“The Bodybuilding Game” (Android app)

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  • #119505
    von Tungsten

    I found this interesting game for android phones called “The Bodybuilding Game”. It’s a simplistic RPG where you develop an intially normal/skinny character into a world class bodybuilder.


    You have two resources called “credits” and “calories”. Credits can be earned by doing various jobs and tasks and are used to purchase consumables like food and supplements.
    This earns you calories, which can then be used to perform bodybuilding exercises that builds your character’s muscles.

    There are five characters to choose from: three men and two women (only two of each sex are unlocked at the start). There is a bit of customization, but nothing major (hair color, some clothes and accessories etc.)

    The game is a bit primitive in its current state of development, but it’s worth checking out. Hopefully there may be future updates/improvements.

    Now, I’m gonna find out what some quality time at the gym will do to to my scrawny 105 lbs girl. B)


    Been playing…got it to a nice point, but some of us have been asking for the sequel forever.


    Could you post some screenshots of any growth? It would be interesting to see what they implemented.

    Weapon X

    that one used to be at Facebook a long ago, they ended up taking it down since they couldn’t catch up with all the changed they did for their apps.

    It’s pretty cool at the begining, but imho once you achieve maximal growth, there’s no point to keep playing it


    Anyone have any idea when the max is? My girl is level 12 now and I am not noticing any more changes.


    I think I stopped at level 30 something…cause its roughly there I think.

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