The Lost RSSAM Pics: Can someone please color?

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    Tommy Dreamer

    I know I've been teasing them for a long time, but now that my computer at home is functioning properly, I can post these pictures, from the long-missing RSSAM, one of the greatest request artists, and female muscle artists, out there.  First is a Leona growth sequence, which I believe he posted himself.

    Could somebody either hunt him down to finish that sequence, or at least PLEASE color these pics?


    Those are cool pics, where'd you find them? And unfortunately I'm no colorist so I can't help with that.

    mike bob

    Man those are great! I posted one of his awhile back that he sent me as well.


    Here is a response to an email I sent Rssam yesterday regarding his long absense.

    From: mohammed jassim (
    Sent:Tue 5/01/07 1:45 PM

    hi ^_^

    sorry i Disappeared like this my friend

    and appreciate your missing me

    the real reson that stop showing like this

    is because that i am getting so besy…

    sorry, but 1 full time jop with another 2 free time jop takeing all my time

    Biased i am getting engaged this days

    so, i hardly find time to set in front my PC

    also i think that is my habet

    Disappear for couple of months

    and came back agine just posing in silent

    go in silent and retern in silent

    if you can explain that in in a batter way

    i will  appreciate alot


    and thanks ^_^

    Tommy Dreamer

    Those were private requests he did for me.  Although he did say he was working on a Sailor Moon vs. Sailor Mars muscle growth competition comic last time we talked.


    Thanks for sharing these. He truly is a great artist.

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