Superhuman Princess Peach

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    So a couple of Saturdays ago I made the terrible mistake of getting myself a Nintendo DS and a copy of Super Princess Peach to tide me over until New Super Mario Bros. came out. ๐Ÿ˜€ It struck me that the game's scenario is perfect for adaptation with our favourite twist! The story is in two parts and here goes with the first:


    DISCLAIMER: These characters are the property of Nintendo. This fan fiction uses the scenario of the Nintendo DS game "Super Princess Peach". I did not create the characters nor the scenario that inspired my take. Thank you for reading.

    It was another beautiful sunny day in the Mushroom Kingdom. Trees rustled in a gentle breeze. Young Toads played on the beach, frolicking happily in the sand and surf. In the castle, though, someone was very unhappy. Princess Peach sat in the throne room, talking to Toadsworth about her adventures. Whilst she was out walking, both Mario and Luigi had been kidnapped by Bowser. He was using a weapon called a Vibe Scepter from nearby mysterious Vibe Island.

    As the only qualified person left, the Princess had travelled in secret to Vibe Island with Perry the umbrella to take on Bowser and his armies. Everything had been going swimmingly until the young royal had fought her way into Bowser's Villa, where the villainous reptile was hiding. There she had found the going so difficult that it had all become too much. She had, to her shame, turned and fled, tears streaming down her normally rosy cheeks.

    "It was just so hard!" she cried now. Toadsworth, the faithful retainer, was doing his best to console her.

    "There there, Princess," he said gruffly, trying to hide the fear that was twisting his stomach into knots. "We can find a way if we work together. Think carefully. Did you meet anyone on your travels who might be able to provide greater aid?"

    The Princess put a daintily gloved finger to her right cheek and thought for a moment.

    "I did meet a merchant, a Toad," she mused. "He had all sorts of wonderful things for sale: attachments for Perry to give him extra abilities, MP3s of songs that were popular on various parts of the island, soda…" She trailed off.

    "Did he sell anything else that might help you?" Toadsworth prompted. Again the Princess put a finger to her cheek.

    "There was something else in his stock that I made use of a lot," she said slowly. "It was called Tough Coffee. The cup he sold it in had a picture of a big arm muscle on the side. When I drank some I felt healthier. It tasted awful, though," she continued, grimacing at the memory. There was a pause.

    "But he kept putting the price up, once he knew I wanted it," she said, pouting unhappily. "Then he sold out of it completely!" The Princess stopped when she spotted the gleam in Toadsworth's eye. Once again the trusty advisor seemed to have come up with something.

    "What have you got planned?" she asked. Toadsworth smiled broadly.

    "I think you should get as much of that coffee as you can lay your hands on," he suggested, "and bring it back here. Buy out his stock. Ask if you can talk directly with his suppliers, anything! Just get as much as you can." Princess Peach nodded doubtfully.

    "All right," she said, "but I don't think it'll do much good."

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    So it was that Peach found herself floating, with the aid of Perry, to Vibe Island once more. She landed at Wavy Beach, the surf gently lapping at her heels. The royal lifted her dress out of the salty water and jogged up the sand until she was out of sight.

    After hours of searching, during which time her dress had been torn in several places and she had gotten so mad that she'd broken the strap of her right shoe, Princess Peach found the merchant Toad deep in Hoo's Wood.

    "There you are!" she cried, all anger forgotten. "I've been looking all over for you!"

    "Hi!" the merchant exclaimed, gesturing broadly at his wares. "Please feel free to peruse my stock, but remember, if you break it, I say 'Sold!'" The Princess couldn't help but roll her eyes.

    "Actually," she said, brushing her hands absent-mindedly over a jigsaw puzzle piece, "I was wondering if you had any more of that lovely Tough Coffee in." The merchant's eyes sparkled: he knew a sucker when he saw one.

    "As it happens," he said, bowing so low that his cap scraped the floor, "I do indeed have a fresh batch brewed up and ready to serve! One cup can be yours for the low, low price of 2000 coins!" The Princess raised her eyebrow but, remembering what Toadsworth had said to do, she put on her most dazzling smile.

    "Perfect!" she beamed, and withdrew a minute purse. She opened it chastely and removed a comically large coin, one which could not possibly have come from where it had, indeed, just come from. It was roughly the size of a manhole cover and the Princess visibly struggled to hold it. When she dropped it onto the counter with a thud, she made sure that the side stamped with her profile, the Mushroom Kingdom royal crest and its worth – 100000 coins – was facing the merchant.

    He gawked at the coin, eyes literally bigger than his head. A big bead of sweat formed out of nowhere on his forehead. He began to gibber.

    "I… I… PRINCESS!" He then fainted in shock.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Several minutes later, during which time Perry had playfully tried to eat the Princess alive, the merchant came to. After confusedly asking Peach if she was his grandmother, the Toad shook his head ridiculously fast, trying to shake himself back to his senses. It seemed to work. He blinked once and then put on his broadest grin in an attempt to calm the Princess. He bowed again.

    "Forgive me, O Princess fair," he began. "Had I known it was you… !"

    "Forget that now," she said dismissively. "I used magic to disguise myself from you for my own protection." She paused. "I want to talk to you about your Tough Coffee. I need your entire stock, right now. I know you've got more hidden away somewhere. It is," she finished, drawing herself up to her full height of five foot two, "a matter of national importance."

    The poor merchant gaped. He bowed for a third time.

    "Anything to help, Your Majesty!" With that, he trundled off to the back of the shop, drawing a curtain behind him as he did so. Princess Peach leaned over the counter and listened. In amongst the myriad bumps and clonks, the blonde swore she heard a dog barking, a spring being released, the pop of a champagne cork, a thunderclap, a few notes of bird song and a squelch.

    With a grand flourish, the merchant reappeared, dragging something behind him. Stars were circling his forehead and his eyes didn't seem quite right to the Princess. By pure random chance he moved towards her. The object he was pulling along with him scraped along the floor. For the second time the Toad shook his head and came back into the world. He moved forward purposefully. The Princess craned her neck to see what the merchant had with him: it was a large wooden treasure chest, the sort which pirates would usually bury deep in a dark, forbidding cave.

    "Pirates buried this deep in a dark, forbidding cave," the Toad began. "It took me days of negotiating to get it. This is filled to the brim with Tough Coffee beans." Using all his strength, the merchant heaved it onto his counter. "I hope it is of some use to you, Your Majesty," he said, gasping. The Princess nodded.

    "I'm sure it will be," she said. "Thank you. You can keep the coin." The Toad's pupils were instantly replaced by crosses. Slowly he keeled onto the floor, going from perfect vertical to perfect horizontal seemingly without bothering to move through the air in between. The Princess opened the chest and smiled. It was full of coffee beans that gave off an odd red glow. She took out her purse and heaved the chest into it. Closing it with a snap, she spoke to her umbrella.

    "Shall we find out how Toadsworth is getting on with his Super Coffee Brewing Machine, Perry?" she inquired playfully. He smiled.

    "What a good idea, Princess," he returned.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    When the Princess got back, she found her palace in disarray. Various Toads were carrying spanners, cogs, nuts, bolts and other, weirder equipment around the place, but nobody appeared to be going in the same direction. The Princess moved carefully between her hurrying subjects to the laboratory.

    Toadsworth was, as usual, at the centre of the chaos, giving out orders. The machine was visibly still some way from completion. He was looking at a large schematic that the Princess didn't understand. He smiled when she tapped his shoulder.

    "Princess!" he exclaimed. "Was your mission successful?" The royal smiled fully in response.

    "Yes," she replied. "How long until the machine is ready?" He scratched his chin, careful to avoid her gaze.

    "Difficult to say," he began. "It could be a week, it could be two months." A Toad clutched at his shoulder. When he had their attention, the youngster bowed.

    "Mr. Toadsworth, the machine is finished," he announced, bowed again, and scurried off. Astonished, Princess Peach and Toadsworth looked up. The young Toad was right.

    "Well, I'll be!" Toadsworth exclaimed, scratching his cap absently. The Super Coffee Brewing Machine dominated one wall of the lab. To all intents and purposes it was a chair with a titanic tumbler, colossal kettle and huge coffee bean grinder attached to it in various odd-looking places. However, it was not as sparkling and clean as its pristine surroundings: it looked ready to fall apart or explode at any moment. The Princess walked up to it.

    "Where do I put the beans?" she asked. Toadsworth shuffled over. He fiddled with a lever around the back of the machine and a vast compartment opened up in its right side. The Princess nodded.

    "I will need some help to load the beans, Toadsworth," she said, opening her purse. The enormous box crashed onto the floor, sending spare cogs, bolts and screws scattering in all directions. Toadsworth's eyes widened.

    "Immediately, Princess," he said. The aged retainer called four young Toads over to where they were standing. After a short set of whispered instructions, the four nodded as one. Each Toad took a corner of the weather-beaten chest and, on the count of three, hefted it up to the empty beans compartment. Peach lifted the lid as the back two Toads tilted the box forward. The rushing beans slid into the gap, forming a rough pyramid. Their red glow looked eerie against the darkness of the machine's innards. The Princess sniffed the air as the team lowered the box to the ground.

    "Now what?" she asked politely. Toadsworth was busying himself at the machine's controls around the back. He had donned a pair of protective goggles.

    "Now, Princess," he began, "the coffee preparation begins." With that he pulled a large golden lever down and the machine sprang into life, almost literally. Princess Peach backed away as smoke began to puff out of three different pipes on top of the machine. It began to move up and down on the spot, like a pair of bellows being pumped. Various clangs and clatters echoed around the lab as the Super Coffee Brewing Machine began to get into its stride. Toadsworth looked up at it in awe.

    "It's working!" he breathed. The Princess was impatiently tapping her foot, looking angrier and angrier. Toadsworth winced, slapped his forehead and sheepishly passed her a pair of protective goggles.

    Just as it seemed that the machine would explode, it stopped working, making a pinging noise. The thick scent of freshly-brewed coffee filled the lab. Gallons of the dark liquid sloshed around a gigantic see-through cylinder, which was perched precariously over the seat. Toadsworth removed his goggles with a flourish and bowed deeply to the Princess.

    "It's ready!" he announced. The Princess smiled.

    "How am I going to drink all that?" she asked sweetly. Toadsworth looked away.

    "We, er, decided that you would not, in fact, drink the coffee, as such," he mumbled. He shuffled over to the back of the machine and pulled out a transparent tube with a sharp needle at the end of it. "In, er, fact, we designed the machine so that we could get the coffee into your system intravenously." The Princess looked puzzled.

    "Directly into your blood," Toadsworth simplified. The Princess' eyes widened.

    "You mean you're going to stick that needle into me?!" she squeaked. Toadsworth nodded.

    "Well," she said coolly, "if this is the way it will be, we should get on with it. Who knows what unimaginable torture Mario and Luigi are facing at this very moment?" With that, she turned imperiously from Toadsworth and sat on the Super Coffee Brewing Machine's seat, clasping the ends of the armrests nervously. Toadsworth waddled round to her side. He swabbed her left upper arm with cotton wool.

    "I promise, Princess," he whispered, "this won't hurt a bit." With that, he drove the needle into her flesh and pushed a button. Boiling hot coffee surged directly into her body and Princess Peach screamed.

    — To Be Concluded —
    Muscle Growth Nut

    I'm liking this. I'm liking this very, very much. It's funny, and it's about Peach. I like it. ๐Ÿ˜€


    Yup… ๐Ÿ˜‰


    Nice story. I wonder how Bowser Jr.'s gonna react to "Mama Peach's" new look ๐Ÿ™‚


    Nuts.  I wanted to do a Super Mario/Princess Peach fanfic, but ya beat me to the punch.

    Fun.  Charming.  Definitely in the spirit of the game.  Uses them big words in the right size dose.

    Ya did good.  Can hardly wait for the next part. ๐Ÿ˜€

    Matthew Lim


    Don't leave us hanging there.  ๐Ÿ˜ฅ

    Can't hardly wait until the next part.  ๐Ÿ˜€


    This ranks right up there with the Princess Toadstool story Kraken scribed many moons ago.

    Definately has the flavor of the games down pat and is cute while preserving the undercurrent of bizzare game logic that wopuld make Sean Baby proud.

    Great beginning Fonk, can't wait to see what's 'brewing' in the next installment.  ๐Ÿ˜Ž


    I wonder how Bowser Jr.'s gonna react to "Mama Peach's" new look ๐Ÿ™‚

    He won't! I'm trying to keep with the spirit of the game and Bowser Jr. doesn't appear in it. ๐Ÿ™

    Having said that, if Peach had truly gotten to Bowser's Villa, she would already have rescued Luigi. ๐Ÿ˜ณ This is what comes of fine-tuning your story close to midnight! ๐Ÿ˜›

    Anyway, here's the second and final part. Thanks for all your kind words and I hope you enjoy it!


    DISCLAIMER: These characters are the property of Nintendo. This fan fiction uses the scenario of the Nintendo DS game "Super Princess Peach". I did not create the characters nor the scenario that inspired my take. Thank you for reading.

    Superhuman Princess Peach – Part 2

    "L – Liar," the Princess managed to gasp, turning her head carefully to fix Toadsworth with an icy stare. The old retainer blushed and his face fell to the floor.

    Princess Peach was in agony. She scarcely felt tougher at all; in fact, she felt worse! In small quantities the supercharged drink had made her feel a little stronger. Taken like this, it just made all her muscles ache like they'd never ached before. Chancing a glance at her body, the Princess discovered why. She seemed to be expanding!

    The young royal's gloves were tearing in several places with sensual ripping noises as her forearms swelled up. A single long, strong vein popped to the surface across both. Staring back along her arms, the Princess discovered that this unsightly growing wasn't confined to her forearms: her upper arms were bigger too! A sudden jolt of pain made Peach clench her fists, whereupon she was greeted by biceps the size of lemons which pushed the sleeves of her dress up on to her shoulders.

    No part of her body escaped. The muscles lining the blonde's neck thickened, tearing her dress open down the front to the blue jewel that adorned the garment. The underwiring began to creak as her meagre breasts started to grow, backed by her slowly-expanding pecs. Her white panties began to be sucked in by the gorgeous growth of her glutes. The Princess' pin-thin legs began to take on more and more power.

    As the transformation progressed, Princess Peach felt more and more able to relax. She reasoned that her body was getting accustomed to it. The surrounding Toads were dumbfounded; many of them had fled the laboratory altogether. Eyeing the tears in her clothes with a mixture of awe and horror, Toadsworth sidled up to the Princess and whispered in her ear.

    "Shall I stop the machine, Princess?" he asked. Although part of Peach's brain hollered to have the machine disengaged, she shook her head slowly; Toadsworth duly retreated.

    The caffeine onslaught continued. Roughly a fifth of the strange liquid had been transferred into the Princess and the changes continued apace. Her dainty white gloves tore from her hands and fluttered down to the sides of the machine, revealing a pair of forearms that would have looked good on a reasonably strong man. Power flooded Peach's upper arms, giving her noticeable biceps, even when she relaxed. The royal's shoulders had started to take on definitive might: her expanding delts stretched her already-distorted sleeves, just as her traps started to push her torn and tearing dress up around her neck.

    The Princess winced as her shoes began to pinch. She tried to kick them off but her expanding feet were so tightly wedged in that it proved impossible. The only way out was through so Peach sat back and tried to ignore the pain. The stitching of her simple pumps tore slowly and they began to fall apart, the soles falling to the floor uselessly. Smiling with relief, the Princess shook her feet and the rest of the shoes slipped to the ground.

    Something much more urgent was happening around chest level, though, as the Princess began to feel really constricted. Her pectoral muscles were starting to look like those of a heavily worked-out man and her breasts had grown to DD cups. Try as it might, the expansion could not break the blue stone attached to Peach's dress. She gasped in pain and started to hyperventilate, which made things worse. The Princess' breasts moved to the only place they could, bulging up over the torn garment, trying to tear it open so that they could be free. Huge masses of ever-growing creamy bosom pushed up and out. A couple of seconds later the Princess' dress tore right down the middle to her navel, bringing her hardening abdomen into plain view and shattering the blue stone into dust.

    As soon as her breasts bounced free, a pair of tiny red fairies appeared. They both held identical placards emblazoned with a red exclamation mark on a yellow background, which they used to cover the Princess' nipples, moving and shifting as she did to keep her modesty. Peach frowned briefly at them as she removed the tattered top half of her dress, leaving as her only clothing a makeshift skirt.

    With the entire top half of her body free of constriction, the Princess' musculature expanded more quickly. Her triceps took on a powerful horseshoe shape below her bulging well-rounded delts. Almost on instinct, Peach did a double bicep flex and looked from muscle to muscle: their peaks measured eighteen inches. Looking down, Peach saw that her breasts were still ballooning and she had a good inch and a half of muscle cleavage from her new pecs. Unable to look between or beneath her bloated bosom, the young royal had to resort to running her hands over her abdomen. Her normally flat and shapeless stomach had been replaced by a set of strongly rippling abs. The Princess felt each groove and striation with surprise.

    By now only Toadsworth was left to watch the spectacle. He knew nothing about the fairies, though he swore that their placards were growing so that they could keep covering the Princess' shame. He looked fearfully up at the giant tumbler: just over half of the liquid still remained.

    "My goodness," he thought, "what have I done? How much bigger will she get?"

    Princess Peach looked down at her awesome body and smiled.

    "I now have the power I need to defeat Bowser with half of the coffee still left!" she said to herself. It was then that disaster struck. The needle at the end of the tube pumping the hot caffeine into the Princess' body broke clean off. Coffee sprayed across the floor as it fell.

    "NO!" she cried, her voice now deep and commanding. She stood quickly, the fairies following her every movement, and made a grab for the tube, which was slithering around on the floor, spraying liquid everywhere. She got it first time and shoved it into her mouth.

    Toadsworth had backed all the way to the opposite end of the room when the tube had first fallen out. All he could think of was that His Majesty's skin had gotten so tough that the metal needle could no longer take the strain and had snapped. The old retainer edged closer to get a better look at the scene. The Princess was holding the tube in her mouth like a straw and swallowing the Tough Coffee in big gulps.

    As he approached, Toadsworth realised she had gotten much taller: at a height of five foot two she had been comfortably taller than her subjects, but now he estimated her height at closer to six foot three. Toadsworth also noticed that she was inexplicably getting tanned, and that her hair was growing too. Now her calves were visible, Toadsworth noted that they too were getting huge and riddled with veins. Her sea blue eyes were sparkling as she addressed him carefully out of the corner of her mouth.

    "Do not stop the machine, Toadsworth," she ordered in between gulps. "This is the key to defeating Bowser, maybe even ridding the world of him for good." The terrified Toad nodded obediently. The Princess nodded decisively.

    Princess Peach was starting to look like a male bodybuilder, covered in muscles seemingly too big for her frame. Each fresh gulp brought more power into her system, expanding and swelling her body to ever more incredibly powerful proportions. The growth began to take its inevitable toll on her new skirt as her waist and hips expanded to accommodate more unbelievable mass. More tearing rent the air as the skirt fought its losing battle on three fronts: Peach's glutes, quads and abs were conspiring to bring it down.

    Seconds later, the twin massive slabs of beef that were the Princess' new legs were revealed to the world as the tired remnants of her dress ceded under the strain and fluttered to the ground. At their thickest they were as wide as tree trunks, huge layer upon huge layer of power, still growing as the two looked on. The Princess' white panties now looked like a thong on her new body.

    Peach turned to check how much coffee was left: the tumbler was one quarter full. New waves of the magic liquid were still flooding into her body, propelling her to new standards of height, might and beauty. She grew in perfect proportion in all three dimensions: taller, wider and thicker. Gradually the Princess drained the tumbler of Tough Coffee. A wave of sadness hit her as she sucked in the dregs of the now cold drink, knowing that there was not much more power she could gain. All too soon the tumbler was empty. Unhappily but not angrily, the royal removed the tube from her mouth and flung it to the ground.

    Powered-up Princess Peach then padded into the middle of the laboratory, causing cracks in the flooring as she did so.

    "Fetch me a full-length mirror," she ordered. "And a large Mushroom Kingdom flag. Get my seamstresses started on making sets of panties to fit the new me." Toadsworth nodded and scurried away, glad to be out of the monster's sight.

    The superwoman smiled purposefully. She instinctively pulled pose after ripplingly powerful pose to check out the limits of her new body. She was a shade over seven foot tall. Her biceps had grown to thirty-six inches of incredible shepower. Her forearms looked like two large lead pipes tied together, ending in hands twice the size of the originals. Twin traps had grown to just below her ears, whilst her shoulders ended in smooth delts the size of soccer balls. When the royal flexed her pecs, they shot to twice the size of engineering textbooks, propelling her distended volleyball-sized boobs three inches further forward.

    When she tensed her stomach, each of her eight cobblestone-sized abs danced in time. Squeezing her glutes together resulted in the two wide bowling-ball-shaped cheeks swallowing her panties. When the Princess released, the underwear split and fell away from her body. A third fairy appeared, holding a long thin placard and floating continuously beneath the Princess' grape-shaped navel, which was distorted by the muscle surrounding it.

    Flexing her legs resulted in the large muscles engorging further, emphasising each individual layer of feminine strength. Peach's quads were as thick as the columns of her castle, whilst the calves beneath were the size of overripe watermelons. The new picture was completed by feet so big she could have completely crushed a computer keyboard in one stomp.

    The young princess smiled beautifully.

    "Bowser won't know what hit him."

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    For the third time that month, Princess Peach landed on Vibe Island, clutching a reinforced Perry. Instead of the traditional garb, she wore the Mushroom Kingdom flag tied around her bosom like a bikini top and a pair of the specially-made PowerPrincess briefs, which were coloured pink and had the words "KOOPA SCOOPER" written on them in white. The covering fairies had long since disappeared. The Princess took long, determined strides from her landing point – Wavy Beach – in the direction of Bowser's Villa, which dominated the island.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Once inside the forbidding castle, Princess Peach simply swatted her foes aside, scattering Koopas and Goombas alike in her wake, jumped over lava pits with consummate ease, and generally smashed all the traps that had gotten in her way before. Eventually she marched right into Bowser's throne room, having barely broken a sweat. A single black-clad Hammer Brother stood guard. His knees were knocking together and he was chewing his fingernails, as well as literally sweating buckets, four of which were perfectly positioned to catch the torrents. Bowser, the King of the Koopas himself, was sitting on his throne and had been looking very pleased with himself until the Princess had made her entrance by smashing the wooden doors into splinters, followed by the doorway.

    His eyes widened to the size of saucers but he quickly remembered the Vibe Scepter. Holding it tightly in his hand, Bowser whispered instructions to his henchman, then aimed the mysterious weapon at him. A bright flash of light stopped the Princess in her tracks a few feet away. She raised her right hand to shield her eyes. The Hammer Brother's face was turning red and he was screaming. Abruptly the scream changed from one of pain into one of anger. Bowser stopped the spell and jumped out of the way as the Hammer Brother charged.

    The spots had gone from in front of Princess Peach's eyes by the time the Hammer Brother hit her. Despite being full of pure rage he simply bounced off the powerful princess, skidding along the floor on his bottom. Nevertheless, he charged the royal again. This time Peach was ready. She timed her grab carefully, plucking the enemy off the ground by the scruff of his neck. She wound back her giant left fist and punched the hapless creature through the castle roof and out into the sky, where he continued to rise until he was out of sight.

    Dusting her hands down, Peach turned to find her nemesis. The giant lizard was cowering behind his throne, which she cast aside. It clattered loudly down the steps.

    "Surrender, Bowser," the Princess demanded. "Return Mario and Luigi and I may choose to spare your life." The King laughed at her, jumped back against the wall and aimed the Vibe Scepter at himself. He began to grow. Peach ran towards him but the reptile had grown to twelve feet tall in barely a second and was still expanding. He aimed a kick at the oncoming royal. The Princess jumped out of the way just in time but felt the rush of air as the gigantic foot swept past her. She landed a solid right on what turned out to be his kneecap. The leviathan merely laughed.

    Peach then noticed huge cracks running under Bowser's massive feet. She backed carefully away. King Koopa laughed.

    "Where are you going, little woman?" he said, his voice greatly amplified by his new size. Its echoes only hastened the inevitable: the castle began to crumble under the battling pair. Peach instinctively found the safest spot and turned to watch the floor give out under the enormous Bowser. He grabbed wildly at thin air, throwing the Vibe Scepter into the sky as he did so. The Princess saw her chance and caught it, making sure to avoid the thudding chunks of stone that were falling all around.

    Thirty seconds later it was all over: anything that was going to fall had done so and the dust had settled. Princess Peach peered carefully over the edge of the hole that Bowser had made. His thirty foot tall body lay still amongst and under the rubble of his villa. Peach prudently cast a spell with the Vibe Scepter and watched as the King of the Koopas reverted to his original size. As he shrank, debris that would have felt pebble-sized to him became boulder-sized, and more and more of his body was obscured. By the time he was normal-sized, Bowser's body had been completely buried.

    Nodding satisfiedly to herself, PowerPeach went to find her friends.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Back in the safety of the Mushroom Kingdom castle, the newly-liberated Mario and Luigi were still getting used to the new Princess Peach. They were sitting at a round table outside in the sunshine with Toadsworth, under the shade of Perry the umbrella, sipping freshly-made lemonade that the Princess had crushed by hand. She was just finishing off her story.

    "… and then I found you guys in the dungeon!" she said, smiling happily, rosy blushes appearing on her taut cheeks. There was a long pause.

    "So," Mario ventured, putting his drink down on the table, "do you think-a you'll keep-a this body?" The Princess nodded vigourously.

    "Of course! This way I'll be sure to beat you at tennis, and golf, and soccer, and basketball, and maybe even Tetris!"

    They all laughed.

    — THE END —
    Matthew Lim

    Good lord that was great.  ๐Ÿ˜€

    This is somewhat convincing me to get Super Princess Peach.  ๐Ÿ˜›

    Muscle Growth Nut

    *builds a shrine to Fonk*

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