The Art of Rex ( 10-4 )

  • This topic has 52 replies, 16 voices, and was last updated 16 years ago by 10-4.
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  • #75040

    Sorry there was not much feedback on the Ms Fantasy story.  I remember it as your 'Burn-out' story. (I think the last one you did for LH-ART right?) Personally I thought it was funny, well drawn and interesting in the concept of the transformation being a painful one to go through.  Anyway, just a belated thankyou and that I don't want you to think it was an "albatross about my neck" sort of thing.  I was losing money already on the printed books by that time.  Take Care.


    Rex pretty much has my thoughts.

    I get paid upfront, and I take time. I don't tweak images and I don't like to be told what to draw beyond the basic concept. Everyone I've done a commission for, they go in blind, not knowing the shape of what they'll get. And every time they're happy (to my knowledge). It's because I probably put more thought into the commission than the person asking. And because I'm the fucking artist and I've been hired for that reason, not because I'm a puppet.

    Thankfully, not only has everyone who's paid for my work put up with me taking forever, but they've liked them and not fucked me around once. Rex, it seems, has been fucked around, so he's a lot more pissed off about it, where as I'm a lot more polite.

    But my thoughts are pretty much the same on the work ethic.

    The other problem I have, which I'm sure Rex and I share, is that I can't be arsed to draw masturbatory aids for people. I'm sure I'd be raking in the cash if all I drew were big muscle women growing bigger and getting naked. But I have little time or desire for that.

    Basically, what I've discovered is that if someone pays for my work, they'll have no end of hassle. I'll be slow and demanding. I'm a complete hassle to work with. But – and this is my redeeming feature – I'll do the best I can at the time. Every one of my commissions I've done, every one I planned to do, my best work that I could do.

    Rex and I are a lot alike, it's just Rex doesn't have his thumb up his ass. Good for him. 🙂

    Not wishing to pry, Fett and Rex, but do you find yourself idly drawing your own "masturbatory aids"? I ask because, as an artistic dunce I wonder how fecund the artistic amongst us are when it comes to producing work for themselves rather than a comission for someone else.


    Sorry there was not much feedback on the Ms Fantasy story.  I remember it as your 'Burn-out' story. (I think the last one you did for LH-ART right?) Personally I thought it was funny, well drawn and interesting in the concept of the transformation being a painful one to go through.  Anyway, just a belated thankyou and that I don't want you to think it was an "albatross about my neck" sort of thing.  I was losing money already on the printed books by that time.  Take Care.

    Yeah, it was the last comic I did for you. At that point I was suffering from insomnia so bad I could barely think. It lasted for over 3 years. Was a very low time for me. I remember drawing Ms fantasy in a darkened room with sunglasses on because my eyes were so sensitive to light it physically hurt to look at a normally lit page.

    I'm glad to hear that it didn't tank your sales. At least any more then the usual drop in demand for print comics.


    Not wishing to pry, Fett and Rex, but do you find yourself idly drawing your own "masturbatory aids"? I ask because, as an artistic dunce I wonder how fecund the artistic amongst us are when it comes to producing work for themselves rather than a comission for someone else.

    The number of masturbatory aids would Amaze You!  ;D

    … seriously, it's pretty rare. Maybe a crude doodle every few months. Almost never a finished drawing. Basically a doodle that I could bang out in a few minutes. Would make the stuff I post here look polished.


    I'm too expensive… and lazy… and hard to work with… But mostly too expen[size=20pt]$[/size]ive.  ;D

    Your artwork is really good, I've seen it here and there through the years, and its really very well done.  If you ever think you might want to work on a project and would like to discuss your rates, feel free to send me a PM and we'll see if we can't work something out.  🙂  In any case, again great stuff, and I look forward to seeing what else you may post in the future.


    Not wishing to pry, Fett and Rex, but do you find yourself idly drawing your own "masturbatory aids"? I ask because, as an artistic dunce I wonder how fecund the artistic amongst us are when it comes to producing work for themselves rather than a comission for someone else.

    I don't think 'fecund' is a real word.

    *notices spellchecker doesn't highlight 'fecund'… but it does highlight 'spellchecker'*

    *looks up meaning*

    "waste matter discharged from the intestines through the anus; excrement."



    As for masturbation – it's why I began drawing in the first place.


    I don't think 'fecund' is a real word.

    *notices spellchecker doesn't highlight 'fecund'… but it does highlight 'spellchecker'*

    *looks up meaning*

    "waste matter discharged from the intestines through the anus; excrement."



    As for masturbation – it's why I began drawing in the first place.


    fe·cund  Pronunciation[fee-kuhnd, -kuhnd, fek-uhnd, -uhnd] adjective 1. producing or capable of producing offspring, fruit, vegetation, etc., in abundance; prolific; fruitful: fecund parents; fecund farmland. 
    2. very productive or creative intellectually: the fecund years of the Italian Renaissance. 

    I'm obviously going for the second meaning here!


    You and your *facts*.

    I'm pretty sure it means what I think it means.


    You and your *facts*.

    I'm pretty sure it means what I think it means.

    I'm pretty sure you're a creative lunatic genius madman, but I can't prove it. ;D


    Your artwork is really good, I've seen it here and there through the years, and its really very well done.  If you ever think you might want to work on a project and would like to discuss your rates, feel free to send me a PM and we'll see if we can't work something out.  🙂  In any case, again great stuff, and I look forward to seeing what else you may post in the future.

    Right now I'm bogged down with other projects… but if you fill a wheelbarrow so full of 100 dollar bills that you strain your back trying to move it as offering offer it to me, then I could be persuaded to drop everything and take a serious look at your project.  ;D

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