The good ol’ days of female bodybuilding

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    I miss the TV shows, but lets be honest. You can sit at your computer and see more femuscle now in 2013 than we ever saw in the 90’s pre-internet. It was on TV more. It has been outed for the drug reason and the fact is no longer new. Everyone has seen an FBB on TV, net, or in real life by now. Who does not know they exist? They were new to many back at that time. That, drugs, and sponsorship is why they are not on. Even the freaky roided out men have lost TV market anre Tv chances. No Arnold or Lou now. Too many stigmas about roids for most people to touch.

    The bad news is the sport of fbbs and number of young girls is way down. The good news is they are stronger than ever and more are lifting now for sports than ever. Title IX took time to change things, but girls are so much bigger, stronger, and better in sports now than in the 80’s….that it is incredible. Much bigger improvement than with male athletes….and males are also bigger and better now. Drugs are still out there and always will be. No shortage of money in pro sports these days.

    Bane Dorrance
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