- This topic has 7 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 17 years ago by
March 8, 2008 at 6:09 pm #68200
ParticipantAll right, here is my second tribute to my favorite artist Dave Matthews. My first story was about Janet Steele, who used to be my favorite drawn muscle girl. That was until I saw Dave's Tetsuko comic "Incident at Gannon Labs". Now I have a new girl of my dreams: Tetsuko. And I'm not talking about the hyper muscular Tetsuko that most people around here seem to love, I'm talking about the pre-transformation, fitness girl Tetsuko that appears at the beginning of Dave's story.
And so I wrote a story, at least the first half of one at any rate. The very beginning of the story is taken right from the flashback on page 4 of IAGL (which i encourage everyone to read at Dave's site). Then I continue the flash back scene in most likely a far different direction then Dave ever would have. So I'd like to apologize for any errors that I might have made, and if Mr Matthews does not approve, I'll be happy to take the story down. So without any further adieu, away we go…
Tetsuko Fantasy Part 1: Incident at Derek's House
It started off as a nice date, evenings with Derek Horner usually did. He was absolutely gorgeous, at least in the mind of his girlfriend, Tetsuko Breckenridge; and he could be a real charmer when he put his mind to it. Not to mention there was something about dating an older man, especially to an impressionable young 19 year old college student like Tetsuko. Unfortunately, it was usually only a matter of time before Derek did or said something that totally ruined whatever kind of romance he’d gotten going, and tonight was going to be no exception.
Derek had taken Tetsuko out to dinner. When he picked her up, he’d been at his most charming, giving Tetsuko a rose and raining down compliments on how great she looked. Dinner was at a place that Tetsuko didn't particularly like, but Derek loved. Derek was always promising that the next time they went out she could pick the restaurant, though it never seemed to turn out that way.
They had been having a very nice time, until the meal was coming to an end. Derek already had a couple of beers. Tetsuko wasn’t much of a drinker. Not only was she underage and they probably wouldn’t serve her at this place anyway, but she was turning into quite the health nut, and beer was just a glass of empty calories that she could do without.
It seemed like such an innocent thing. Tetsuko had an itch on the back of her neck, and like anyone else would, she reached back to scratch it. Derek, who was just finishing off his third beer of the evening, happened to look right over at his girlfriend at that exact moment.
“Gyaaah!” Derek blurted out. Tetsuko looked up in alarm, wondering what was going on. “Wh-what the hell’s that on your arm??!”
Tetsuko looked down at her arm, wondering if there might be a bug on it. “My arm? What…”
“That, that muscle!!” Derek said, pointing an accusing finger at her arm.
Tetsuko noticed the bulge of her bicep that was caused by her bent arm. It wasn’t really that big, she wasn’t even flexing, but apparently her muscles were big enough that they showed even when she didn’t flex. “You know I’ve been working out…” she didn’t really see what the big deal was.
But Derek was livid. He rose up from his chair and leaned forward toward her. “Well stop it! I ain’t going with no bitch who’s got bigger muscles than me!!”
Tetsuko’s confusion at Derek’s reaction started to turn to anger. She couldn’t believe he called her a bitch; and right in the middle of a public place! Still, she thought she’d be the bigger person and try to diffuse the situation. “Geez, Derek, I’m a long way from…”
“Keep your voice down! You’re embarrassing me!”
She almost pointed out that he was the one who was yelling at her, but there was no point arguing when he got like this. He could be so irrational sometimes. So the two of them just sat there fuming at each other until the waitress gave them their check. Then the bastard got up without paying! Tetsuko was forced to reach into her purse to pay the check! “God,” she thought, “if he wasn’t so good looking, I’d kick his ass to the curb right now!” Yet as angry as she was, she got up and followed Derek down the street.
Derek was thinking the same thing. He sometimes got sick of having to coddle his girlfriend all the time, but damn, she had a smoking body, and the best set of tits he had ever seen. Not only that, her tight little body was dynamite in the sack. He just wished she wouldn’t always find a way to screw things up. All he wanted tonight was a nice dinner, a couple of beers, and then go home and get laid; but as he looked over at Tetsuko’s fuming face, he knew that wasn’t happening. Just great.
They walked along in silence almost the whole way back to Derek’s house. It was right around then that Derek realized he really wanted to get in Tetsuko’s pants tonight, no matter how much of a bitch she was being. He’d have to lay on the charm if that was going to happen. If he could just get her in his house, maybe he could get her drunk enough to jump in the sack. “Look sweetie, I’m sorry I yelled at you. You just caught me off guard. It’s just; you’ve got such an amazing body. I don’t know why you’d want to mess it up with a bunch of muscles.”
“You really don’t like them at all? I think they make me look better.” Not to mention that she just loved being strong. The feeling of lifting the gym’s heavier weights always made her feel so good. Even better was seeing a guy have to move the pin up when using a machine she’d just finished with because he couldn’t handle the amount of weight she was using.
“They’re not that bad.” Whatever, anything to get her through the door. He put his arm around her back and guided her up the front steps toward the door. “I just don’t see why you’d want to mess with perfection.” He bent over and gave her a little peck on the cheek.
Tetsuko was a sucker for compliments, and as had happened many times before, she found herself willing to forgive this gorgeous hunk of a man. She pushed herself up on her toes, and gave Derek a kiss on the cheek. “Its okay sweetie, I forgive you.”
“Yes!” Derek thought. There might be hope yet. He led her into his duplex and to the kitchen. He grabbed a bottle of wine he knew she liked that he kept in the fridge for just such an occasion and poured two glasses. He toasted her and took a quick gulp, as he looked Tetsuko up and down. “You know, it’s kind of strange, when you’re not flexing, I can hardly tell you’ve got any muscle at all.”
“Well, if it upsets you that much, then I’ll be sure not to do too much flexing in your presence.”
“It doesn’t upset me. I just think it’s strange.” Derek took another gulp. Maybe if he had enough alcohol, muscles would look good to him.
“Besides, you want your girl to keep in tip top shape, don’t you?” Tetsuko playfully teased, taking her own gulp. Derek wasn’t the only one who wanted to get laid. “A nice flat tummy always makes the breasts look bigger. And who doesn’t like a girl with toned, silky smooth legs. Plus, you want your girl to have a lot of stamina so she can take care of her man all night long.” Tetsuko moved closer to Derek, allowing him to caress her breasts with his hands as she whispered erotically into his ear. “Mmmmmm, that feels so good.” She reached down and started to stroke Derek’s growing cock. “I’m gonna take good care of you baby. Soon you’ll forget all about having a girlfriend who’s stronger than you.”
“Ha! That would be the day!”
Tetsuko closed her eyes as Derek started to rain kisses down her neck. “What would be the day?”
Derek pulled back from Tetsuko and gave her a smile. “Look babe, you might have a couple bumps on your arms, but that doesn’t make you stronger than me. I’m taller than you, I’m bigger than you, and I’m no slouch myself.” With that Derek flexed his own arm. A modest sized muscle appeared, though it was nowhere near as toned and defined as Tetsuko’s. “Besides, there ain’t no way a chick is stronger than me.”
No man knew how to kill a mood like Derek. It was one thing to think he was stronger than her because he was bigger, but to think he was better than her because she was a girl! Tetsuko hated that macho crap. Any lust was driven from her and was replaced by irritation. She pushed Derek away and gave her that irritated look that woman learn at birth. “So you’re saying that I’m weaker than you because I’m a girl? I’ll have you know there are a lot of guys at the gym that I can out lift!”
“Pahh!” God the woman could get fixated on the tiniest thing. “Then you must have a bunch of pussies at your gym, cause there’s no way you could out lift me.”
“And how would you know? Have you ever been to a gym?”
“Going to the gym is a waste of money. I got everything I need right here to keep in shape. Besides, I don’t need no dumbbells to tell me I’m stronger than a girl.”
“Really? Well then how about a little friendly competition.”
“Competition, what do you mean?”
“I mean a test of strength. You got some weights here? Well let’s see what you got.”
Derek walked up to Tetsuko and put his arms around her. “How about a little competition of who can take their clothes off the fastest.” He said as he started nibbling her neck.
But Tetsuko wasn’t having any. She gently pushed Derek away and put down her glass of wine. “No, I’m serious. I want to prove that I’m stronger than you.”
Derek heaved an exasperated sigh. Just when he thought he had her, she had to go on about this stupid strength crap. Then a light went off inside Derek's head. Or maybe this would be his ticket into her pants. “All right, you’re on, but we’ve got to make it interesting.”
“And what do you have in mind?”
“When I kick your ass, you’ve got to pleasure me in whatever way I want, all night long.” The bitch gives the best damn blow jobs Derek had ever had. “If you some how manage to win, then I’ll take care of you.”
Tetsuko smiled. Derek might be a jerk, but the man sure knew how to use his tongue. She’d get to humiliate him physically and sexually all in one night. No more than the asshole deserved. “You’re on!”
Derek strutted over to his make shift weight set. He knew he was no Hercules, but he was in pretty good shape, and had decent strength for his size. At 5’8”, 160lbs he was kind of on the smaller side, but he guessed he still had about 30lbs on Tetsuko. That should more than make up for whatever muscle advantage she might think she had.
There was a curling barbell on the floor next to his couch already loaded with 50lbs. It’s the weight he usually used for his workouts, and was probably more than she could lift more than once or twice. He reached down and picked up the weight, and then turned to face her. “All right there sexy, let me show you how it’s done. Be a dear and count for me, if you can count that high.”
Derek started his set. This was usually the heaviest he lifted when he was doing reps, and he wanted to make sure he won this contest, so put all his concentration and effort into the lifts. He was rewarded by doing better than the usual 8 reps he did with the weight, getting up to an even 10 before he could do no more. He dropped the barbell to the floor with a triumphant look on his face, and brought his arms up in a double bicep flex. “Ha, try to beat that!”
Tetsuko had counted Derek’s reps with a very guarded tone that Derek confused with awe. He actually thought she was impressed which was why he was confused when she started laughing. “What’s so funny?” He asked, more than a little irritated.
“Oh you’re just so cute.” Tetsuko made out as her laughter subsided. “I mean, that was very impressive for a guy your size, but do you really think I can’t beat that?”
Derek knew what she was trying to do, weasel out of the bet, but he wasn’t having any. “Look babe, the day you can do one rep with that weight is the day I bow down and kiss your feet.”
Tetsuko just arched her eyebrow, and then moved over to pick up the barbell. “Now why don’t you be a sport and count for me.” She looked like she was about to start lifting when she paused, and then shot Derek a sly smile. “In fact, let’s try to make it a little more interesting.”
Derek looked at Tetsuko with surprise and curiosity as she let go of the weight with one hand. “What the hell is she up to?” he thought. Tetsuko obviously noticed the confusion on Derek’s face, because she gave him a huge grin. Derek thought she must be up to some kind of joke, until she blew him a kiss, and then, with what looked like very little effort, curled the barbell!
Derek couldn’t believe it! She curled it with one arm! And she wasn’t done yet! With a slow and controlled motion, she lowered the barbell back to her waist and then, with no more effort than if her hand was empty, she curled it again, and then again, and again. Derek couldn’t believe what he was seeing. It had to be some kind of trick, but he knew the bar was real. He’d just lifted it, and yet as she passed 5 reps, she winked at him and kept up her slow and methodic reps like the thing was weightless. He counted rep after rep with more and more awe as she inevitably and easily reached her 10th rep.
Derek was stunned. He truly didn’t expect her to be able to do more than a couple, let alone 10, yet she did 10, but where he needed two arms and all his strength, she did it with just one arm and hardly seemed to be trying. A fact she made all the more clear in that she didn’t stop curling. At first he thought she was just going to do 11 reps so she could say she beat him, but she just blew passed 11 with the same slow, easy motion she’d started with. He looked up at her face, to see if she was at least struggling, but Tetsuko simply smiled at him, blew him another kiss and kept on going.
In fact, if she was having any trouble with the weight at all, she was having an easy time hiding it. Not only did she hide any effort, but she seemed to go out of her way to show how little effort she was using. At her 15th rep, she gave a huge, theatrical yawn. On her 20th rep, she adopted an absolutely bored expression. Finally, on her 25th rep, she just shrugged, and put the weight down and looked at Derek with a dazzling smile. “I could have kept going, but I was starting to get bored.” She lifted her arms and flexed her biceps to their fullest. They looked bigger than they did at the bar! "50lbs isn't nearly enough weight when you've got guns like these."
Derek was in a state of disbelief. There was no way she just did that! She had to have used some kind of trick! No one could be that strong! But he couldn’t for the life of him figure out how she did it. Maybe there was some trick they taught in the gym? But then Tetsuko said something that jolted Derek from his reverie.
“So I believe that proves that I’m just a bit stronger than you. So would you like to kiss my feet first, or would you rather do something a little more useful with that mouth?”
to be continued…
March 9, 2008 at 4:36 pm #68201cpbell0033944
ParticipantIt's a nice story that; I like the way you've picked-up on Dave's idea of writing Derek as a jerk. I must admit, though, despite the fact that I'm not a fan of hypermuscle, I'm one of the many who think that Tet-chan is hotter with the huge muscles.
March 10, 2008 at 10:31 pm #68202David C. Matthews
ParticipantNice work! You've pegged both Tetsuko and Derek – Tetsuko (at this point in her life, at least) is (maybe more than) a bit shallow in her relationships with men, forgiving a lot from a guy with a handsome face and a cute butt. And Derek, yeah, he's an uber-jerk.
The only inaccuracy (and it's minor) is that Derek isn't that much older than Tetsuko, maybe two years her senior… not enough to be considered an "older man".
Tetsuko's certainly demonstrating some impressive forearm strength, being able to curl a barbell with one arm!
I'm eager to see how this turns out. Good job!!
March 10, 2008 at 11:19 pm #68203rodman
ParticipantGreat story for Tetsuko. Looking forward for more.
BTW, Any more progress on continuing the Amazon Cruise story. You have all aboard and now we feel cast adrift.
8)March 11, 2008 at 6:26 am #68204spoonmaster
ParticipantHey thanks for the compliments. It's always nice to hear people like what I do, escpecially from the man I'm tributing.
As for the AC story, more will be forthcoming. I'm pretty busy day to day, and I don't have a ton of time to write. This was a story I started before I started the Amazon Cruise story, I just didn't know how to end it, so I thought I'd lay out a bit of what I already had to see if anyone was interested in reading more.
Anyhow, hopefully you'll get the next installment of Amazon Cruise by the end of the week.
March 11, 2008 at 10:29 pm #68205cpbell0033944
ParticipantHey thanks for the compliments. It's always nice to hear people like what I do, escpecially from the man I'm tributing.
As for the AC story, more will be forthcoming. I'm pretty busy day to day, and I don't have a ton of time to write. This was a story I started before I started the Amazon Cruise story, I just didn't know how to end it, so I thought I'd lay out a bit of what I already had to see if anyone was interested in reading more.
Anyhow, hopefully you'll get the next installment of Amazon Cruise by the end of the week.
Great news!
March 13, 2008 at 4:32 pm #68206spoonmaster
ParticipantAll right, here's part 2. I'm afraid I'm writing Tetsuko probably a good bit stronger than Dave would have made her at this point in her life, hopefully that's okay with everyone. I hope you all like it.
Tetsuko Fantasy Part 2: Incident at Derek's House
Tetsuko continues to show off her strength.
“You said if I did one rep you’d kiss my feet. Well, I did a lot more than one rep. And you said if I out lifted you that you’d show me what tongues were made for. Well, I think we can both agree that I definitely out lifted you. So, it’s time to make good on your bet, sweetie pie.”
Derek was still struggling to come to grips with what just happened. But the more he thought about it, the more he was sure she had to be cheating. No one that small could be that strong. That’s all there was to it. She’d tricked him somehow, that’s the only possible explanation! “I don’t owe you anything! You cheated!”
Tetsuko had no illusions that Derek would make good on his bet. He’d never admit to being bested at anything, especially by a girl. Derek liked things Derek’s way. They were always going to his restaurants, hanging out with his friends, watching what he wanted to watch, doing what he wanted to do. He never even asked her what she wanted to do, Tetsuko doubted he even cared. He thought it was all about him because he was a senior and she was just a sophomore, he was a man and she was just a girl. He was bigger, he was stronger, and he thought that gave him the right to do whatever he wanted.
When they met, a little over a year ago, Derek was stronger; but that was before Tetsuko started going to the gym, before she fell in love with working out. Now the rules were starting to change. Derek wasn’t the stronger one anymore. Tetsuko spent a lot of her time and energy over the last year building up her body. While Derek ate fried food, she ate only healthy food, staying mostly away from the sweets that she normally craved. While he was lying around on the couch watching TV, she was out running, doing calisthenics, or any number of physical activities. While he might pick up his weights two or three times a week and run half heartedly through some sets, she was at the gym every single day, hour after hour, building up her body with all the energy she had. And they had just seen the results. He might be in good shape and decently strong for a guy his size, but she was in phenomenal shape, and very strong for someone twice her size. His muscles might have been a little bigger, but hers were a lot harder, better toned, and as she’d just proved, much, much stronger.
And yet as strong as she knew she was becoming, she remained very humble. Tetsuko wasn’t normally one to show off, and she’d never belittle someone who she knew was weaker. Too many people avoided the gym because they were embarrassed to be weaker than some of the other gym goers, so Tetsuko made sure to be as encouraging as possible to everyone at her gym.
But Derek wasn’t just anybody. He was shallow and condescending, and way too full of himself. It was well past time that someone knocked him down a peg, and Tetsuko was pretty sure this was the night it would happen. She’d never challenged anyone in a test of strength before. She knew she was strong and didn’t feel the need to make other people feel bad to prove it. But she had to admit, showing up Derek to the degree she just did made her feel kind of good. She never felt so… powerful! She liked the feeling, and relished the opportunity to goad him into another “challenge”.
So she regarded her boyfriend with a questioning glance. “What do you mean I cheated?”
“I mean you had to have used some kind of trick that you learned at the gym. Some kind of cheat you gym dorks use to make you look stronger, cause there’s no way you’re that strong!”
Tetsuko sighed. Normally his name calling would get her dander up, but her feeling of power was making her euphoric, and his insult just slid off of her. “Honey, 50lbs is 50lbs. There’s no trick to making it lighter besides taking off some plates. I lifted just as much as you did, and I did it with one arm for more than twice the reps! That’s the dictionary definition of stronger. Now if you really think that I cheated, that’s fine, let’s just have another little contest, of your choose, and we’ll see if it was just a fluke.”
Derek was thrown off his game. That she beat him at all, cheating or not, (she had to be cheating) really pissed him off. Normally he made himself feel better by pissing her off, but his insults didn’t seem to be working. She was just standing there with that stupid grin on her face, and then she had the nerve to taunt him! He was almost pissed enough to hit her, but he’d gotten in trouble doing that before, and he’d somewhat learned to keep his temper. He’d learned long ago that the best way to deal with Tetsuko when she was acting like this was to simply ignore her, then she’d eventually just leave.
“No thanks. I don’t feel like playing any games.” He grabbed the bottle of wine and went over to plop on the couch and flipped on the TV to a baseball game.
Tetsuko felt a slight pang of irritation, but let it slide off her. This was Derek’s game, but today they weren’t playing Derek’s game. Tetsuko knew she was in control, and there was no way she was giving it back. This was going to be a long night for Derek Horner! She would see to that! He thought he knew her buttons, he did know her buttons, and he just loved to push them. But tonight the rules were changing, and she knew a couple buttons of her own. If he didn’t want to challenge her, then she’d challenge him.
She grabbed up her glass of wine and walked over to sit next to Derek, who studiously ignored her. “Time to give him a nudge in the right direction.” She thought to herself. Quick as a cat, she reached out and snatched the remote control up off of the couch and changed the channel.
“What the hell are you doing, I was watching that!” Derek grabbed for the remote, but Tetsuko was too quick and yanked it from his reach. She adjusted her hand to hold the remote in a tight grip and then held it out to Derek.
“I’m sorry, here you go.” Tetsuko said in her sultriest voice.
Derek reached out his hand and tried to snatch the remote from her grip, but to his surprise, his hand simply slid off the remote. Thinking he just got a bad grip, he grabbed the remote again, this time making sure his grip was tight, and tried to pull again, but nothing happened. Not only was he unable to pry the remote from her hand, but her arm didn’t move one iota. It was like trying to tug on an iron pole.
“What’s a matter? Is the big, strong man having a little problem?” Derek looked up to see Tetsuko grinning at him as she took a small sip of her wine.
Starting to really get pissed off, Derek reached out and grabbed the remote with both hands, and pulled with all of his might. Nothing! The remote barely budged! He was using two hands! There’s no way she could be this strong! Yet she sat there with that shit eating grin, sipping her wine, looking for all the world like they were just holding hands. God damned bitch!
Derek let go of the remote, not wanting to give Tetsuko the satisfaction of beating him again. He was starting to get a little worried that she really was that strong, but there was no way he was going to let her know that. “Fine, we’ll watch your stupid program!” Derek sat down with a huff and started to pout. Son of a bitch, it was a god damned cooking show!
Unfortunately for Derek, Tetsuko was far from done. She had overpowered him with one hand again! Sure he gave up without too much of a fight, but that was just because he knew he was loosing. And now he was pouting! What a baby! But if he thought she was done with him, he was sadly mistaken. Tetsuko could feel her heart pounding in her chest. She could feel the adrenaline pumping through her veins. She felt powerful, more powerful than she had ever felt before. It was time to up the ante and really humiliate Derek.
Tetsuko put down the remote and her glass of wine. Then, using very exaggerated movements, she reached down to the hem of her shirt, and very slowly, very sensuously, pulled it up over her head. This certainly got Derek’s attention.
There were many things that attracted Derek to Tetsuko when they first met. She had beautifully flowing, naturally blonde hair. She had smooth, tanned skin. She had a face that could make her a model of any magazine in the world. But most of all, the thing that attracted Derek, was Tetsuko’s amazingly firm, voluptuous, and perfect breasts. As worried and angry as he was becoming of Tetsuko’s seemingly superior strength, the sight of her bra clad, perfectly sculpted tits, was enough to send Derek into an animalistic lust.
Tetsuko flung her shirt casually over her shoulder and turned on the couch to face Derek. His eyes were glued to her breasts, as she knew they would be. There were times when she’d be put off by such lecherous behavior, but now, knowing the power she had over him, and the way he was staring at her in awe and lust, she felt like a goddess.
Reaching down to once again grab the remote, she gently slid it up her body, before tracing it around her breasts for a few moments. Satisfied that Derek’s attention was completely on her, she slid the remote down the chasm between her two massive mammaries until only the top half of it was still sticking out. She crossed her arms in front of her chest, pushing her breasts out even further, and leaned forward towards Derek. “Clearly my arms are just too strong for you, so let’s try to level the playing field a bit. Now all you have to do is overpower these big, lush, beautiful boobies of mine, and then I’ll be all yours. Come and get it, big boy!”
For all he’d been through this night, Derek found himself in an unbelievable state of ecstasy. He wanted to ravish her right here and now, but he knew he couldn’t. She was in control, and there was no way he was going to let her keep it. All he had to do to regain it was to win this ultimate battle of the sexes: his manly muscles, against her soft feminine breasts. He lunged forward with an unmatched ferocity and grabbed at the remote. There was just barely enough of it sticking out for him to get his hands around. Getting a firm grip, he leaned back, and pulled with all his might.
Tetsuko braced against his onslaught. Her triceps bulged out of her arms as she pressed against her breasts with all of her might, and she felt her chest swell as her pecs hardened into stone. She felt him grab the remote, and flexed her muscles for all they were worth.
Unfortunately, it seemed that Tetsuko had finally bitten off more than she could chew, as slowly but surely, Derek started to pull the remote from her cleavage. “Damn my stupid arrogance!” She thought. Now everything that she’d gained tonight by besting him would be for naught and all because she got too big for her britches.
Derek knew it too. He was actually shocked at how difficult it was to pull the remote from Tetsuko’s breasts. But it was moving. He was finally beating her, and as the thrill of victory filled him, he started to feel the need to gloat. “So you thought you were some kind of supergirl, huh. Well this should teach you to respect the stronger sex! And if it doesn’t, maybe me shoving my dick in your mouth will!”
Damn him! The stronger sex?! So now that he was winning the bet was back on! Tetsuko felt rage start to bubble. Anger and determination fueled Tetsuko’s body, there was no way she was going to let Derek win, she had to beat him. Taking a deep breath, she poured all of her power into one last flex, and her body responded, growing bigger than it ever had before, harder than it ever had before, and stronger than it ever had before. The remote stopped moving! Stuck as though it was set in cement.
Derek was surprised as his progress was halted. But he’d almost won, the remote was almost out. He leaped up off the couch, grabbed the remote again, and pulled with all the might and leverage he could muster.
But Tetsuko was not to be denied as she poured more and more strength she never knew she had into her chest. Finally, the cheep plastic remote could take no more. She heard a crack coming from her chest, and then felt her breasts slam together as the device shattered under the power of her mighty chest.
The part Derek was holding separated from the rest of the device and he lost his balance, falling backward onto his ass. He wore a look of triumph on his face, thinking that he’d won, until he held up what remained of his now ruined remote. All color drained from his face as what just happened started to sink in.
Tetsuko stood, and spread her breasts apart, allowing shattered chunks of plastic and wiring to fall to the ground. Once she cleaned all the remains from her chest, she put her hands on her hips, puffed out her chest, and looked down at the man before her. “Now, I believe it’s time for you to pleasure the real stronger sex!”
to be continued…
March 14, 2008 at 12:54 am #68207cpbell0033944
ParticipantInteresting …I'm looking forward to see how you conclude this without turning Tetsuko into a bit of a baddie.
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