Talk about a Revolution

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  • #13526
    Participant also has a pretty good overview about it too.

    Part of me is pretty excited about it.  Playing video games with that type of controller is going to be a completely new experience.  The part (in the article anyways) where they talk about using it to slash with a sword, etc is pretty interesting.  Being able to have faster reaction time and (possibly) better aiming capabilities with FPS is cool as well.  I know that every game that Nintendo develops will put it too good use.

    Of course, I can imagine a lot of developers either being turned off by this controller setup or not wanting to rethink game design.  I mean you sure as hell won't be able to play Madden with that setup.  There were rumors about there being another controller similar to the GC's for playing your GC games on it, so I guess developers could always opt to go with that.  It could very easily suffer from DS syndrome, where you have developers either not using the technology (a la the Rayman DS game) or using it in a pretty boring manner (like so many games that just use it to show a map, inventory, etc). 

    Either way, the Revolution looks like it is going to offer a completely different experience than the PS3 or Xbox360.  Whether this isl ultimately going to be good or bad will remain to be seen.


    Hopefully it doesnt get mixed up with my remotes… >.


    wtf lol i think we have a winner on weird controlers oh well lets hope that the backwards compaple idea is good i want to play lots old school nentowto games ex super mario bros and many more


    At first I thought that pic looked wierd.  But after reading the article, I can see a LOT of potential in that controller.  I imagine Nintendo games will be awesome with that setup.  Though how well third party developers utilise its potential is a whole different story.

    Now after reading this story, I can't help but look at the other two "next-gen" consoles in a whole different light.  What the hell is wrong with Sony and Microsoft?  Now its clear that the PS3 and XBox 360 are just speed bumps of the old versions.  Their not going to offer any new gaming experiences, just prettier ones.  And a whole bunch of features I don't want in a gaming console (I know, they aren't gaming consoles anymore, they're "home media centres").  I say kudos for Nintendo.  And we all know that if this gamble is successful, the PS4 and the next XBox will have similar controller designs.

    Apple needs to make a video game console.


    Playing FPS with that kind of controller should be KEWL!!!
    Now, with a pair of phones that simulates 3-d environment… 🙄

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