The Final Book of Korra began Friday…

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  • #122601

    Yesterday the creators of Nickelodeon’s Last Airbender and The Legend of Korra started the final book in her tale (sad face) but the upside, go watch it till the final 2 minutes of the show before the credits. Korra is fighting in a “Underground” Bending fight and the woman she is fighting is really ripped… I wish I could get screen shots and stuff to share but I’m not that computer literate… anyway has it right now and its not too bad to sit through three micro (15-30 second commercials/ads for nick to see the episode.

    Spoiler alert, Korra is not as buff…not thin, but not as ‘hard’ looking as she was in the first three books of her tale.


    This series has taken a very gripping direction since Book 3. I was very moved by how the last season ended and I look forward to seeing how Korra struggles to find herself again.

    I’m also looking forward to seeing what Toph’s been up to all these years.


    I think Korra looked more physically impressive than DC’s current animated Wonder Woman. So far their animated 52 films haven’t impressed me a lot.


    I think Korra looked more physically impressive than DC’s current animated Wonder Woman. So far their animated 52 films haven’t impressed me a lot.

    doesn’t Korra age through these stories? I mean I was pretty ripped through my 20s but you can’t tell now. 😛

    Nick Furry

    She got enough muscle for any 3 normal female heroes in any normal movie! Way to go guys!

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