That old fat man in red visited me last weekend…

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    …and instead of giving me a good nice present, he came with a warning.

    "You better reduce your TO DO folder, or you will see scrawny, beanpole like women for the rest of your life"

    Having said that, he turned around and went up my chimeny. (I still wonder how he can go through that little space.)

    The nest thing I know, is I coloring like if my life depended on it. As a result, I had colored the following picture, wich gave me the idea for a new avatar.

    Happy new Year to you all.

    Let the FMGVerse keep on "Growing"


    They 're both really great, I've seen the first one a few month ago and it's definitely better with some colour.

    The second one is new for me and really good too, my favorite

    Bravo Fasola, I understand why you were choose by LH Art for the job….


    Wow, over 500 views and only one comment.

    That has to be a new record for my posts.

    Greg, thanks for your support. It's always welcomed.


    Wow, over 500 views and only one comment.

    That has to be a new record for my posts.

    Greg, thanks for your support. It's always welcomed.

    Man, I know how that feels! 😛

    Great job on the coloring…I agree the "Rosie The Riveter" would make a good avatar!


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