The state of British femuscle

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  • #56861

    To quote the WPW/RM site: "For many years during the mid-late 80's, Joanne McCartney was one of the best bodybuilders on the scene, and she still might be known for having what many consider to be the best calves ever. She was from England, and retained her British accent, but lived in Florida during her bodybuilding career."


    Thanks Alex, I'll look her up.  I must admit, I do get annoyed by American writers who blithely mention the "British accent" – there's no such thing – it's like taking about "the Asian Accent".


    Thanks Alex, I'll look her up.

    As I said, there's several sessions involving her w/ WPW – covers the span of her competitive career.

    Two other Brits that I recall are Paula Bircumshaw and Bernie Price.

    Source: WPW-V212 – Paula Bircumshaw – 1992

    Ironically, while doing a Google search for Paula I came up with this topic related thread on another forum about the state of British FBBing, its from 2004

    “I like a good story well told. That is the reason I am sometimes forced to tell them myself.”
    ~ Mark Twain / Samuel Clemens (1907)


    As I said, there's several sessions involving her w/ WPW – covers the span of her competitive career.

    Two other Brits that I recall are Paula Bircumshaw and Bernie Price.

    Source: WPW-V212 – Paula Bircumshaw – 1992

    I seem to remember seeing a YouTube video of a TV news report from the States discussing the judging criteria in FBB (never in a thousand years would our news ever contain such an article) where Ms Bircumshaw was unhappy about finishing so low due to the new criteria that she marched out on stage in her civvies (street clothes?) and gave the judges the old Agincourt two-fingered salute (flipped them off).  She looks really rather hot in those WPW photos, though! 8)


    Ms Bircumshaw…gave the judges the old Agincourt two-fingered salute (flipped them off).,com_smf/Itemid,135/topic,4562.msg39087/#msg39087

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