Tetsuko #2 page 12 **UPDATED!**

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  • #20785
    Zespara Alathar

    Well, Barry Carl (ex-bass singer for the group Rockapella) has done Tony's voice and he's still with us!!  😀



    Work of Genious! Great job Dave, keep it up!


    Magnificent, as always!  I especially liked the upper arm and shoulder shot in the final frame you drew.

    Thanks for sharing!  😎


    Tony the Tiger now has something else to call "grrreEEAAT!"  😀

    (Too bad Thurl Ravenscroft isn't around to do Tony's voice anymore 😥 )

    Oh yeah! That's what I call enthusiasm! Tony really did get buffed up on some of his commercials back in 2000 – 2001! I happen to have a couple from this website..


    David C. Matthews

    I've updated the first post to reflect the fact that I've posted the second half of the page.

    (and corrected a misspelling in the post title  😳 )


    I've updated the first post to reflect the fact that I've posted the second half of the page.

    (and corrected a misspelling in the post title  😳 )

    Woo woo – more Tet-zuko . . . (see anyone can make a mistake, even the Immortal One)

    (Confidentially, I was too polite to bring up the typo . . . probably you were mesmerized by her awesomeness while typing.  😉 )

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)

    Amazon Lover

    Uh-oh… looks like we're going to witness another transformation sequence, but this one will be far less pleasant for us – and Tetsuko and Sonya – to watch…!


    Hey, Zs are cool!  Think "Suzuki," "kamikaze," "naze" and other Japanese stuff… I think Tetzuko's an improvement!

    (Maybe we can do an alternate logo with the S in her name a stylized backwards Z? 😉 )

    Great as always, but two questions…

    (1) Hasn't Slade's face color gotten a lot fresher and more vivid in a hurry?

    (2) When will we see the update to the little "commentary" box on p. 11?


    I would love to see it…but for some reason when I visit the page, I onlly get the half completed one.  😥

    EDIT : Saw it. Lovable. ^_^



    I made a slight change to Page 11 as well; moved the last dialogue balloon to the top of the first panel of Page 12. (It's where it was intended to go, but I decided to temporarily put it at the bottom of Page 11 so that the reader doesn't have to wait for the "punchline".

    UPDATE, 1/17/06: Just posted the bottom half, so the page is now COMPLETE!!

    Smart! Very Very Smart! Can't Wait For Tetsuko 2 Pg. 13 and Contest Jitters pg. 12!

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