Supergirl (CW Series)

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  • #128217

    I felt with this latest episode(#6) that they were starting to finally get somewhere with this series. Haven’t been enjoying it so much until now.


    Am I the only one who really enjoyed last night’s episode of Supergirl (1×16, “Falling”)? She’s irradiated with Red Kryptonite and spends the next 30 minutes of screen time giving precisely zero fucks. She sets fire to her wardrobe. She beats the shit out of a supervillain and then then lets him go because he’s not worth her time. She throws Cat Grant off a roof, just because. It was glorious. :woohoo:

    And then she’s cured and it goes back to being a dumb snoozefest. :angry:


    That’s cuz they marketed it to CBS, so they’ve toned it way down (too girly, IMHO) in comparison to the other Berlanti produced superhero programs. Even if it had been Big Barda, rather than SG, the result would have been the same. I can only imagine what it might be like if CW rather than CBS had picked it up to be a part of their stable.

    As for others, Flash and Arrow are vastly superior in comparison. Legends of Tomorrow, not too bad, could be better. Probably should have made as a limited mini-series, rather than as a full season program. I can’t see it (as it currently is incarnated, no pun Hawkgirl 😉 ) going beyond season 2, if it’s renewed at all.

    If you’re looking for strong leading female characters, I’d have to go w/ The 100. Perhaps (heresy to say this!) a few too many.

    Colony over on the USA network I think has some real potential as a story driven sci-fi program, only so long as they keep from becoming a V / Earth Final Conflict retread.

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I enjoyed the recreation of the bar scene from the Superman III movie in that red kyrptonite episode.


    That’s cuz they marketed it to CBS, so they’ve toned it way down (too girly, IMHO) in comparison to the other Berlanti produced superhero programs. Even if it had been Big Barda, rather than SG, the result would have been the same. I can only imagine what it might be like if CW rather than CBS had picked it up to be a part of their stable.

    As for others, Flash and Arrow are vastly superior in comparison. Legends of Tomorrow, not too bad, could be better. Probably should have made as a limited mini-series, rather than as a full season program. I can’t see it (as it currently is incarnated, no pun Hawkgirl 😉 ) going beyond season 2, if it’s renewed at all.

    I wish they would send Big Barda to Supergirl,..then perhaps I’ll stick around for season 2
    Joanie”CHYNA”Laurer isnt doing A damn thing except yoga these days
    *such a waste*
    LoT has already been renewed,…..BUT you are quite right in that it should be like Agent Carter & be only a mid-season filler when The Flash/Arrow go to break


    I can name a few episodes of SMALLVILLE that are better than what I’ve seen on Supergirl thus far
    1} Salvation
    2} Checkmate
    3} Disciple
    4} Legends
    5} Icarus


    Jazz, I undestand what you are saying but think about the fact that you are talking about a 10 season series and your episodes are from seasons 9 & 10. Smallville’s season one, for me, is almost forgetable. Give the show time to stablish itself and grow from there. I personally like it overall, but sure, there are flaws in it (most of them fit within the CW storytelling in general).


    what should be done
    Jimmy olson should be played by a urkel type person not a Mahogany god!
    supergirl is naive , and a screw a up , but well meaning they should play her that way
    have her live in clarks apartment going to school , high school or collage
    love the idea of super criminals being dump on earth, but lets have some team ups ,Robin ,speedy, Kid flash , Raven.
    to help her out.
    why is every guy on the show looks fashions model, I would give her a love interest that can’t come close to humans because
    of some sort radiation he emits.or some sort of uncontrollable power, make him look average ,she sees.the inner beauty .


    what should be done
    Jimmy olson should be played by a urkel type person not a Mahogany god!
    supergirl is naive , and a screw a up , but well meaning they should play her that way
    have her live in clarks apartment going to school , high school or collage
    love the idea of super criminals being dump on earth, but lets have some team ups ,Robin ,speedy, Kid flash , Raven.
    to help her out.
    why is every guy on the show looks fashions model, I would give her a love interest that can’t come close to humans because
    of some sort radiation he emits.or some sort of uncontrollable power, make him look average ,she sees.the inner beauty .

    March 28th
    you’ll get your wish for a team up

    I said from day 1 that Jimmy Olsen should not be played by a ex football player who’s taller than Superman
    It’s 1 thing to grow up&stop being a kid it’s another to be computer illiterate ontop of jumping up in height to 6’3
    Smallville has been the only TV show to get Jimmy Olsen right since the original George Reeves tv show


    what should be done
    Jimmy olson should be played by a urkel type person not a Mahogany god!
    supergirl is naive , and a screw a up , but well meaning they should play her that way
    have her live in clarks apartment going to school , high school or collage
    love the idea of super criminals being dump on earth, but lets have some team ups ,Robin ,speedy, Kid flash , Raven.
    to help her out.
    why is every guy on the show looks fashions model, I would give her a love interest that can’t come close to humans because
    of some sort radiation he emits.or some sort of uncontrollable power, make him look average ,she sees.the inner beauty .

    March 28th
    you’ll get your wish for a team up

    I said from day 1 that Jimmy Olsen should not be played by a ex football player who’s taller than Superman
    It’s 1 thing to grow up&stop being a kid it’s another to be computer illiterate ontop of jumping up in height to 6’3
    Smallville has been the only TV show to get Jimmy Olsen right since the original George Reeves tv show

    Link: 😉 B)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

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