Superstars–Athletic Competition Reality Show, Tuesdays

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    So, I've just read a little bit of description about "The Superstars" on ABC.  There's going to be 8 teams, each consisting of a male/female pair, competing in various athletic activities (bicycling, kayaking, etc.).  Each team has one athlete and one celebrity, and from what I can tell half of the participating athletes are female.  And the female celebs mostly seem to be model-types; we're looking at 8 attractive, healthy women (half of whom should be in great shape) in a physical competition, so it could be very good to watch.  It premieres tonight from 8-9:30PM Eastern time, and that appears to be its timeslot for future weeks this summer.

    As long as I've got your attention, I want to recommend Better Off Ted, a quirky and funny workplace comedy that airs immediately after Superstars; there haven't been any displays of athleticism, but it's just a very good show that I think deserves to be seen by a bigger audience.


    Superstars was, I'm certain, a British invention.  It was very popular in the 1970s and 1980s, with a British Judo competitor, Brian Jacks, being unbeatable in the gym tests.

    It was revived a few years ago, and provided some nice female athlete coverage, but seems to have disappeared again.  Assuming it hasn't been produced in the US before, you're in for a treat.


    I don't know if it's appeared in the US before, but it's been pretty good so far.  The announcers have an annoying tendency to repeat the action that happened anywhere from 15 seconds ago to what's happening as we watch, but otherwise it's been reasonably entertaining.

    Interesting to note: except for Jennifer Capriati, who "aggravated an old injury" and had to leave the competition, the eliminated teams have been the ones with male athletes paired with female celebs.  A sort of message (however subtle) that there are positive aspects to female athleticism;  or alternatively, there's a downside to neglecting physical fitness for some mainstream "feminine look".

    At any rate, the ladies are definitely good to look at in the sun and surf.  I'm pretty sure there's been at least a couple (though not many) good shots of well-defined abs.  And for people who like tall women, there's a women's basketball player to admire, towering over the hosts.


    The British version only contained professional sportspeople.

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