds rode up high on her chest and then it drooped slightly.  Almost like water balloons, they swelled as they were being filled.  The mass spread out.  Her cleavages become more defined as the mass moved together.  Her pink shirt fell away, revealing two massive well rounded tits.  Her abs looked equally thick and hard as her breast.

    She moaned with pleasure as she felt the massive rush of power coarse through her body.  She flexed her arms, watching it increase in size by the seconds.  She brought up her arms feeling more of the suit rip.  Her clothes ripped like wet tissue paper on her body.  The growing woman twisted her arms wanting to see both her biceps and triceps explode in size and power.  She giggle at the thought of hugging little Clark knowing that he’d break like a china doll.  But right now she wanted him to watch where his powers had gone to.  Watch him cry with aguish would make it all the sweeter for her.

    The pink sweat pants shredded a few seconds ago.  Clark had been totally engrossed with her spurting chest to even notice that her pants exploded from her massive thighs as well as her growing taller as well.  Lucy smiled as she flexed her quads and calves on her legs.  Her thigh were easily thicker than both of Clark’s arms put together.

    He was originally two feet shorter than she was, but now she stood at a towering seven feet tall.  Her thin body was now replaced with rock hard muscles that look like it was sculpted from stone.  Wonder Woman could not come close to her now.  The three feet tall man’s cock hardens at the sight of her semi nude body.

    Lucy shook her long curly brown hair, feeling its length trail half way down her back.  She smiled and with a wave of her hand, a full length mirror suddenly appeared next to her.  With a tug, she tore off the remaining fabric of her lab coat and pink tatter sweatpants.  Nakedly, she stood in front of the mirror and the little man.  She squeezed her stomach to see her abs rippled as she bend side to side.  She ran her hands down her stomach and ran it back up between her massive tits.  Her hands cupped each of them.  She moaned in pleasure feeling their weight and thickness.  She felt a jolt of pleasure when she pinched her nipples.

    Clark was too stunned to speak.

    The seven feet tall woman flexed her powerful arms and legs, enjoying the electrical rush going through her body, “Mmmm…  So this is what it means to be super strong.  I’m going to enjoy this!”

    She turned her attention on demand formerly known as superman.  He has the courage to go and hide but her new body transfixed him.

    She chuckled, “You don't like much of a man now.  ..  You’re not even worthy of that uniform.”

    Suddenly he felt a cold draft play across his bare skin.  He looked down and found himself stark naked.  His raging cock stood in full display for her to see.

    The giant woman giggled, “Aww!  How cute!  You have a thing for me!”

    He looked up and saw his uniform and his red boots were in his hands.  She closed her eyes in concentration.  The clothes blurred into a ball of light and flashed.  When his vision cleared, the towering sexy Lucy was no longer nude.  She had on a pair of black boots which made her look imposing from his point of view.  The black mini skirt showed off her monstrously thick thighs.  Her massive DDD tits was covered by a small bikini top with his traditional ‘S’ on her left breast.  Her abs rippled when she modeled in front of the mirror.  “I like the new look.  I look so hot!  Mmm!  What do you think, Clark?”  She turned around, showing off her muscular body.

    This was too much for him.  Kal-El screamed in rage and charged at her, not caring if she was bigger and stronger than he was.  “Give me back my suit, you bitch!” he yelled.

    Suddenly there was a loud snap and he was thrown back as if he were nothing more than a rag doll.  His thin body in the ground with a jarring impact.  His head spun with pain as he tried to stand up, but his body lost all muscle control.  He fell back to the ground.

    “Clark!  You bad boy!  You shouldn’t be hitting your Goddess!  You know what?  If you’re going to act like a little boy, then I’m going to turn you into one!”

    A buzz ran through his body.  His vision blurred and refocused.  Kal-El’s mind became disoriented and his muscles felt as if they were jello.  Something didn’t feel right to him.  He rubbed his eyes and wiped his face, hoping to clear his senses.  Then he noticed that his beard was missing and his skin was baby soft.

    An image suddenly popped in front of him.  An eight year old boy stared back at him.  It took him a second to realize this was his own face staring back at him.  “What did you do to me?” he blurted out.

    Lucy laughed, “Well, isn’t it obvious?  I gave you your childhood back.  Only this time, you will do it as an earthling.  I bet you had it so easy when you were growing up; especially with that Kryptonian mind of yours.  I saw your school transcript.  You were a straight ‘A’ student from grade school all the way through college.  Well, I’m stripping you of your Kryptonian heritage.  We’ll see how you do as a normal child.”

    “You can’t do that!  People depend on me!  I’m Superman!” he struggled to stand up, but his body ached too much.  His knees buckled and he fell back to the ground.

    “Well, they got me now.  You’ll have to settle being an ordinary little boy,”

    “No!” feebly, he tried to get back up.  With out his powers, he was nothing but an ordinary boy.  Tears swelled up as he sobbed.

    “Aw!  Are you hurt?  Here, let me give you a kiss to make it all better!”

    The three feet tall, eight-year-old Clark looked up to see Lucy kissing the palm of her hand and blowing it towards him.  The wind buffed around him and it grew stronger by the second.  Before he could grab a hold on to something to anchor himself down, the wind picked him off the ground and swept his waif-like body out the hole in the wall he created earlier.  His screams faded as he was carried away.

    The seven foot tall muscular woman didn’t need to her x-ray vision to see where he was going.  Her mind-eye was easily following him as he screamed, trying in vain to control the air that was whisking him away.  She guided the current out towards the Metropolis Bay.  She dropped him nearby one of the buoys and sent out feelers to make sure there were no sharks nearby.

    It would upset her plans if anything happened to Clark.  He was no threat to her now, but it would be fun to watch him squirm through in her new prison.  She had no worry if he were to tell everyone that he is Superman.  Everyone would know that Superman’s a fictional character from the comic books.  His erratic behavior would make him look mentally unbalance and the doctor would see that he had too much exposure to the sun.  Lucy made sure this was a world where Superman didn’t exist.  All media and reference of Superman was erased.

    Clark could go to his wife, Lois, but she’d have a hard time believing him.  Lucy didn’t rule out the possibilities that their souls might recognize each other.  Super Lucy could change the reality but she didn’t have the power to break the bond between two soul mates.  Not without shattering Clark and Lois.  Plus there’s always a chance Lois would never believe her heart or him.  She might feel pity for him.  She might go as far as adopting him.  Lucy smiled at the thought.  Perhaps, she should encourage it.

    The busty seven foot tall woman looked at the remains of Superman’s cell.  She smiled at she had hoped to accomplish.  She did that and more.  Now it was time for her to close up the shop.  Not wanting to leave anything to chance, she gazed upon the device she used to drain his super powers and with a thought, she sent it hurling into the sun.  She also sent her computer along with it, which it burst into flames.

    Super Lucy flew out of the building at the speed of light, creating a vacuum of air within the building.  She stopped some distance in the air to watch her handiwork.  The windows shattered as the walls and rooftop crumbled inward as if all of the support beams gave away.  Within seconds, the building and smokestack laid in ruins.  Nothing was left standing.

    The brown hair woman smiled and flew away.  In her mind, she laid out plans for the new world.  The world will tremble at her Goddess-like powers.  And while she’s at it, she thought of paying a visit to Scott to see what’s he up to.  And let him know how she’s doing.


    Great story.  Allways good to see a hot babe become a goddess


    Very nice.  I love goddess powers.  I hope you do write a continuation.



    Oh what fun!  In response to another thread, here's who I thought of as I read this little gem:


    Cool story…:)
    And the pic is also interesting


    Warren, great piece of work which leaves the story open to go in many directions now that Lucy is a goddess.  One suggestion I have is for Lucy to continue to mess with Superman.  She could restore him physically (but without his powers) and make him believe he still has his powers.  Then give him the strength of a 5 year old girl and see what happens.  Lucy could even grant him his invulmerability back to allow him to be everyones punching bag.  He'd be continually humiliated with now way to end it.

    I look forward to the follow on story.


    Great story so far. It will be interesting to see how Lucy mess with Scott. Also, will she really take care of people that depended on Superman? Certainly she can help people as a hot heroine and became the sex simbols of millons and use her powers to make the life miserable of the ones that hurt her. A double bonus  😀


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