- This topic has 4 replies, 4 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 2 months ago by
Mark Newman.
December 13, 2005 at 5:51 am #19356
ParticipantThe 4400.
Circus Strongman.I am one of the 4400, and this is my story. In 1937 I was surviving the depression by traveling with a circus as their strong man. We would travel from town to town, staying several days and doing three performances a day. With all that lifting for performances I grew quite a bit bigger than when I originally got the job. I have no idea what weights I was lifting because we painted false numbers on the barbells. They were still substantial enough that a normal man wouldn’t be able to lift, otherwise I’d be out of a job, and with so many people out of work I was one of the lucky ones. Of course most of my pay was for room and board but I had enough spending money to keep me happy.
I was in the middle of the afternoon performance when suddenly there’s a very bright light that is not a part of the performance and then I’m standing on the shores of a mountain lake in the Pacific Northwest with 4399 other people and a group of confused looking authorities staring at us like we were from another planet. I would have said the same thing given the clothes they were wearing and the highly irregular automobiles they were driving. It only became clear to me later that there had been an enormous time gap between my afternoon performance and the lake, which explained a lot.
Further explanations revealed that we had been abducted by a highly advanced alien race and for reasons yet unknown returned to earth. Those first few weeks were a blur, they took us to a holding facility near Seattle and after a brief legal battle were forced to release us. Many people had only been missing for a short time and had friends or family waiting for them, but my almost 70 year absence meant there was no one waiting for me. I also had no idea what to do for a job so I asked around a bit. Seems that a fellow of my size would do well in the security business so I used the phone book to visit several security firms and chose the one most appealing to me. So began my new life.
After a month of training I was assigned to the highest security division of the local airplane manufacturer, Boeing. I remember when Boeing was just getting started and was reassured to find that they still existed and were doing very well. My job entailed gate checks, perimeter sweeps and video surveillance. I must say that technology has come a long ways from the phonograph. I especially enjoy the portable DVD player that I purchased at the local electronic goods store. I was most especially impressed with the new fighter jets that Boeing was designing for the military and that I was entrusted to guard.
Life progressed and I made several friends. I reported to the 4400 facility as requested for regular check ups. After three months I even attracted the affections of a lovely young woman whom I met at the local speakeasy. I suppose it’d be a bar to you folks. She was a pistol, a tiny little redhead with more energy than anyone I’ve ever met and a mouth on her that would have made my daddy whale the tar out of her, but times have changed. We started seeing each other on a regular basis.
It was at this point that I started noticing a change coming over the women with whom I would have daily interactions. I began to feel smaller when I was around them. I suppose that was because they were slowly growing bigger, taller to begin with and eventually their muscles began to grow as well. Some of the women I interacted with on a daily basis worked on the design and build teams and two worked with me on security, but all of them were complaining about having to purchase new clothing. Even my girl Gabrielle was obsessively purchasing new clothes and complaining that the fashion designers today were changing the sizes without telling anyone.
It was a subtle change, and barely perceptible, but with the scandalously tight clothing the women wear today, any change in their bodies is immediately reported to them through their clothes. Most of the women were complaining about their inseams, how they were suddenly wearing high waters, whatever they may be. One of the women I work with on security needed to requisition a larger sized uniform because she had burst the seams on her’s when she was forced to tackle a reporter who had bolted through the gate checkpoint. She regularly lifted weights so that she was able to perform her job and after receiving her new uniform she commented on the enormous gains she has been seeing in the gym these past few months. She even flexed a sizeable arm, for a woman, and told me that she has added three inches of girth to her arms alone. She had added almost twenty pounds of muscle over the past three months and was now an inch taller, making her 5’8”. She was the type to keep track of her body’s gains and losses.
I also began to notice this phenomenon at the gymnasium where I had continued my training, albeit in a more structured fashion given the advances made in bodybuilding and weight apparatus. I was most definitely not the largest man around anymore, although I learned that many of them are cowardly and make use of enhancing drugs. I also began to get a sense for how strong I really was, something I had not been privy to in my circus days. I began to notice that the women who exercised regularly at the same time as myself, in scandalously skimpy clothing I might add, were becoming more and more muscular. Even the ladies who were primarily there for the cardiac activities were gaining muscle, but not as quickly as the women who performed minor weights as well, they were becoming increasingly stronger and noticeably more muscular. Several of the women had stopped lifting because they were “too muscular” as they put it, but most of the women who lifted were encouraged and moved on to much heavier weights in an effort to gain even more muscle. And gain they did, and not only in mass, they had all grown about an inch taller as well, again I had that feeling that I was slowly shrinking.
It was most apparent with Gabrielle. We had been together for about three weeks and on top of all new clothes she seemed to be much less short. We had had sex on a normal basis, as usual with new relationships and she seemed much closer to me as we kissed. The next day we measured her height and found that she was now 5’3” tall, three inches taller than her height since secondary school.
She had also gained a substantial amount of weight, more than her three inches of height would account for. She went from 100 pounds dripping wet to a strapping 150 pounds. She panicked and wondered where this extra weight had come from. It only became apparent when she tried to tackle me as I was giving her a hard time. She wrapped her arms around my one arm and pulled and somehow pulled me off balance. As she pulled I was stunned to see her body explode with muscle I would never have expected her to posses. She seemed to double in size before my eyes as her muscles flexed. Seeing the shocked look in my eyes I explained to her what I had seen and immediately she wanted to arm wrestle. With a shrug I faced off against her, my arm almost three times the size of her’s, but with all confidence she began. Once again her muscles exploded as she flexed and even though they were impressive for a girl I barely felt any resistance and won easily.
Gabi was somewhat excited about her new height but was concerned about becoming a “muscle bound freak”, were her words. Apparently even in these advanced days of movie special effects and space travel of all things, a muscular woman was still considered un-womanly. Of course I came from a time when women wore skirts that were longer than their knees, no matter what, unless of course they were circus performers or whores. I’d also never thought that a woman could have muscles. I’d never seen a muscular woman ‘till I met Tina on the security team at Boeing, and her’s weren’t very big, just defined. Now that was all changing and both Tina and Gabi were growing much larger muscles, Gabi faster than Tina. I’d known Gabi for the past three weeks and she was already as muscular as Tina is now, and I’ve known Tina for three months. Something was going on with Gabi and the only thing we could think of was her proximity to me. She was obviously a lot closer to me, in more ways than one, than Tina was, and she was growing much faster.
By this time news stories regarding other 4400’s had become the norm and I had the suspicion that “they” had altered me in some way. Apparently there was a theory circulating the pipelines that it actually wasn’t alien life that took us, but highly advanced people from our future. We were sent back to turn the tides of time and alter the future for the better. I was causing the women around me to change and grow, and it seemed that the closer the woman was to me, the faster she grew. I had no idea how I fit into this grand plan but I suppose that empowering women with height and strength would affect the balance of power between the two genders. There was a brief time in the Roaring 20’s as we called them that women took advantage of new social freedoms that definitely opposed the norm. They didn’t care so eventually no one else did either and until the Great Crash it seemed that men and women were fast becoming social equals. Then of course we were plunged back into times where women again became dependant on male protection for their, and their children’s survival. I didn’t tell anyone at the institute for fear of more tests, even though I knew that sometime soon it would become obvious to them too.
Another week later Gabi was starting to panic. She had grown another two inches taller, which she didn’t mind because in a month she had added five inches to her height and was feeling like a giantess, to herself anyway, I still had eleven inches on her. What was making her freak out were her muscles, each inch of height had added about twenty pounds of muscle, which put her at almost 190 pounds, and at about five and a half feet tall she was beginning to look massive. A thick neck with bulging traps led down to broad shoulders with mammoth arms, her chest was layered with muscle and her back was so wide as to give her wings. A tight washboard of abdominals led down to legs the size of tree trunks which surged with power as she shifted her weight from one foot to the other. Diamond shaped claves completed the ensemble that was now my Gabrielle.
I was amazed at the change in her, and she hadn’t touched a single weight out of fear of becoming what she was fast becoming. She had even surpassed Tina by leaps and bounds who was fast becoming suspicious of her gains and of me. Tina began to ask very pointed questions about Gabi, myself and her growth. It was a week later when Gabi hit 5’8” adding three inches in a week, and 245 pounds of muscle, adding 55 incredible pounds of muscle that oddly enough I found to be completely alluring, that she broke it off with me before she became an outcast from society. I told her that I found her new size and especially her new curves to be very beautiful and sexy and that, “they” could all go to hell. I appealed to her need to be loved and to be considered beautiful and that I filled both those categories. In the end she wasn’t convinced but we did part as friends and even though she didn’t want to see me for at least a month, we made plans to meet at the Speakeasy, er, Bar I mean.
I was, as expected, somewhat down in the dumps after Gabi left me. It was obvious to my co-workers so, that next week’s end they took me out to drowned my sorrows. Of course Tina joined us and after an evening of much drunkenness, she shared a cab home with me. On the way home she leaned into me and kissed me. I reciprocated mostly because I was drunk and depressed, then she went on her way with a smirk on her face. I vaguely remembered it in the morning, but only through a very fuzzy pane of glass that one can only discern shapes and colors. We made the week’s end boozer a ritual and every week Tina and I shared a cab and every week she came on to me, another thing to get used to is the forwardness of women these days. There was nothing more than a bit of making out going on between us, and at work we were two professionals on the job. We held conversations and shared jokes, the usual.
It was about a month later that I noticed that Tina was sprouting like a bean. All the women in my daily life continued to grow, having added another inch to their height, and 15-20 pounds of muscle depending on their workout habits. But Tina, she had easily grown over two inches and was nearing six feet, I still had five or so inches on her but she was quickly becoming a woman of amazonic proportions. Her muscles were growing rapidly, and on a week by week basis her growth was noticeable. She was still nowhere near as muscular as Gabi had become for her 5’8”, but given more time she would be. I must admit if found her more and more attractive, but what tipped the scales was the day of the security breach.
There were terrorist states around the globe who wanted to get their hands on top secret technologies like the ones we were guarding. One night it was myself and Tina supervising when a full system alert activated. All of us scrambled to react and intercepted a two man team as they were trying to enter the research building. We converged on them guns drawn but they took off on foot. Tina and I were chasing one of them while the others chased the second intruder. She very quickly outpaced me and tackled the guy. As I came up to assist her in subduing the crook she did the unexpected, while holding him down with one hand she held me back with the other, her feet firmly planted on the ground and told me she’d handle this. It felt like I was pushing on a brick wall, she was immoveable and with no apparent effort secured the runner and yanked him up off the ground and even held him off the ground for a moment before setting him on his feet. This was not a small man she had just manhandled like a child, he was just a little shorter than me and while he was not my size he was much bigger than Tina. I was stunned and not a little bit turned on as well. As we detained the two mercs I kept stealing glances at Tina, and it wasn’t ‘till she caught me that she gave me a wink.
Not two minutes after we had placed them under lock and key, Tina and I had found a quiet spot outside where our passions took us and we made love under the Cheshire cat moon. Her strength was phenomenal, she had a fairly easy time maneuvering me about, and it wasn’t ‘till I put some serious strength into our lovemaking that I was able to gain the upper hand, it was amazing to have a partner who could hold her own against me and it added another level of excitement to the act that had never been there before. I know she felt the same because the whole time she had a mischievous grin on her face that very nearly mirrored the grin the moon was wearing tonight.
After regaining our minds from the night’s excitements we began the tedious paperwork and began the legal processes that would prosecute these men, and hopefully their organization as well, as terrorists. Then, when our shifts were up, we went home, only, a few minutes after getting into my house my doorknocker, erm, bell, rang and as I opened the door Tina pounced on me and again our passions took over and me made love like two wild animals. It took considerably more of my strength to avoid being totally overpowered by this overwhelming and aggressive female. And just like the kissing in the cab on the way home, our love making became a regular thing, although being with Tina was different from being with Gabi. With Tina there doesn’t seem to be anything deeper than physical intimacy, no complaints here, it just seems really shallow compared to being with Gabi.
Two weeks later I began to suspect Tina’s attraction to me had a ulterior motive to it. Where she had sprouted to six feet tall after beginning to kiss me, she had grown over two inches each week and was now looking me in the eyes. Not only her height had changed, her muscles were gigantic. She was easily stronger than me and at 295 outweighed me by a good fifteen pounds, all of it muscle. There was no end in sight. A week later she was 6’8” and 320, and a month after we hooked up she broke the seven foot ceiling and weighed over 400 pounds of muscle. And she loved every ounce and inch of her new body.
It was also at this point that the agents at the institute noticed what was going on around me, so they drilled me with queries and extracted blood and performed tests. I consulted with a lawyer about the possibility of preventing the government from exploiting my effect on women, and within several days a human rights organization filed a lawsuit on mine and several others of the 4400 behalf, because it seemed there were other returnees who had similar effects on people. This one gentleman induced weight loss, another lady exuded highly potent attractants, she had no shortage of men or women vying for her attentions, and apparently she could choose which gender she wanted to attract. Talk about being a kid in a candy store. The legal precedents had been set a few months ago and our suit was upheld and the agents at the facility were forced to hand over their research to me, which basically confirmed what I already knew. My scent, saliva and sexual fluids induced women to grow taller and more muscular, depending on the mode of transmission and concentration of the dosage.
Shortly after I was approached by a pharmacy company about the possibility of selling them the rights to extract and mass produce whatever it was in me that made women grow. I flatly refused them because I could tell they were in it only for themselves, sort of like Tina. Besides I had a comfortable life and didn’t need much else, well a meaningful relationship with a woman like Gabi, not being used by the likes of Tina.
I suggested to her that she’s taking this a bit far, but with her current 7’4” and 485 mountainous pounds of muscle she simply lifted me off the ground with one arm, demonstrating how exponentially stronger she was than me and told me that only she decided when she’s done with me. Now, if I had been a small and slight man, I would have been destroyed weeks ago, but given my size I was resilient enough to handle a woman of Tina’s size, and to be honest it was most enjoyable to be a large and strong man and to be totally overpowered by a woman, who would ever expect that a woman would be able to manhandle a man like me, like a child. I believe I was now hooked on muscle women and began to watch the other women around me a bit closer for the changes in their bodies.
After six months in the 21st century I asked several of the growing women who only absorbed my scent how much they had grown taller. All of them had grown about three inches, and increased their strength by at least three-quarters. Tina had also stopped growing, no matter how many times we kissed or had sex she stayed at her current gargantuan size. When she finally came to terms with this she left and other than work I never saw her again, I had served my purpose and now Tina was the largest most muscular woman in the world, actually she was quite a bit more muscular than any man as well given her height.
It was about this time when I received a phone call from Gabi. I was pleased as punch to hear from her and we arranged to meet. Over a drink she told me that she wanted to apologize to me for freaking out and that she had come to terms with her new body and especially her new muscles. She was mugged one night outside her office and thanks to her 200 plus pounds of muscle she was able to fight the guy off. She even went so far as to pick him up with one arm, hoist him overhead, and toss him into an open dumpster that was at least thirty feet away. After that empowering experience she wanted more, and she knew where she could get it. She was very clear that she missed me most of all, and that she didn’t want to use me like Tina had. She would have called earlier except that Tina still had her strangle hold on me and Gabi’s 5’8” and 245 pounds was no match for Tina who was more than twice her size.
I agreed to take Gabi back because I still felt a connection to her, and as we began to share each other’s lives again I felt fulfilled, and happy, not empty and alone as I was when Tina was with me. Of course Gabi started to grow again and this time we both enjoyed it immensely. Over the next few months she blossomed to a 6’9” tall 430 pound amazonic woman of perfect proportions. She was four inches taller than me, which was fine by me, tall but not too tall, and she had about 150 pounds more muscle than me. That took some getting used to because here were two people who had grown up with a specific set of gender roles, roles based primarily on body size and strength. Now, however, those body sizes were reversed and we both felt that we wanted to spend a very long time together, so it took us some time to feel out our respective positions in our relationship.
The most telling moment was one night in the bathroom, we had just finished taking a shower and were standing in front of the mirror. Gabi noticed something and maneuvered me around in front of her. She asked me to flex, so I did, and she proceeded to flex behind me. I was agape, my entire body would have fit very comfortably within her’s, her muscular body extended a good nine inches all the way around the circumference of my body. She tilted her head around mine and gave me the most stunning smile I’ve ever seen on a woman, and I’ve seen a lot of stunning women, but in that moment our eyes locked and we knew that we had a feeling of mutual respect that would never be broken. I took her bodily to the bedroom, something I wouldn’t’ve been able to do with Tina, and we made sweet sweet love under the full moon ‘till the morning dove began it’s song.
At the gymnasium the women continued to grow and one day Gabi came to visit me at the gym. She was a show stopper and all the women who had grown about six inches taller by this time were dwarfed by my Woman. She wasn’t there to work out, only to drop off a new uniform for me, but the ladies convinced her to test her strength, especially since she’s never lifted a measured weight in her life. The rest of the time we were there Gabi proceeded to shatter every strength record, male or female, for that gym, by a very comfortable margin, actually she was able to lift more than double, almost triple what the strongest man was able to hoist. For a grand finale she had five of the largest men sit on a workout bench, which she then proceeded to lift up over her head with one gigantic muscle bloated arm. I was flabbergasted, and I wasn’t the only one, more than a few guys had to excuse themselves while circus tents were setting up in their shorts, even more women were looking flushed and breathing hard and everyone was glancing at me, either with envy or the need for more. I could see it in their eyes, these women wanted what Gabi had.
In the weeks after the greatest show on earth my waterbottles were dissappearing on a regular basis, and, coincidentally, about four to six women began to grow at a much faster rate than their friends, and I quickly put two and two together. It was also at this time that the owner of this health club approached me with an offer. She proposed that the two of us open a women’s only health club in tandem with a perfume, sportsdrink, and supplement line of products. Since I was the obvious cause of the stunning growth in the women of this club, the number of women with new memberships had risen 600% in the last three months alone. A friend of her’s was a defector from the giant pharmaceutical corporations and had the ability, know-how, and euqipment necessary to isolate, anylize and mass produce the biochemistry in my body that was making these amazing and amazonic changes happen. She proposed my pheremones be sold as perfume, my slaiva, which was a bit more potent, be sold as a sports drink, and my sexual expulsions as a concentrated pill, this one being the most expensive of the three. Furthermore, only the perfume and sports drink would be sold outside the new clubs, the supplement pill would only be available to members and only one per month at a charge of $1000. The perfume and drink would both be in the $30 to $50 range. Not only would we make a lot of money but we would be the sole owners of the products and would be able to control it’s distribution worldwide.
These were all very grand ideas and I told Stacy that I’d have to think about it. So that night I proposed the idea to Gabi and we talked about it long into the night. She was in favor of the idea mostly because of her mugging experience. She wanted to empower women with the ability to fend for themselves instead of constantly being the victims. I pointed out that if all women responded the way her and Tina did, men would become the weaker sex. She retorted that gender roles that society has taught us are so entrenched in our lives that there would never be enough Empowered Women to tip the scales, maybe bring then closer to balance, or to dead even, but there would be men and women who choose not to go through with these changes.
In the end I decided to go through with it, and we even adopted Gabi’s name for all of this: Empowerment, for Women. She would become our model spokeswoman and we recruited several new members to become case studies for the lady who ran the pharmaceutical’s lab. I went in to the lab and for a day she took samples of almost every possible fluid the human body had and said that it would take several months before she could begin testing the extracts with our volunteers. In the meantime we arranged for marketing and the purchase and preparation of our first gym. My waterbottles were stolen on a regular basis and I was kept busy because I was still working security. I even broached to possibility of becoming a spokeswoman to Tina, but she didn’t want anything to do with my scheme. I had fullfilled a lifelong dream of her’s and that’s all she wanted. I noticed that she had her own personal harem of men who were all only about five and a half feet tall or shorter, but still well muscled as far as men went. She towered over them all and even when all seven of them tackled her at the same time, she easilly dusted them off as if they were fleas. She was enjoying being a giantess to these small men who were also enjoying themselves. Well whatever floats your boat.
The tests began and our test cases were put on various level of Empowerment, and within a week we saw results. We fully documented them and took pictures and videos, and even used the time lapse images and videos we had recorded to make our first commercials. When I asked where all this money was coming from, because we hadn’t started selling anything yet, a noticeablly taller and much more muscular Stacy told me that she and her friend were fronting the upfront bill, considering it a long term investment. Obiously Stacy and her friend Tabitha were also test subjects and from the rate that they were growing, they were obviously taking the supplement pill. I suddenly went from having one or two women around me growing at an alarmng rate, while the rest of the women grew slowly but steadilly, to being surrounded by dozens of women who were adding about an inch a week and seeming to double their muscle size every week. It was amazing, but I also realize that I’d have to get used to it because this was what the rest of my life would consist of. It was the lot dealt to me by those future people and by agreeing to Empowerment for Women I had sealed my position among the new Amazons of this world. They were all going to be taller and at least twice if not five times stronger and more muscular than myself or any other man for that matter.
The tests were a glorious success and the marketing hit the public like an Amazon throwing a car. Actually one of the two picture box advertisments had one of our testers, Sarah, who could have been a fashion runway model had she chosen, lift a Yugo over her head and throw it across a parking lot. Sarah had come to us a towering 6’4” tall and a bonelike 155 pounds. The women on the supplemment pill grew at least one-and-three-quarters to two feet in height and gained the appropriate amount of muscle to compliment their height. Sarah was an exception, she grew almost three feet making her nine feet and two inches tall, and an impsoing 800 plus pounds. She became an instant celebrity and head of our security division. Each gym would have several eight foot plus women to insure that there was no abuse of the supplement pills or attacks against the women who were challenging the status quo. The other comercial was my favorite. It showed a petite woman in a bar with a group of guys having a good time, then she suddenly began to grow and within twenty seconds had become a seven foot tall muscle woman who dwarfed all the men, who immediately fell all over her.
Grand opening!!! We had to push the construction company to finish ahead of schedule because the respose to our adds was overwhelming. We were already at 95% capacity because at first we were only selling the perfume and sprots drink in the club. We planned to release them about two or three months later. That first day every woman who had signed up was there, and at least half of them also purchased their first supplement pill for the month. A week later it was blatantly obvious which ladies had taken the supplement and which only the perfume and drink. That convinced most of the other ladies to purchase the monthly supplement and within a month we had a small army of women growing into tall muscular gigantic Amazons.
The public demand for Empowerment was so high that we could barely meet the demand. We first distributed nationwide, them a month later Europe, then two weeks later world wide. That first year we opened gyms in every major city in the U.S. and half a year later we had almost a thousand gyms worldwide. It was incredible how quickly our endeavor exploded onto the world market and it was some time before any real resistance rose up against us. By that time however, we had over 3 million women world wide on our membership lists and the number was still climbing by leaps and bounds.
It was during this first year that Gabi and I created a child together, we also made our relationship official by getting married but the birth of our daughter overshadowed all of that. For some reason her pregnancy was moving along at a much faster rate than the usual nine months. The doctors were baffled but based on their observations our daughter would be born almost three months earlier than usual, and fully developed and ready for life. She was watched carefully because Gabi was the first known woman that I had enhanced to bear a child and she would be an indication of things to come. Just about six months later our daughter, Lila was born, and we all immediately knew why she came three months early. Lila was the usual length for a baby but weighed in at 18 pounds, all of it muscle. She was an infant with very well defined muscles and the strength to match. She surprised us again when she was able to crawl within a week, and walk within a month of being born, all that muscle wasn’t just for show, we had in infant amazon on our hands, luckily it wouldn’t be ‘till her teenage years when she would outmuscle me.
It seemed that the change I affected on women was a genetic change, which Tabby confirmed, as I looked up to her now 7’6” face towering above me. It also seemed to only affect women who were sexually active, which had a profound effect on the junior high and high schools. We were allowing minors who had their parents’ permission and their mother as an active member, so that the mothers would be able to discipline their daughters should that be necessary. The demographic of schools changed dramatically as did women’s athletics. All the pro athletes were members and could afford the supplements and not only did new courts need to be designed for basketball and volleyball, new leagues needed to be created for separate football, baseball, and any other sport that depended on size and strength. It was amazing to see the changes in society that took place durring the first five years.
As Gabi predicted we only convinced about 60% of women worldwide to join us and enjoy the new world we offered them. The other 40% of women were still being changed because of the widespread use of the perfume, all women not members of Empowerment, were growing at the rate of 6” per year and 1.5 times more muscle. However, since the changes were genetic we realized that we would have a gradual reduction in our memerships as more and more women grew to their maximum sizes and began to bear genetically enhanced daughters that didn’t need my help to grow. In fact, we noticed that Lila was growing so fast that the doctors estimated that she would enter puberty at about eight or nine years old, and live an extended life of almost 150 years. It seemed that I was causing more changes than originally thought. Tabby looked into those changes and discovered that not only women had changed. Men who were around Amazons were also changed and she theorized that any boys born of Amazons would also have about a 6 month term, develop into puberty earlier, and live to about 140 years, but still keep their now diminutive position in body size.
When the news of these changes broke, every woman wanted what would be best for their children and within seven years of opening business the entire human race had been transformed, hopefully for the better future that we, the 4400, were sent back to fix. I know I had done my part.
December 14, 2005 at 11:07 pm #19357iceman75
ParticipantJust read the story last night, and I thought it was great! I love to see women overpowering men and outlifting men all the time in stories and this one was up there in its description and intensity. I can't wait to see what else the 4400 has in store for us.
December 15, 2005 at 3:15 am #19358X-Greg
ParticipantGreat idea, great story and very well done. The end came a little quickly and some more stats won't hurt but it's really a good FMG story, the kind I'llprobably read again.
December 15, 2005 at 9:39 pm #19359ratlaf
ParticipantThanks guys! I agree that the end came too quickly but the story stopped flowing out of me, i may revisit it in the future and make improvements but for now i've got another story in the works so i'll focus on that for now.
December 21, 2005 at 12:41 pm #19360Mark Newman
ParticipantVery good story. Good style, buildup and development. Thanks for posting.
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