Thar she grows! (nudity)

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  • #558

    Hi guys and girls,

    I wanted to do something for Lingster’s new board as a mark of appreciation for the work he’s put in over the years in keeping the genre alive. So, since this board is all about growth, I did a growth sequence with Sung Hi Lee. It’s not quite how I envisaged it ending up, but I hope you all enjoy it. Thanks, Lingster, for all your hard work and time, it’s much appreciated!

    Here’s the desktop-sized one I made originally. There’s a smaller one over at my uberdrive if anyone wants a more manageable size.


    Incase any morphers out there are interested, I’d like to share a few things I learnt doing this morph.

    1 – Colour matching different FBBs’ source photos is a pain! Try and pick one FBB in particular and use an original photo as the ‘middle’ pic, then choose others from the same person and shoot and make her less and more muscular/busty for the other extremes – this is what I should have done and will do in future!

    2 – Likewise, I stupidly picked pics with different jewellery/breasts/clothing, which was time-intensive to remove! (I had particular fun trying to get Lynn McCrossin’s lopsided nipples to behave themselves in the third figure and removing Anja Langer’s stringed bikini in the last figure…)

    3 – Don’t make morphs this size lightly – I found it a struggle with source pics that were a little too small and started looking grainy/blurry. Also, mistakes are more obvious (while a smaller pic will kindly forgive a lot of errors! Compare the large and small versions of this pic to see what I mean!)


    Bloody good work randomn,

    Sung Li has a good tan that is very similar to the tans fbbs have during comps.

    One Question: Do you have the power to make that happen in real life?



    Hooray! A reponse!

    Thanks for your kind words, Praetorian. It didn’t end up as good as I wanted it to be.

    As for my hitherto unexplored powers to make women grow in real life, I’d keep an eye out during the finale of the Olympic games for a spectacular mass transformation in the stadium if I were you… πŸ˜‰


    I thought it was a noble effort Random. You don’t see many growth sequences these days, much less a PM sequence. Feel free to experiment further, just as long as we can see the results. πŸ˜‰


    Great work Random! Looks like you put a lot of effort into this pic, very nice composition. πŸ™‚

    (Though I am having nightmares about being attacked by the nipples on that RH figure)




    Fantastic work random, you’re the master. but please……



    Thanks guys! Glad you liked. More morphs to come πŸ˜‰ (at a somewhat slower pace than before due to work crisis)

    Rimmer8 – Yeah, I wasn’t that happy with the nipples on the RH Sung Hi Lee either, but it’s so difficult finding a decent pair of nipples on huge breasts these days… (sigh)


    that is an EXCELLENT sequence!!!!

    keep up the good work


    Very nice!! Keep it coming!! πŸ˜€

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