- This topic has 124 replies, 25 voices, and was last updated 15 years, 9 months ago by
August 10, 2007 at 1:06 pm #54225
Participantanother nice part!!! well could u do a story of a "repenting" muscle girl 🙂
August 15, 2007 at 9:42 am #54226reaper0002000
ParticipantEver wondered what "the file" on Mercy contained…?
The psychologist shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he waited for Mercy to respond, but she didn’t. The supremely muscular beauty just sat there, her brows knit, obviously thinking carefully at what to say next. He wondered if he had gone a little too far with his last statement, which was undoubtedly true… but he was now thinking it may have been too harsh for this girl who clearly valued her astonishing muscularity above anything else. It now occurred to him that Mercy’s muscles were not just the subject of her study, but had also become her shield against a hostile, abusive world. However, her muscles held some sort of erotic obsession, and one which he probably needed to address.
Still Mercy didn’t say a word… she just sat there, seeming to steam. As the silence became protracted, the therapist’s mind couldn’t help but wander nervously back to her file, some of the words of the report still haunting at him. It was right there in his lap. Unable to suppress it any further, he flipped open the folder containing the forensic report and reviewed it again as he waited for her to speak….
After a party downtown around midnight, witnesses had seen Mercy with a group of young men. These hardened young males were most of a street gang whose social strata had exceeded their upbringing, likely because of an income source not quite legal in origin. Known for taking the best looking (and most intoxicated) young women out of the Riverside Club, they had an ill reputation that was likely deserved. Somehow, they always evaded prosecution, typically for lack of credible witnesses. After all, the club was said to be owned by the most powerful crime family in the state, and all investigations by the authorities had somehow proven fruitless. Sometime after midnight, this same group entered a van and departed for an unknown destination.
The van had gone only into the far parking lot before it suddenly slammed on its brakes, and according to those who watched its red brake lights, was rocking side to side when a man was literally launched out the back of the stopped vehicle. He was thrown nearly thirty feet in the air, and both arms, several ribs and one shoulder were broken. Landing on his skull and neck and shattering both, he survived but never recovered his mental functioning. Next, a brown-haired girl with a badly torn dress and prominent, bulging muscles – Mercy allegedly — tumbled out, and the van started to speed away, tires screeching as the driver gunned the engine. What happened after that was almost completely unbelievable.
The witnesses at the party, all on the second floor balcony, swore they saw the half-naked, muscular girl furiously take off after the van, shedding her shoes and running barefoot, chasing it at impossible speed. To their astonishment, she was so fast that she actually caught up with the speeding vehicle before it left the distant lot, and through the dark they saw its red lights abruptly stop and jerk upwards, as if the rear of the van had been lifted off the ground. The lights hung there for a moment before flipping over three times, and the van was seen overturned on its roof under the light of a nearby street lamp. The angry brown-haired girl came into view and grasped the side doors of the overturned vehicle. Her exposed back muscles visibly exploded – the witnesses’ own words – to enormous size as she flexed and pulled at the van doors, and some swore that she was even lifting the vehicle off the pavement by the way she made the entire van shake like a leaf.
To their astonishment, there was a long loud shriek of metal as the girl ripped both doors right off their hinges with her bare hands, and she was seen holding up a torn, mangled door in each amazingly strong arm. Still holding the heavy doors aloft like trophies, the girl flexed her arms demonstratively. Even from the distant vantage point, her extraordinary muscles could be seen clearly, her huge biceps peaking like mountains as she proudly coiled her van-destroying limbs. From their distance, they couldn’t hear the crunching sounds as she derisively crushed the metal frame within her grasp, her fingers mangling steel like tinfoil with the power of her fingers. She then flung the doors away, tossing the heavy metal into the adjacent river like they weighed nothing to her.
…to be cont'd…
August 15, 2007 at 11:43 am #54227airnel
Participantwhat a power!!
August 17, 2007 at 2:29 pm #54228Lupus14
ParticipantGreat how you described her body. The story about the boy in the gym (heart torn out ect.) I found disturbing and even more how the mere thought of it made her smile. How sadistic.
I'm glad you made those guys in the van to some no good gang members with criminal background. What they will receive, they probably deserve. It will be mere justice, since they were always able to evade the law so far. This time they picked the wrong victim. Ha!
I wondering if she may be lesbian or simply a case of frigidity (ISD – Inhibited sexual desire). What if there is a boy/guy who sincerely falls in love with her, who wants to share his life with her? Kind of makes me feel sorry for her that she will never know what love is, never feel the warmth of a passionate kiss, romantic nights ect.I know I'm a pest with my questions, but I'd like to know why she even bothers to see a shrink and talk about it since she is so convinced of herself?
I also would like to subscribe to airnels view about a story of a repenting girl.
August 18, 2007 at 3:31 am #54229reaper0002000
ParticipantThanks for the feedback! The repentant musclegirl is something to consider, since it seems that therapists are taking the confession of guilt these days.
Now why WOULD Mercy seek out a psychologist?…
(OK, I admit it; I'm only leading you on.)
And as to Mercy's sexual tastes, she's whatever she wants to be. She's probably not irredeemable, but currently very, very disturbed.
ReapAugust 18, 2007 at 4:41 am #54230iceman75
ParticipantYup, if I would take a guess as to why Mercy has an aversion to the opposite sex, look at the two situations so far, she was hit on and almost raped by an 18 year old gymnast when she was 10, then a couple years later a group of guys try to kidnap her and have their way with her, not realizing the power she possessed. So far her encounters with the opposite sex have not been pleasant and that may have influenced her decisions to not have anything to do with them sexually. BTW, great story, reaper, I love Mercy's power and hope to see more extreme feats of strength very soon.
August 18, 2007 at 5:28 am #54231airnel
Participantfor the repenting issue how about she find comfort to someone that will accept her and able to forget her bad experiences and give more positive encouragement on her. 🙂
August 25, 2007 at 4:23 am #54232reaper0002000
The powerful girl then apparently registered how badly damaged her dress was, and ripped off the remnants of her torn clothing in obvious disgust, leaving her in the street wearing only her panties. Her exposed, barechested physique was shocking to the onlookers – the degree of her muscular development was frankly freakish.
This young, naked girl was more muscular – much, much more muscular – than anyone they had ever seen, and some of the witnesses thought they must have been hallucinating. Emerging from incredibly narrow hips and freakishly chiseled haunches, her long legs were packed with more huge, hard sculpted muscle than most people’s entire bodies possessed. Matching those hellish legs, her monstrous back and arms were obscene idols to muscular overdevelopment. And at her slender, hardened waist, even her abdomen was unreal. She had more than a six pack, but no one could agree on exactly how many individual segments of muscle were chiseled on her stomach from that distance. And with that much alcohol clouding their senses.
The therapist had sighed; it didn’t matter – obviously, the girl was in simply incredible bodybuilding condition. However, there was a more important controversy when it came to her bared chest. Most of the observers already doubted if this was really a girl, since the physique they saw was so inhumanly strong: no mere girl could be that strong, could she? And now some witnesses also pointed out that despite the long brown hair, her pumped-up, herculean body was so incredibly ripped that this girl also didn’t have any visible breasts at all – her mighty chest was clearly all brutish, utterly shredded pectoral muscle. But the few who saw Mercy up close with that group of men – assuming this was indeed Mercy – were absolutely convinced that it was Mercy, and Mercy was definitely a girl. Yes, Mercy had muscles, monstrous muscles, but she was undeniably female; her overwhelming facial beauty, her silky voice, and the feline grace with which she moved was utterly feminine. And if this was indeed her, there was a part that was also sadistically predatory.
At this point, all the witnesses said that the barechested girl then stalked into the overturned van and emerged with three struggling men. She manhandled all of them like they were mere infants, with one draped over her shoulder, another hoisted by her other arm while the third was dragged out by his legs.
Any notion that this young powerhouse was rescuing them was dispelled by the sickening crack of shattering bones against metal, for she abruptly and viciously hurled one of the men into the side of the vehicle like she would throw a football. He was flung with such force that upon the revolting, crunching impact of his body, the ruined van skidded several feet on its roof, spinning. With a single arm, she had thrown him so unbelievably hard that he was gruesomely embedded into the van’s side like a compressed human javelin, every large bone in his body fragmented. He was instantly killed.
Still gripping the other man on her shoulder, the muscle girl turned on the third man, the one she had dragged out. Seeing what she had just done to his friend, he was on his knees, gesturing in a pleading, placating manner with his hands, clearly begging the girl “for mercy”. The psychologist had initially smiled humorlessly at this witness’ exact quote. Little did the pleading man realize that perhaps it was exactly and literally Mercy that he got.
At any rate, the girl’s response was the most brutal kick ever documented. The therapist still shivered at the vivid description. She drew her leg back, the striated flexing of her legs’ spectacular muscles still embedded in the witnesses’ minds, and sent a kick of unrestrained power at the pleading man’s body. A shower of blood erupted from out of his back as he was lifted several feet of the ground to land a couple yards away, his upper body almost decimated by her single ferocious blow; a couple of shaken witnesses even said they saw her foot protrude out of his shoulders for one ghastly instant. The coroner’s report supported this gory detail, indicating that the victim’s torso had suffered “massive blunt trauma that completely penetrated the thorax and exited the left shoulder, dissecting the subject vertically from the abdomen up.” Viciously, she had kicked him so hard that she’d split him in two. His gruesome remains simply collapsed to the ground, convulsing, blood slowly seeping over where it had already been splattered with her lethal, smashing kick. He was dead before his splintered torso was hoisted, and flung like a broken rag doll into the river.
The last man, slung on her shoulder, screamed and started struggling with all his strength against the powerful female arm that ensnared and hoisted him. He flailed mightily, pummeling and kicking the incredibly muscular, sadistic girl with desperate blows. He might as well as well have been pounding on a stone statue for all the effect it had on her sculpted, granite-hard physique.
With an annoyed look, she captured both his wrists with ease, using her other free hand, and contained him like he was a weak child. Suddenly the suspended man started screaming again, writhing in pain. At first, the observers didn’t know why, but then they saw that that the strong, sculpted arm that held his torso trapped, was being increasingly coiled – the barechested musclegirl was starting to flex her extraordinarily muscled, steel-bending arm. Having just seen how superhumanly strong she was, the witnesses watched in fascinated horror as the last man’s torso was slowly and relentlessly crushed, visibly compressing between the vice of her vein-sprawled forearm, bursting biceps and steely deltoid.
As she slowly brought her hand closer and closer to her shoulder, she then rotated her wrist, a red stream of unknowable fluid and pulverized internal material suddenly exploded out of both his anus and mouth. When they observed the terrible sight of the mangled man vomiting his own organs from the hellish pressure from her single, scissoring arm, it was enough for some of the already drunk, nauseated onlookers to start retching and throwing up as well. What they also didn’t see – but the coroner found puzzling evidence of – was how her huge, freakishly peaked biceps erupted into unstoppable two-headed towers that broke her third victim’s ribs and actually penetrated into his thorax with their incredible flexed shape as she twisted her wrist to full contraction. Apparently, the girl had disemboweled him with just her biceps… and by simply flexing them.
When he first read this, the psychologist had to put down the file, mind reeling. It was too much. The mutilations were medical evidence, however waterlogged – and that was what made him queasy – but the narrative was ridiculous; he was disinclined to put any faith in it. All but naked, this girl had brutally killed three men with her amazing muscles and bare hands. Ended their lives like they were insects to her. But the report didn’t end; the description continued.
…to be cont'd…
August 25, 2007 at 5:29 am #54233fm07
ParticipantExcellent story! Even though I'm not one for gore, your style, suspense and character building is very good.
August 25, 2007 at 8:59 am #54234iceman75
ParticipantAnother Great Chapter man, you really have a good way of describing strength feats and muscle, I have enjoyed just about every story I have seen from you, and this one was no different, another masterpiece.
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