Syfy orders a pilot script for DC’s Booster Gold

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    After getting gritty and realistic with superpowers on Alphas, Syfy will take a dip in the other end of the pool by greenlighting a pilot script for a live-action take on DC’s light-hearted time-traveler, Booster Gold.

    Created by Dan Jurgens in 1986, Booster Gold is really a former athlete from the future named Michael Jon Carter who gambled on his own games and got banned from football. He stole some time-travel and crime-fighting tech from a museum and slipped back in time to the present, where he planned on becoming a beloved and well-compensated hero. Instead, he became a laughing stock.

    Presumably, the hour-long series—the pilot for which will be written by Warehouse 13’s Andrew Kreisberg and executive produced by Greg Berlanti (No Ordinary Family, Green Lantern)—will track Booster’s transformation into the real deal.

    This isn’t the first time Booster has made the jump from page-to-screen: He also popped up in an episode of Smallville during that show’s final season.


    He’s also shown up in Justice League Unlimited – “The Greatest Story Never Told”
    probably one of the best episodes of the series, with him on crowd control. B)

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    I liked his portrayal on the Smallville episode. The character was also on the Batman the Brave and the Bold animated series .


    I think he was in a couple of the original Justice League epsiodes as well. Fun character.

    But does anyone know if this will be an animated or live-action series? If its the former I’m there;
    if its the latter I’ll rake leaves or something — I’d much, much prefer a good animated series.


    How interesting. That booster gold has climbed up the ladder in recent years hasn’t he?


    Sci-fi on SyFy? The day had cometh…


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