The (de?)Evolution of a Character’s Ego

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  • #82277
    Prophet Tenebrae

    A Jekyll/Hyde situation might be fun but I think the development of that may be potentially quite involved, if you want to do it any justice… and I think alter-ego stuff really does need a lot of involvement and development to be worth doing.

    Unless you want to avoid some situation where your protagonist loses control of her power or some such I'd suggest that she starts out experimenting. She gets the hang of changing herself and her friends, then starts to push her limits. Maybe she starts to think bigger… the town seems better when she makes all the women Amazons… or maybe it's all just a game to her? She doesn't REALLY think about it, she just does it – because she can. Impulsive and so on – she can rationalise everything by saying "I can just put it back to the way it was – if I want."

    I suppose it's difficult for a normal girl to have a rationale behind Amazoning the whole world.

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