The Art of Jebriodo (Jed Dougherty)

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  • #74808
    Mr. Stone

    hIS ART IS SO NICE , BUT LIKE MANY ARTIST THE THEME OF FIGHTING AND Dominants is alway there, I guess that the way our Fetish leans toward,
    Don't get me wrong , I love Comics books ,and you need conflict to make a great story.
    I wish we can have a "Pai Pai" story a nerd get  his wish for a Big muscley protector and  spend most of the time feeling her muscles and watching her do feats of strength.
    Like a a ring , thats contain a Powerful female creation , and whoever commands the ring would summon this Being to there bidding , his would be just feeling her body and spending quality time with her.

    Not to worry, Ashlee!  I commissioned Reddyheart for a story very similar to what you are describing.  Of course, it is a story, so there is conflict, but big muscley protector?  You got it!


    I'm liking Ultravixen a lot!


    Thanks for the post, Elee!

    hIS ART IS SO NICE , BUT LIKE MANY ARTIST THE THEME OF FIGHTING AND Dominants is alway there, I guess that the way our Fetish leans toward,
    Don't get me wrong , I love Comics books ,and you need conflict to make a great story.
    I wish we can have a "Pai Pai" story a nerd get  his wish for a Big muscley protector and  spend most of the time feeling her muscles and watching her do feats of strength.
    Like a a ring , thats contain a Powerful female creation , and whoever commands the ring would summon this Being to there bidding , his would be just feeling her body and spending quality time with her.

    Thanks Ashlee- sorry about the content, though!  I have always drawn the fighting amazons, and bondage stuff, and my clientele is tending to want pictures like that too.  But I like your idea- I would like to draw something in that vein also.  I'll definitely try to keep it in mind.  In the meantime this Reddyheart story should be good!

    I'm liking Ultravixen a lot!

    Thanks CPbell!  I am having fun drawing her too.

    art man

    I enjoy your work. nice!

    Mr. Stone

    Thanks for the post, Elee!

    Thanks Ashlee- sorry about the content, though!  I have always drawn the fighting amazons, and bondage stuff, and my clientele is tending to want pictures like that too.  But I like your idea- I would like to draw something in that vein also.  I'll definitely try to keep it in mind.  In the meantime this Reddyheart story should be good!

    Thanks CPbell!  I am having fun drawing her too.

    Well, when you finish the latest two I was thinking about having you do a comic for me.  Something along the vein of what you are talking about above.


    Jeb you got to go where the money is, Its great that we get fantastic art in the process, I mean I had first dates and the first thing I hear when I came in the front door was………
    Spank me! :-[
    there some things that are funny I forget who did it, one artwork had Titanna  tieing up she hulk and shipping her to some place 😀 I mean Thats FUNNY!!

    AND WOW I can't wait,to see these stories
    You Know I went to see MY SUPER EX-GIRL FRIEND. when it came out what a dreadful movie!!!
    Thurman totally worng for the part .Instead of showing the love and problems of haveing to split your time between a lover and saving the world. They took the worst aspects of a relationship and turn it on its ear a 1,000 fold.! >:(


    I wish we can have a "Pai Pai" story a nerd get  his wish for a Big muscley protector and  spend most of the time feeling her muscles and watching her do feats of strength.
    Like a a ring , thats contain a Powerful female creation , and whoever commands the ring would summon this Being to there bidding , his would be just feeling her body and spending quality time with her.

    You'll need more then that to make a readable story. That could be a scene, or theme, but like you said you need some kind of conflict to get it going. The challenge for a minimal or non dominating story would be what form a conflict would arise and how it's resolved.

    Robert McNay

    You Know I went to see MY SUPER EX-GIRL FRIEND. when it came out what a dreadful movie!!!
    Thurman totally worng for the part .Instead of showing the love and problems of haveing to split your time between a lover and saving the world. They took the worst aspects of a relationship and turn it on its ear a 1,000 fold.! >:(

    I thought the title makes it pretty clear that the movie isn't about her or a relationship. Especially the with the "ex" part in it. I think most guys have had the experience of the psychotic girlfriend from hell that just won't go away. Imagine if she had super powers.  😮

    Unfortunately, the movie WAS pretty bad.  :-[


    You'll need more then that to make a readable story. That could be a scene, or theme, but like you said you need some kind of conflict to get it going. The challenge for a minimal or non dominating story would be what form a conflict would arise and how it's resolved.

    How about this
    The elders gods of the universe fearing The growing power of Kronos
    would bring forth a creature embeded with there power to stop him. Knowing a being with power of that magnetude they would have to find away to control it.
    elders gods Conspired with the son of Kronos , the god of the forge to create a ring that would contain such a being.the creature would be bound to the ring and only exist when human places it on his finger. removel of the ring or death of the wearer and the creature would be drawn back into the ring.
    when the ring was cast and the deed was done , fate step in and
    events took place that led to Kronos down fall,and the ring not needed.
    the god of the forge fearing , elders gods or Zeus would use the Ring to lay claim to all, took the ring to his Island retreat.
    There guarded by a Titan, it was spirited  away when Jason and Argonauts came to Island, where a boy ,for the first time,traveling with the Argonauts used the ring to defeat the Island Titans.
    Zeus seeing that the ring exist. sent his son Hercules & the minotaur, but there might was no match  . both were easily defeated
    Zeus animated the mighty Colossus of Rhodes to retrived the Ring at all costs ,once again the boy summoned the female destroyer to stop rampaging Bronze statue. in a short battle
    the Colossus lay in ruins, boy was badly hurt .
    It soon fell into Alexander the great hands and with engine of destruction took over the world. he cry for there no place left for him to conquer.
    he place the ring in a vault in Tunis, where it stay until world war 2. Rediscover by a American commander of lost tank. He placed on his finger and the creature appeared, not knowing what to do, a German tiger tanks appeared , in a panic the commander stated " wish we could could those destroy tanks. The the 7 foot amazon set out towards the enemy Armour German , shells exploded around her,
    Her enemy tanks zero in her her ample chest and a shell hits , with no effect. He grabs the barrel of the tiger and lifts the turret
    off flinging it miles away ,other tanks try to run her over in a vain attempt to crush her under there tracks.she plows through threw the Tanks with ease.  the tank commander seeing the raw power this woman has,quickly  removes the ring & she disapears , the rest of the crew wonders where she came from or where did she go? .From that day on he hid the ring never put it on again. Until 2009 when …..

    that it for now any better?


    It's a little bit better. But I think I can give you something that you can build on if you are so inclined.

    Your muscle girl is a tool and a slave of war and violence. So far she is a cardboard cutout. Here is what I propose.

    All the while she is being controlled as an instrument of war, she can see and feel all of her actions but is totally powerless to stop. "No", is not a word she can utter. For all of the elapsed time, she desperately wants to  be free. She resents bitterly all her power for it has gained her nothing but a life of servitude to one master after another. Each one a psycho of one stripe of another.

    A simple bit of symbolism could be summed up with a short scene of her witnessing a puppet on a string doing an act, and her sympathy going out to that little bit of wood and cloth and a burning rage at the puppet master. The scene could be totally innocent for all who see it, except her because she is living that puppets life.

    At some point that ring falls into what the gods would consider the wrong hands. A mortal. For a brief time she is allowed to exists without being ordered about. This could be as simple an an accident because the mortal doesn't know what he or she posses and how to use it, or it could be deliberate. Maybe beacuse he or she feels sorry for her. For her, this is the first time she has experienced an act of kindness. It overpowering.

    And then the gods catch up with her and her new mortal master. The powerful weapon in the hands of a mortal is totally unacceptable. She will be made to serve the gods or else.

    (Let me pause here for a moment. We could go straight to a fight where she uses her brief bit of freedom to save this mortal and end it here with either a victory or a loss, but this would be a pretty weak story if we went there. To have a powerful story she needs to be boxed into a corner. Not necessarily physically, but mentally. To make this story strong she needs to be put into a moral dilemma. In short she needs to have 2 stark choices placed before her. One choice gives her what she wanted form the story start, and it's easy to obtain. We give her freedom at little cost. The other choice should give her a total disaster. Perhaps she not only becomes a slave again, but she also must suffer a permanent state of hell where her soul burns in agony as a punishment the gods will meet out to her. The final conflict could be as simple as what I propose)

    To be free she must kill the bearer of the ring. If she can do this she will be free. Not only that, she will also be the most powerful of all the gods. It looks like a win win for her.

    But the mortal currently wears the ring. He or she can not, or will not control her, so the killing will be supremely easy. But this is the only person in all of creation who has ever shown her kindness. The only person who has trusted her. The only one to see past the power to love what lies beneath all the muscle. To do this she will be killing that trust, and the only thing that ever loved her.

    The other option is to fight the gods, knowing that eventually her master will die, and she will be at their mercy, only this time she will suffer as she has never suffered before.

    Now she must choose.

    From here we have our climatic scene. She will be rewarded or punished according to poetic justice. If she chooses well, she wins her most important goal, (not necessarily freedom) She'll win that inner mental state of being morally right. It might translate into a physical victory for her or it might not. All depends on how it's handled. If she chooses wrong she get's her just rewards. Perhaps she wins her freedom, but suffers a mental hell. Perhaps she actually looses all, including physically. In the end she will demonstrate if she deserves to win or if she deserves to loose.

    Anyway, that's a very rough idea of what could happen. The key here is to elaborate on the muscle girl, create a goal that she must strive for. Smack her down a few times, and ultimately force her into a moral choice.

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