Suprema (some kind of SuperGirl rip off)

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  • #43326

    ÇDon't take so haerd Flakbait. It's just that you posted aret from a guy whose drawing and style were the main discussion back in the day. the discussion was so big that it still continues today.

    There's an interesting defence of leefield in the Marvel Spotlight Onslaught Reborn.


    I was being sarcastic….or facetious, whichever you prefer that's why I put the little tongue emoticon there. I guess I should have used something better like this



    I wasn't being sarcastic.


    There have been other issues with Mr. Liefield besides his artistic talent. Heck if that was the sole requirement there's be a lot fewer sales on eBay. As long as it's on topic I ain't gonna complain about the poster just the post.
    Suprema was the female version of his character Supreme. He was doing a whole Superman/Shazam family rip right down to a super powered dog.

    Wreck Shop

    Long time no see.

    I'm all sorts of a Rob Liefeld fan. I know that he's built a rep that's less than favorable in comic industry but I have always loved his work. I found Suprema to be a compelling character as well, so compelling in fact that I just had to draw her. 
    . . . No his anatomy isn't perfect, but show me a comic where it is? Are there artists out there that are more technically sound than he is? You know the answer to that but at the end of the day, it's just comics and the people that put them together are just trying to entertain you.

    I'm pretty critical of comics especially if I feel that the characters aren't true to form. I'm pretty critical of creators if I feel that they aren't living up to their potential! But at the end of the day, they're just comics and if I feel critical about a book/title/creator/character, it's because the comic has incited emotion in me and when that happens, it's done it's job.

    On the note of Rip-Offs, it's been going on longer than anyone would care to admit. Modern day Spider-man was has some controversy over his creation and his likeness to Joe Simon's & Jack Kirby's FLY. Captain America was predated bay a patriotic character called the Shield by a year. Aquaman is a blatant attempt at DC heralding it's own Namor. More recently ,Marvel's,  Sentry looks and feels a hell of a lot like Superman.  A slew of Marvel's Core characters are rehashes of older ideas. The Hulk combines Hollywood Monster Myths of Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde with the Frankenstein monster and played on the fear of the Atomic age. The list can go on including the launch titles of image creators in the early 90's but the these discrepancies are easily dismissed for what ever reason, maybe because the creators behind them are more highly regarded that Rob Liefeld? Again, my own characters cannot be excluded from this rant.

    My only hope is that he can achieve something that will turn your collective perspectives on his work around one day.


    " I see dead people"…

    What is this I'm reading? Is it a Voice from the underworld, a Voice coming from the shadows? Or is it that somebody has finally decide to come back?

    Welcome Back Wreck. It's good to have you here.

    And returning to The Liefield Issue, I like some of his works, and I hate some others. You completely nailed the reason  I read Comics.

    Finally, Wreck don't worry about anything, just having your thoughts here is more than enough.

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