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  • #126919
    Anthony Durrant

    I remember years ago watching the conclusion to an EQUALIZER episode in which a boy points a gun at a handsome devil and shouts:

    “You killed my father!”

    But McCall answers:

    “No, Timmy – this man did not kill your father. This man IS your father.”

    “Just like Darth Vader!” the boy retorts.

    “No, Timmy,” the younger man asserts, “I really am your father.”

    “Then how come I can’t remember you?” they boy asks.

    “That, Tiger, is because you were one tough two-year-old!” the man says as he take out a walle and shows him a photograph of himself as a two year old, at which point the boy lowers the gun and the man embraces him.

    Investigation on my part has failed to turn up this episode, although I believe it to be Season One. Can you help me?


    vaguely remember that occurring as well
    will get back to you about it??

    Anthony Durrant

    I’d like that very much, Jazztival. Thanks.


    In Season 4 there was episode 17″Prisoners Of Conscience” that fits your plot& episode 8″SIns of the Father”
    Season 2 episode 22 :”RE-Entry” fits the plot details as well

    Anthony Durrant

    Thank you, Jazztival – I’ll check those out.

    Anthony Durrant

    Happy New Year, Jazztival! You were right, the three episodes you mentioned did revolve around the same theme, but they were not the one I had been looking for. The problem is that when A&E aired the series years ago, they aired the episodes out of order, as it turns out, and so I still fon’t know which one it is I’m looking for.

    Anthony Durrant

    Happy New Year, Jazztival! You were right, the three episodes you mentioned did revolve around the same theme, but they were not the one I had been looking for. The problem is that when A&E aired the series years ago, they aired the episodes out of order, as it turns out, and so I still don’t know which one it is I’m looking for.

    Anthony Durrant

    I’ve watched all of the EQUALIZER episodes that feature children, and yet still I can’t find the one I’m looking for. In fact, none of them seem to be the episode that I’m looking for.

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