- This topic has 23 replies, 17 voices, and was last updated 19 years, 6 months ago by
July 9, 2005 at 10:31 am #7412
ParticipantNice nice. Great job for a first story. Looking forward to part 2.
Rob C.
July 10, 2005 at 5:07 am #7413Cowprobe
ParticipantVery nice.
I like how the narrator has some character development and back history instead of just being the ‘Mad Scientist with Growth Potion’.
An amusing thought is that some of the other researchers may have made off with the formula on account of the party being the perfect cover.
Also since the plot device tastes ‘Just like water’ the possibilities for some arousing contamination exist.
Can’t wait to see the next portion Fonk 🙂
July 10, 2005 at 5:49 am #7414Strickalator
Participantcool how..it appears the male and the female will be growing in the story
July 10, 2005 at 10:38 am #7415Lonebeatle
ParticipantVery nice, very good, very tasty!
For your first try at FMG, you did a great work dude!
July 11, 2005 at 9:25 pm #7416Anonymous
GuestI like the story very much…I like it has a somewhat "gentle" nature to it… I like that Kelly has forced his hand and made him drink the potion… Now the author has some choices as to where to go… The common one is that the product works only on women and has no effect on him….that’s common… another choice and one I dont favor,,,the product causes him to shrink….ugh..I rather dislike that one….it would detract from a "love story"… the other option and the one I favor, given the tone of the story, is the product effects him in an similiar way and he and Kelly go on to have a wonderful relationship… I might make her more like 6’2 and him like 6’3…so they can be somewhat normal in appearance and life…but hey,,thats just my silly taste in these things… hope to see more soon… Ron in warm los angeles
July 11, 2005 at 11:29 pm #7417Fonk
ParticipantThanks for all your kind words, people! 😀 Just to let you know that it might take a while for the next part to materialise. I think I have an idea of where I want it to go, though… 8)
August 9, 2005 at 4:40 pm #7418Fonk
ParticipantOK, here's the next part! I'm aiming to make the third part the last one… let's see if I can keep to that! 😉
The Magnificent Kelly (Part 2)
Tremendous pain shot through every part of my body. It felt like a million syringes were stabbing me in every place that could feel pain. Somehow I managed to keep myself upright – I guess there was strength in them legs after all! It's at this point, however, that I have to hand the narrative over to Kelly, because I get… a little out of it.
When I forced the potion into Mike, I wanted… well, I suppose I wanted us to be strong together. I know he was kicked around a bit in high school and that had pretty much continued into university, as well. At the time I thought that's what he would have wanted. I'd been into him for so long without saying anything, too, that I wanted to do something big for him to make up for it. He was always a gentleman; kind, considerate and smart. Now he could finally be strong, too.
The transformation took him over in much the same way as it had me: incredible pain for incredible muscle growth. I watched with a growing smile taking over my lips. Clothes ripped as muscles pushed forth. Huge, smooth and powerful pecs replaced a shapelss chest; rippling, jutting abs burst out of a previously putchy stomach; titanic legs erupted into being. Soon, though, the grin faded from my lips. Something was going wrong.
All of Mike's hair was dropping out. His skin was slowly turning a bright red colour. I stood frozen to the spot with my hand at my mouth: Mike was turning into some kind of monster. At about this time, he started screaming and didn't stop, a scream that started in astounding pain and ended in pure animalistic pleasure when the transformation finished. He didn't faint like I had. He had hit about 7 foot 6. His now crimson skin bulged with the most amazing muscles I knew existed, larger and more powerful than even mine. His hairless body practically glowed. The worst part was his eyes. He had no pupils.
I tried to smile. "Mike?" I ventured. "How do you feel?" I took a step closer to him. An awful, horrible smile spread over his inhuman face, a smile that involved fangs. He lifted back his head and roared. The scream was so loud I had to clap my hands over my ears, which did little good. The creature – because it had long since ceased to be Mike – turned and ran towards the nearest wall. It ripped through the 'mere' bricks and mortar and escaped into the night.
There was no other choice: I had to follow it, the monster I had unwittingly created. I ran for the hole in the wall and took a look around to find where the creature had gone. I saw a flash of red running through the thick forest that surrounded the labs. "Well," I grimaced, "at least he'll be easy to spot." I took a deep breath and said, "I sure hope these muscles aren't for show." Then I sprinted out into the trees to follow the man-monster I loved.
Getting a fix on Mike was not as easy as I'd thought. The serum had improved my eyes considerably so I was having no trouble seeing by the light of the crescent moon – the inconvenient parts were that Mike had gotten a head-start and was more powerful than me anyway. As I accelerated to maximum pace in the rough direction I'd last seen him, I spotted him in the middle distance. It was the merest flash of red in the distance but I changed my course slightly and tore on. The branches of the surrounding trees cracked and splintered when I ran through them – I barely noticed. On the other side of the forest there was a large housing estate: there was no way to predict what the new Mike would do in that environment but I had a hunch – call it intuition – that it would not make for good headlines.
"Gotta stop him," I thought, trying to keep my mind off speculating what had actually happened and how I was going to reverse it. Despite the magnificent body I now had, I still hadn't fully developed the confidence to go with it (despite what Mike will tell you about how seductively I initially behaved towards him!), so I had to keep myself distracted for fear of losing concentration. "Gotta stop him" became my mantra as the chase went deeper into the forest. In order to distract myself more, I took stock of how my body was working: ever the scientist, I set about seeing just how well the serum had worked!
The first thing that struck me was that I was not tiring. It felt as though I could keep up this pace for hours, which was certainly beyond the end of the normal bell-curve, despite my vastly increased mass. I chanced a brief look down at my legs: veins criss-crossed the working muscles, feeding them super-efficiently as they powered me onwards. My breathing was only slightly more laboured than if I had been standing still. I smiled ironically as I realised that the effects I had experienced were probably going to be nothing like the effects of the formula on its own. "Hell," I said to myself, "I think the army would be pleased for their guys to have half of this power."
During all of these thoughts, I was still scanning the horizon for Mike, catching faint glimpses in the distance every so often. The trees were starting to thin out and I was beginning to get worried: I hadn't caught a glimpse of Mike for about ten seconds. About a hundred metres away, I noticed a clearing and decided to stop to climb a tree and get a better viewpoint of the surrounding area. I decelerated and jogged into the empty space between the trees. I quickly picked the largest tree around and walked towards it.
I fell to the ground, momentarily stunned. My superbody reacted swiftly to bring me back to my senses but it was too late. The monster had struck the opening blow and had the upper hand. I realised with a wry grin that I had walked headlong into a simple trap. There was no time to dwell on it, though, as Mike slowly approached my prone form, almost gloatingly. I sprang to my feet and turned to face him. Or, at least, where he had been a fraction of a second ago. I whirled around, looking for my friend. He was preparing an attack behind me so I ducked and kicked my right leg backwards out at him. It connected and put him off-balance just long enough for me to turn myself around and face him.
I'll say it now – not that it won't become obvious very shortly – but I am not a natural fighter. My whole life I've been ducking down, avoiding and defusing confrontations. There was no way that Mike would listen to anything I had to say at the moment so I had to start doing what I'd been avoiding so assiduously: fighting. Fist-fighting is not like the choreographed ballet you see in "The Matrix": it's dirty and hard and painful. I was about to get a lesson in this. I swang a wild right fist towards Mike, who stepped backwards enough for me to miss my mark and flail wildly. I didn't lose balance but the moment was enough for Mike to land a solid punch on my midsection. The whole operation took half a second.
Slightly winded, I moved back into position facing him. It was still imperative to stop him: over his shoulder I could see the outlines of a 24-hour supermarket. The estate was desperately close. This time I decided to try a little feint: I moved in with my right fist and, as I saw Mike brace for the punch, swung quickly with my left. The fist connected with the creature's jaw and he reeled slightly. Sensing an opening, I moved in and began hammering his face with my fists. I could see I was having an effect.
However, it was not enough. Mike took a few more punches and then, almost casually, headbutted me in the face. My punches had been awkward because I was hitting upwards and the blow made me crash to my butt on the forest floor. An evil grin spread across Mike's face as he closed in. Instinctively I tried to protect myself but it was no use: the monstrous hulk that I had brought into being picked me up by the ankle and drew its claws. As I dangled in the night air, five lightning slashes ripped through my skin: two on my abdomen, one on my right breast, one on my face and one long, raking rent down the middle of my back. I hadn't enough time to scream before I was thrown across the clearing and into a tree.
Now very winded and in some pain, I staggered onto all fours and turned my head. The red giant was strutting across the clearing towards me. His arrogance lit a fire inside me and I whipped myself upright with speed that astonished me. I wiped the blood from my face and rushed the monster, hoping to catch him by surprise. It worked: I grabbed him around the waist and slammed him to the ground. His response was to shoot out a right foot and sweep me off my feet. Fortunately, I'd had time to get my breath back and got up quickly enough to dodge the hammer blow Mike tried to land.
The slashes on my body were giving me some pain and so I felt at an even greater disadvantage. I could feel that Mike was merely toying with me; enjoying the sport, almost. I had to think of something else. As we circled each other, like cats waiting to engage in swift and brutal exchanges of blows, I wondered if I could get hold of a weapon. My thoughts immediately turned to the trees around us: could I wield one and beat him with it? This thought blazing in my mind, I made a move to try and incapacitate the red behemoth facing me: I kicked him in the groin with all my strength. He doubled up and I whacked him hard on the back. He groaned and fell to the ground. Quickly I ran to the nearest tree, uprooted it and swung around, back to where I'd left Mike's prone body. For the second time, he had just vanished.
He landed on me and wrenched the tree from me, throwing it casually across the clearing. He rolled me onto my back, so I could see his snarling face drink in its victory. He alternated with slashes from his claws and hammer blows from his powerful fists. I tried to wrench him off me but it was no use. My punches became more vague and weak as I took these blows. My head began to feel muzzy and I could sense I was going to lose consciousness. At this stage, the creature leapt off me. I tried to turn and find out what he was doing: slowly, I rolled over and got a glimpse. He was picking up the tree I had uprooted and, again, strutting back over the clearing towards me. I tried to move but my battered body refused to obey me.
Inevitably, Mike brought the tree down on my head with such force that it broke into tiny, splintering pieces. Incredibly, I didn't black out, though the pain was overwhelming. I knew that no-one else on Earth could have stood up to this punishment; for some reason, it was not much of a consolation as the striking scarlet monster stood over me. He smiled evilly at me before walking away. Fearing for those innocent lives, I rolled into a position to see where he was going. With a rising sense of panic, I recognised the direction he was going in: it was back towards the lab.
— To Be Continued —
August 23, 2005 at 3:28 pm #7419Fonk
ParticipantThe Magnificent Kelly (Part 3)
My super-enhanced body got to work on healing my battered frame whilst I lay in the clearing, trying to get an idea of what Mike was thinking. As my panting subsided, I decided I was facing one of two scenarios. Either Mike was returning to the lab to destroy his human self's work and make us the only superpeople on Earth, or to swallow more of the formula and make himself stronger, or worse, dead.
After a couple of minutes of lying prone, I got to my feet and took stock of my body. The scars left by Mike's claws had healed over and I was no longer bleeding. I allowed myself an ironic smile: the formula had worked wonders. Knowing I still had work to do, I set off jogging back towards the lab, trying to catch sight of Mike and so avoid him. About halfway back through the forest I heard a couple of explosions coming from the lab. Fearing the worst and having not seen Mike during my travels, I picked up the pace and made it to the lab building in double-quick time.
I stopped just beyond the trees and took in the sight: a tank was facing off against Mike. Security must have got around to noticing the gaping hole in the wall and called for the army. Judging from the smoke coming off his torso, I guessed that he had taken a rocket to the chest and survived. Marvelling at the strength and endurance of the creature, I realised what I had to do.
My body tensed as I waited for just the right moment. The dance of death going on in front of me was just like the fight I had just escaped from: brutal and destined to be over quickly. The monster was nigh-on invulnerable and was figuring out how best to take the tank apart as I watched. It had mounted the machine and was trying to wrench the cannon from the top of the machine, like taking the top off a tin can. Then I got my moment: a second tank rolled into the fray. Summoning all my speed, I ran across the field of play and got safely into the lab where all this had begun.
There were four people already in there, soldiers, looking around and trying to figure out what to do. They turned, as one, to greet me and, again as one, raised their rifles to me. I put my hands up and moved towards them, ready to explain. One of them, clearly a nervous rookie who was way out of his depth, opened fire. I shut my eyes as ten rounds of bullets tried to penetrate my skin and failed beautifully. It felt like a kind of horizontal drizzle: soft and painless. When the firing stopped, I opened my eyes and addressed them.
"Look, I'm not the enemy here. If you keep your trigger finger quiet for a minute, I can tell you what that is," I said, pointing a thumb over my shoulder to indicate the battle going on outside. "How can we trust you?" one of them replied. "My name is Kelly Stelford. I work in this lab with a man named Mike Millington. If you look over there on the floor," I pointed, "you'll find the clothes I was last wearing, along with my security pass." The man who'd replied to me, whom I guessed was the leader, indicated to one of his men to go and investigate the place I'd pointed at. "Be careful, I was sick too," I added.
"These are just rags," he said when he'd found the spot where I had last stood as little Kelly. "Well, yeah," I said sarcastically, "this change kinda came too quickly for me to worry about this season's fashion." He found my badge and took it to his leader, who scrutinised it closely. "This isn't you," was his swift and pointless conclusion. "It used to be," I replied, smiling faintly. "Can I explain now?" "Sure, be my guest," he shot back. "Can I also lower my hands?" He smiled. "Lower your arms, men," he commanded.
"This lab is doing some of the most secret and important research in the country. Mike and I were working on a super soldier formula. I'm sure you know the drill from Captain America: a formula to make a man stronger, more resistant to pain, improve the senses and blah blah blah. Earlier this evening, we got the go ahead to begin testing it on humans." "So you decided to test it on yourself." "Yes. It was foolish, I know, but it's really done wonders for my tone," I replied, casually flexing my enormous and brawny right bicep to emphasise the point. "Anyway," I continued, "I went first. It's not supposed to have effects quite this pronounced – I think I got a bit delirious. I forced the formula into Mike and he changed into the monster your fine colleagues are fighting right now." Next came the sixty-four thousand dollar question.
"How do we stop it?" I smiled. "I'm not sure you can but I have an idea."
Twelve minutes later we were all set. One of the company's many secret projects involved testing nuclear devices; to that end, one of the labs was surrounded by a wall of lead-lined concrete five metres thick. The room itself had been stripped of any and all equipment. White floor, white walls, white ceiling. At one end was a screen through which the four soldiers were watching. In my right hand I was holding a vial of the formula. Four bazookas were pointing at me through the screen, which could be lowered at the touch of a button. Outside I could still hear the sounds of Mike Versus The Army and prayed they would hold out. "Ready?" I asked. "Yes Ma'am." I uncorked the formula and swallowed it all.
The change was immediate and very different. I figured that the alcohol that had caused such rapid growth last time had been absorbed in whatever reaction it had provoked. The growth this time came in pulses, all over everywhere at once. My already huge biceps grew until I feared they would break through my skin. My forearms got thicker and meatier. My abs, already huge and jutting, pushed further out even as they carved themselves deeper into my stomach. My legs and torso lengthened. Quads bulged with obscene power, calves tore into strength never before seen. Veins sprouted all over as my ultra-charged muscles craved food. My shoulders erupted further, like the last glorious burst of lava from a rampant volcano. My back spread wider still and my arms got longer. My perfect bum got, somehow, better. My boobs showed astounding changes but it was only the twin effect of them growing backed my ever-expanding pecs.
Then it was over. I'd grown to eight feet. Gleefully I noticed that all my scars had disappeared, along with all my body hair. The hair on my head flowed down in gorgeous waves and curls to just below my bum. When I flexed my inhuman biceps, they measured thirty inches around. Thirty inches of dense, powerful muscle. I felt up and down my abdominals: the massive muscles quivered from the growth and felt warm to the touch. Running my hands down to my thighs, I slowly felt over the largest and most amazing legs on the planet. Gargantuan slabs of strength coated them all over: the ridges and valleys of power felt glorious. Casually I ran my hands over my ass, which felt mighty good: solid, smooth, perfectly filled-out buns of more-than-steel. I explored my breasts, which took some time as they were damn big now. When I lifted my arms straight out to my sides, I noticed that they bulged around the sides of my torso. I was brought out of my reverie, which could seriously have lasted, when my nervous rookie fainted.
A shaky voice came over the intercom. "Looks like it worked. We're letting you out now." I grinned and strode confidently to the door. Cracks appeared on the tiles underneath my striding feet. The first change was nothing compared to this: I felt lighter than air, better than anything, more alive than ever before. The monster would be no match now for The Magnificent Kelly.
The door opened slowly and I ducked to walk through. "Hello boys," I quipped. "Now where's that nasty monster you've been having trouble with?" The lead soldier smiled and said, "You know exactly where he is. Go get him." That was all I needed. I turned and sped off to meet my destiny.
When I got back outside, the Mike Monster was on the verge of destroying his fourth tank. Mangled bodies and body parts littered the scene, which was heavily streaked with red. Illuminated by the fires of three wrecked tanks, I whistled out to him. "Hey, big boy, come and get it!" Two blank eyes turned to face me and a cracked smile fell on crooked lips. It jumped off the tank and strode towards me, the same arrogant strut it had used in the clearing. "That was then," I thought. "This is most certainly now." I let him get the first hit, which bounced off my newly toughened skin, much like the second, third, fourth and everything that followed. My first punch, though, landed square on the jaw and I heard a satisfying crack. Knowing I had to press my advantage home, I landed as many fists as I could, all over the creature's body. Reeling now with the hits, the monster tried to flee.
We would have headed back into the forest but for my super speed, which meant I caught him some way before the first tree. I tackled him to the ground and dodged his now ineffectual swipes with ease. Kneeling on top of the prone monster gave me the advantage I was looking for: he couldn't escape and I could take him out. Punch after punch after punch slammed onto the grotesquely twisted body of my love as I fought for our future. Eventually Mike stopped trying to strike back and ugly bruises rose to his skin in several places. Satisfied that he was well and truly beaten, I stopped my attack. Victoriously I held the cowed Mike Monster by the neck. Slowly I applied more and more pressure to his windpipe until he fell unconscious and then I sighed with relief. It was over.
It was a good job I could get by on only one hour of sleep a night because the problem of getting my Mike back was a complex one. Figuring out how the reaction had come about was part of it: the seriously elevated adrenaline, when combined with alcohol and the formula, had caused the changes. Initially I feared that they might be irreversible but, with many patient hours in the lab, I found the right antidote. The monster had been placed in the most maximum security facility the company owned. As I walked down the bleak military corridors with the syringe in my hand, my heart swelled up at the thought of getting him back.
I punched the appropriate security code into a panel next to the door, which dutifully slid open. Mike was strapped to a bench with six seriously large metal restraints. He growled fiercely when I came in but soon subsided when he recognised who it was he was growling at. Swiftly I plunged the specially-made syringe into his skin. All I had to do then was wait.
The change back was by no means immediate. It took four and a half hours in total, most of which was taken up by screaming. I got more and more hopeful as the screams started to sound more and more human. Then the red started to fade, the pupils came back and the claws retracted. Eventually I was smiling at the naked and now hairless form of Mike Millington, the goofy but brilliant man who had started all this.
"Kelly?" he whispered. I nodded. "You look like an angel." I grinned.
August 25, 2005 at 3:08 am #7420Deadly Pixxxie
ParticipantThis is going to go down in the anals of FMG as a classic, in my opinion. Very well written and an excellent premise. 😀
August 26, 2005 at 5:45 am #7421Axel3.14
ParticipantI think you mean "annals" 🙂
On topic, that was excellent, though I wonder whether Mike revented to his pre serum form, or the form after the first dose…
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