- This topic has 0 replies, 1 voice, and was last updated 16 years, 11 months ago by
March 25, 2008 at 11:54 pm #68888
ParticipantI just wanted to remind everyone that while this tale began with a scene from one of Dave's own stories, it's not meant to fit in the Tetsuko story continuum. It is a totally separate story arc that shares nothing with Dave's Tetsuko world besides the names and physical descriptions of the characters.
With that in mind, here's the ending of the story that I started in a previous post.
Tetsuko Fantasy Part 3: Incident at Derek's House
Derek fights back… or at least tries to.
Derek was starting to get a little nervous. He thought Tetsuko must be using some kind of trick to make it look like she was stronger than he was, but as she displayed more and more of her strength, he was getting less and less certain that it was a trick. Maybe she really was stronger than he was! Well if she was, it was time to get her out of here. He was done playing games.
“I’m done with you! You’re some kind of God damned freak! And there’s no way I’m dating some kind of mutant chick. Now get the hell out of my house!”
Tetsuko just laughed. She could see he was starting to get a little afraid of her. She knew she had the upper hand, and there was no way she was letting it go. Besides, she was really enjoying overpowering her jerk boyfriend. She’d put up with over a year of abuse and condescending remarks, now it was payback time.
Tetsuko never considered herself a bully, but she spent a lot of time and hard work building her body into what it was today, and she was actually getting turned on by showing off the fruits of her labors. Derek promised to please her if she showed she was stronger than he was, and there was no way she was leaving until he fulfilled her growing desires.
“Sorry babe, but I’m not going anywhere. At least not until I collect on our little bet.” She reached down and slid her shorts down her legs. And then stood back up proudly in her bra and panties. “So you either get over here and use that delicious little tongue of yours or you come over here and try to throw me out.”
Derek’s anger was mixing with lust. Watching her start to strip was getting him aroused. She really did have an awesome body, if she’d just loose some muscle, she’d be perfect. But she’d humiliated him enough for one night. Throwing her out of his house and making her walk all the way home in her bra and panties should just about even the score.
He charged toward Tetsuko, grabbed her by the shoulders and started to push her towards the door.Tetsuko was a little stunned by the suddenness of Derek’s attack, and she staggered back several steps before she got her balance back and planted her legs to resist him. If Derek thought her arms were strong, then he’d be blown away by the power of her legs, which were much stronger. As soon as she got her feet set, she was easily able to resist him. In fact, she let him push against her for a few moments, just to show she could handle him. After letting him tire himself out for a few moments, she reached out and gave him a shove of her own. She knew she shoved him hard, but she was a little surprised when his body actually left the floor and sailed through the air a few feet before landing and skidding across the ground. She made no move to press her advantage. She just stood there in the classic Wonder Woman pose and waited until Derek got back up.
Derek actually thought he had her for a moment. He was pushing her across the room toward the front door, when suddenly she stopped him. He leaned into her and pushed with all of his might, but it felt like he was pushing against a wall. He pushed for a few moments with no effect and was starting to rethink his strategy, when suddenly he felt her hands on his chest and his feet left the ground. It actually stung a little as he fell back to the floor and skidded a couple feet before stopping. What the hell did she do!
He scrambled up, expecting to feel her grab him, but got to his feet unmolested. He twirled to face her, and she was just standing there casually with her hands on her hips and that shit eating grin on her face. She smiled at him and stuck out her right leg and then flexed. Her arms might have been big, but her legs were much bigger. Like her arms, they expanded a good bit more than he would ever had thought possible.
“Sorry babe,” she teased as she continued to flex “but if you couldn’t handle my arms then you had no chance against these legs of mine. I guess I’m just a little too much woman for you.” She was totally ignoring Derek, concentrating solely on the little leg posing show she was giving him.
Derek was forced to reluctantly admit that she was stronger than he was. And his present tactics were getting him nowhere. But he wasn’t about to give up yet. Before coming to college, he was a member of the varsity wrestling team at his high school. He wasn’t a great wrestler, but he won as much as he lost, and he knew that in the absence of strength, leverage would usually do the trick.
He slowly snuck up to her, which wasn’t much of a problem, because she was totally ignoring him. Then, when he got close, he struck. He slipped behind her back, thrust his arms under hers and then reached up behind her neck and grasped his hands together. Then he pushed against her head with all his might. He was rewarded by hearing Tetsuko give a little grunt in pain as she doubled forward. Now in control of her body, he attempted to drag her toward the door.
It seemed like a good plan, but after moving her a step, she once more braced her legs, stopping his progress. He powered down on his full nelson, hoping to cause her enough pain to make her give up, but he still was unable to move her. Then, slowly, she started to straighten her body. Derek pushed with all of his might, but it was no use. In moments, she was fully erect. Then, yelling some kind of karate scream, she slammed her arms downward, forcing him to release the hold.
“Damn!” Derek shouted. He really thought he had her. He thought of reapplying the hold, but then decided on something different. She still had her back to him, and he wasn’t about to give her a chance to turn around. Derek lunged at Tetsuko, wrapping his arms around her back, pinning her arms to her side. He clasped his arms together in front of her chest, a little surprised at how hard it was to reach around her. Was she always this big? It didn’t matter. He squeezed her with all of his might; again he was awarded by a grunt. This time, he tried to take her legs out of the picture. He tried to lift her up off her feet to carry her to the door. But he couldn’t! He almost got her up off her feet, but she was resisting him somehow. She was certainly a lot heavier than she looked. Maybe he didn’t out weigh her by as much as he thought. He must have been getting tired from his exertions. He couldn’t think of anything else to do, so he just concentrated on squeezing her as hard as he could.
Unfortunately, his pressure seemed to have less and less of an effect on Tetsuko. She only let out that little grunt of pain at first, but since hadn’t made any sign that she was under any distress. Since he was standing behind her, he couldn’t make out her facial expression, so he had no idea what she was thinking. He didn’t have to wait long to find out. After doing nothing for about a minute, he heard her take a deep breath. Amazingly, he felt her chest start to expand under his grip! He tried to renew his pressure, but it didn’t seem to have any effect. His arms were being slowly separated by the force of her expanding chest. Soon, he was just barely able to hold three fingers of his one hand with his other.
With Derek’s hands pulled further apart, Tetsuko had a little bit of room to operate. She reached up and grabbed Derek’s wrists. With an unstoppable force, Derek felt her wrench his hands apart. He tried to pull back, but he couldn’t. Tetsuko was holding his arms in a vice like grip. She lifted his arms up over her head, straining him up to his toes, and then moved both arms so they were over her right shoulder. Suddenly, Derek felt his feet leave the ground. The whole world went tipsy turny as she flipped him over her shoulder. He landed on the floor with a loud THUD and the wind was knocked out of him.
It took him awhile to catch his breath and regain his footing. Again, he was sure that Tetsuko would have pounced on him to press her advantage, but he got to his feet unmolested. When he looked up at her this time, he was enraged to see her yawning! She had thrust her chest out and was holding her hands up over her head, stretching like she just woke up from a nap!
In truth, Tetsuko really wasn’t in that much pain at all. Oh, his holds had hurt at first, but only because she let him get her in them. She had laughed to herself as she let him “sneak” up on her while she was flexing her legs. She was pretty sure she could have countered the maneuver. She had never wrestled, but she had taken self defense classes. She was pretty sure that if she had gone on the offensive, this thing would be over by now, but she thought it would be much more humiliating to Derek if she let him get her in holds and then simply powered out of them.
Getting out of the full nelson had been pretty easy, and she was sure it wouldn’t have been much harder to power out of the bear hug, so she thought she try something different to get out of that hold. Expanding her chest to it’s fullest had almost been enough to break his grip! She was a little disappointed it wasn’t. And so she took out her frustration on him by flipping him over her shoulder, something she had learned in class. She thought of pouncing on him, but she was having way too much fun humiliating him. So she let him get up, and then as soon as he looked up, she gave him a huge, theatrical yawn, just to get under his skin. He was really starting to look scared, and for a moment she wasn’t sure he would continue his attack. So she goaded him further.
“Ooooo, that was a really nice hug there baby, but now foreplay is over, why don’t you crawl over here and maybe I’ll let you slide into third base.” She seductively rubbed her hand up and down her crotch as she spoke.
Well, that certainly got his dander up. His head reddening with fury, Derek sprang to his feet and charged at her. This time he reached out and grabbed one of her arms. He grabbed her right wrist with both of his hands and wrenched it up behind her back into a hammer lock. Tetsuko again let out of involuntary cry of pain as she felt her arm pulling from her shoulder, but she took a deep breath and made sure she gave him time to lock in the hold as good as he could. Twice already tonight she had pitted the strength of one of her arms against both of his, and twice she came out the victor. This time, he had leverage on his side. That was fine with Tetsuko, it would only make it more humiliating when she over powered him yet again.
She waited for several moments while Derek established his grip. She heard him give a little grunt of triumph and knew it was time to put him in his place. She closed her eyes, and pulled on her arm with all of her might. She was rewarded by both a shout of surprise by Derek, and the feeling of her arm slowly but surely lower down her back. She felt him shift his arms and legs behind her, trying to get stop her with all of his might, but it was no use. Tetsuko was simply too strong.
She straightened out her arm until it was sticking straight out from her side. She looked over at her hand to see Derek still clinging to her wrist with both of his hands, practically dangling from her arm. She just smiled at him and curled up her arm in a bicep flex, dragging him up with her. Her bicep swelled up bigger than it ever had before, practically pulsing with a power she’d never before felt. Derek was still holding her wrist, though he’d stopped pulling. He was looking at her with a look of awe that made her feel even more powerful. She smiled even bigger at him, and blew him a kiss.
His awe turned back to rage and he lashed out at her stomach with one of his arms. It was a sloppy, half hearted blow that sorely missed its mark and merely glanced off of her stomach without causing her much pain. But Tetsuko was delighted he still had some fight in him.
“So you still got some fight in you, huh?” She pulled her wrist from his grip and turned to face him. She placed her hands back on her hips and tensed her abs with all of her might. “Well, I know you can punch harder than that. Come on, give me a couple right here in the ole bread basket.”
Derek seemed surprised she was letting him take free shots. Well, he probably didn’t realize that she’d pretty much let him put her in all those holds. He hesitated for only a moment, but relented, and threw a punch right into Tetsuko’s stomach. In all fairness to Derek, he’d put a lot of effort into trying to throw her out of his house for the last couple of minutes, and he probably wasn’t at full strength, but as his fist bounced off of Tetsuko’s rock hard abs, she knew she was in no danger from him hurting her this way. Sure it stung a bit, but it was nothing she couldn’t take. So she just stood there, egging him on, almost laughing as he hit her over and over again with little effect. Then she laughed outright after about his 10th punch, as he held his fist up in obvious pain, trying to shake it out.
“Awe, what the matter, did the mean girl hit your fist to hard with her stomach?”
Derek was beside himself. He’d given her all he had, and she just stood there taking it! She’d powered out of all of his wrestling holds and laughed at him when he hit her with all of his might. He was starting to doubt whether or not she was human!
Derek was running out of options, so he did the only thing he could think to do. He charged forward at Tetsuko, dipping down and ramming his shoulder into her stomach, trying to tackle her down. But the only effect he had was to force her back half a step. Besides that, he couldn't budge her. In a vain attempt, he tried to grab the back of her legs and lift her up off the ground, but in his weakened state, it was like trying to uproot a tree. Her legs were solid as steel, and as immovable as a statue. Tetsuko just laughed at his futile effort.
"Are you trying to pick me up?" she asked, as her laughter subsided. "Well no wonder it's not working, you're doing it all wrong. Here, let me show you." Tetsuko reached down and grabbed Derek by his shoulders. With an irresistible force, she pried him from his hold, and then pushed him up into a standing position.
"First thing you have to do, is establish your grip." Derek was about to protest, when Tetsuko grabbed his neck with her left hand, cutting off his speech with her strangling grasp. Then her right hand shot down to his crotch. She grabbed his balls, and then squeezed them so hard he would have choked if he could have breathed.
"Then all you have to do is lift." And just like that, Derek felt his body lift up off the floor. Tetsuko maneuvered his body, so that it lay horizontally across her chest. She wanted to really show Derek how powerful she was. She knew she weighed about 160lbs. That was just about her max for what she had in mind, but she felt so much stronger than she ever felt before, she was sure she would be able to handle it. She moved her hand from his neck to his chest. Then once she balanced his weight, she thrust him up over her head.
She couldn’t believe how easy it was. She knew he was heavy, but apparently adrenaline did the body good, because she felt as though she could lift a whole lot more. She lowered Derek back to her chest, and then pushed him back up. She did several more reps with him, just to show him how easy it was. After 5 reps, she held him once more up over her head, considering what to do next. Looking up at him it was apparent that he was just about spent. It was almost time to end his humiliation. Almost, but not quite.
With a heave, she threw him across the room. He sailed about 5 feet in the air before slamming into the wall and crashing down to the floor. Tetsuko slowly and sensually sauntered over to him while he struggled to get to his feet.
“How embarrassing it must be for you. A big, fit man being over powered by a smaller, younger woman.” She helped Derek up to his feet and gazed up into his eyes with an animalistic look on her face. “And I don’t mean just a little bit, I mean thoroughly beaten into total submission by a young, fit, voluptuous teen.”
Derek was in a daze, he had to be dreaming, this couldn’t be real. And yet, as Tetsuko leaned forward against him, rubbing her breasts against his chest, he could feel himself start to get aroused. As thoroughly dominated as he’d been today, as humiliated as he felt, he still couldn’t help but to be turned on by Tetsuko’s incredible beauty.
She saw Derek’s gaze drop to her breasts. “Mmmmmm, you love these big, thick, juicy breasts of mine don’t ya?” She reached behind her back and unhooked her bra, letting it drop to the ground. In spite of himself, Derek reached up to touch her perfect mammaries, but she simply slapped his hands down.
“Ut uh, not this time sweetie. These are only for good boys, and you haven’t been a very good boy today, have you. Besides, I think even my tits are just too much for you to handle.” And with that, Tetsuko pushed her chest up against Derek. She put her hands behind her back, thrusting her chest out as far as it would go. Derek let out an audible gasp as the force of her chest pressing into his actually started to make him feel uncomfortable.
“In all those times that you fondled my boobies, did you ever in a million years imagine that they would be so powerful?” Tetsuko was wearing her sexiest pout as she pushed her chest harder and harder against Derek. She was rewarded by the sounds of his grunting as her tits were obviously causing him discomfort.
Derek reached out and tried to push Tetsuko away. Yet all his attempts were futile. He couldn’t budge her in the slightest. Seeing the futility of that, he tried to slide left, then right, trying to free himself of her booby prison. Yet even those attempts were useless. She had pinned him to the wall using just her tits, and there was nothing he could do about it!
“Surprised sweetie?” Tetsuko continued to tease; looking up at her man’s scared face. “Are you overawed at the power of my super boobies? Well, you ain’t seen nothing yet!”
Tetsuko leaned back, giving Derek a respite from the pressure she was causing him. For a second he thought his ordeal was over, but Tetsuko wasn’t done with him yet. He felt her hands grasp his hips, and then slowly he felt his feet lift up off of the ground. He looked down into her eyes and saw her simply smiling up at him as she held him suspended off the ground. Then she leaned back into him, pressing her breasts against his stomach and the pressure returned. He was shocked that she was able to hold him up like this, but it was nothing compared to what she was about to do. With no fanfare at all, Tetsuko released her grip on his waist, and moved her hands back to her own hips. Derek expected to drop back down to the ground, but he didn’t. He didn’t move one iota. She was holding him a foot off the floor with just the power of her tits! He couldn’t believe it! He was totally cooed.
“Ok, ok, you win, please stop. Please let me go. You’re stronger than me, so, so much stronger. I’ll do whatever you want, just please let me go.” Tetsuko was beaming, Derek was finally broken.
She took a step back and watched as he collapsed to the ground, exhausted from his ordeal. She had completely dominated him, now it was time to claim her prize. She pulled him away from the wall, slipped her panties down her legs, and sat down on his face, her thick powerful thighs on either side of his head.
Derek knew that there was only one way out of this, and so he opened his mouth and started to use his tongue to please this super teenage amazon.
Derek could be a big jerk sometimes, but if there’s one thing he was good at, it was pleasing his girl. And now was no exception. Tetsuko moaned as Derek worked his magic filling her body with amazing pleasure. She started fondling her bare breasts, heightening her pleasure as Derek’s tongue filled her to the point of euphoria.
Finally she could take no more, and she let out an animalistic roar of pleasure at the most intense orgasm she had ever felt. So wrapped up was Tetsuko in her waves of pleasure, she didn’t even notice how hard she was squeezing Derek’s head with her powerful thighs, nor did she hear his muffled screams. And so she was surprised, when she finally finished her orgasm, to find Derek unconscious underneath her.
She looked down at him with actually fondness. Things would never be the same in there relationship again. In a way she hoped Derek didn’t yet realize that. She wouldn’t mind the opportunity to show him who was now wearing the pants in this relationship.
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