SyFy cancels Eureka

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    Last week came the reports that Syfy had ordered a six episode sixth season of Eureka, but that those would be the final six episodes. Syfy then confirmed the six episodes in a statement but denied they would be the last episodes saying that although it had no commitment beyond the six episodes for season six, it was “hopeful that would not be the end of the franchise.” Four days later and Syfy isn’t hopeful anymore and sadly for Eureka fans, as of tonight Syfy has backed away completely from a sixth season.

    I wondered last week how the heck a six episode renewal got spun as a cancellation and how come Syfy’s head of programming Mark Stern seemed so darn wishy-washy about the whole thing. With hindsight it appears the reason Syfy was wishy-washy about the the future of Eureka was because it was in fact so-so about it. Here’s the statement from Syfy (via James Hibberd at EW) nixing a sixth season:

    “After painstaking consideration, we have had to make the difficult business decision to not order a season six of Eureka. But Eureka is not over yet. There is a new holiday episode this December and 12 stellar episodes set to debut next year, marking its fifth season and six memorable years on Syfy. The 2012 episodes are some of the best we’ve seen, and will bring this great series to a satisfying end. We are very grateful to Bruce Miller and Jaime Paglia, their team of incredible writers, and an amazing cast and crew who have consistently delivered a series we continue to be very proud of. We thank the fans for their support of this show and know they will enjoy its final season in 2012.“

    Like the statement says, there is a bit of Eureka left to come. There are still 5 episodes in season 4.5 left to air, plus the 13 episode fifth season, including the holiday episode this December.

    I guess they need the hour to show yet another sh*tty reality show


    Awesome! Now we can FINALLY get….

    “Destination Nowhere: Searching for Ghosts and Legendary Items Amid Haunted and Cursed Hollywood Treasures!”



    These days FearNet channel is more sci-fi than SyFy.

    Had the classic 80s movie “Heavy Metal” on the other day, haven’t seen that one in yrs. B)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    And nothing of value got lost…

    Finally Sy-fy has money and time to renew Stargate!


    Noooooooo! I like Eureka.



    This proves devolution. People are getting dumber.


    What a bummer. Salli Richardson has been in great shape. I would love to see more of that.


    SyFy should be my favorite channel, but lately they have been doing nothing but wrestling and low budget horror movies.


    But the grinding out of crappy scripted , badly acted , suckey CGI, monster, horror & knocks off summer block busters will continue!!!!

    :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

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