The White Knight Cometh (completed 8/10/06 w/Part 10)

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    Whenever I finish a story I like to start a new one as quickly as possible. So here goes! My main aim with this one is to try and ratchet down the growth and see what happens. So!


    The White Knight Cometh – Part 1

    The hot sun blazed down, as it had for the past fortnight. Amber Knight, in town for some hardcore window shopping, gazed up at the sky until she got spots in front of her eyes. The young woman wiped her forehead with the back of her right hand and decided to take shelter in a charity shop. Eagerly she stepped from light to shade and blissful cool. The cashier, an old woman with a slight hunch wearing a yellow cardigan over a flower-print dress, looked Amber up and down as she carefully shut the door behind her.

    She saw a young woman emerging fresh from the bloom of youth into womanhood, still possessing a good layer of fat on her small, lightly tanned body. Her centre-parted dyed black hair fell to shoulder length around her round face. A black record bag was slung casually over a shoulder. Her eyes were mostly tree green, barring a fiery orange corona around her pupils. Her nose was cute, not dominating. Her lips were full and fleshy. Her teeth, when they showed, were just off-white. The woman's figure was healthily full: abundant curves and big, full breasts stretched a pale yellow T-shirt, cut to reveal her pierced navel. A little fat peered over the waistband of her black jeans, which hugged her wide, curvy butt. The picture was completed by a simple pair of green and white trainers. The cashier nodded imperceptibly to herself.

    Amber mooched along the meagre racks of clothes, knowing that even in a charity shop money was too tight for her to be able to afford anything.

    "There's nothing here anyway," she groaned to herself, "but at least I'm cooling down a bit."

    On the last rack, though, something caught her eye. Suspended in between a lime green skirt and a black dress with red polka dots was a grey T-shirt with the Superman logo in pink across the torso. Amber took it off the rack and draped it across her chest. Miraculously, it looked like it would fit perfectly.

    Supergirl had always been Amber's favourite superheroine. In her mind's eye, Supergirl was tall, blonde and busty, just like she had always longed to be. In her more reflective moments, Amber wondered if there was such a thing as a Barbie doll complex, where a woman wanted to have the attributes of the famous toy. All she had managed to conclude was that if there was, she definitely had it. Supergirl, though, was one step beyond that. As well as being outstandingly sexy, she was strong, intelligent, capable and resourceful, all qualities that Amber never really felt she had.

    The voice made her jump.

    "Do you like it, dear?"

    When Amber's heartbeat had settled down again, she turned to see the old cashier's smiling face.

    "Sorry, you surprised me!" she gasped. "Er, yes, I do like it, but I can't really afford it, I'm afraid," she finished.

    "As it happens," the cashier replied, smiling, "that T-shirt is in the sale. I know it's not marked, but it will only cost you one pound." Amber bit her lip.

    "What the hell?" she thought. "OK," she said, nodding, "I'll take it!" The cashier clasped her hands delightedly.

    "If you'd just like to follow me to the till," she said, and turned to head to the desk.

    Amber followed, fumbling with her black and pink wallet, the T-shirt draped over her arm. The young woman shifted the coins inside from side to side with a finger and bit her lip again as she followed in the cashier's wake. There was just enough to cover the purchase in amongst old bus tickets and money off vouchers. Smiling, she handed the change over, slapping the T-shirt on the counter. The old woman smiled delightedly at her as she folded it carefully and slid it into a white plastic bag. A sudden urge made Amber stop her.

    "Do you have a changing room, by any chance?" she asked politely. "I want to put this on right now." The cashier frowned for a fraction of a second before returning to her pleasant smile.

    "Of course, let me show you," she said, gesturing that Amber should follow her.

    The changing room was right at the back of the shop in a dingy corner. It turned out to be the size of a phone booth, but at least there was a curtain for privacy. Amber duly closed it and slapped her record bag on the floor. She eased out of her T-shirt, packed it carefully in her record bag and couldn't help but look at her body in the mirror. Her eyes, as ever, drifted to the fat around her belly button. She grabbed handfuls of the spare flesh either side of it, sighing.

    "You could get rid of it, if you exercised," she said to herself. The young woman paused, squeezing the flesh absent-mindedly. Then she shook her head, knowing that she was too busy with uni work already. So she shrugged and reached into the bag for her new T-shirt.

    Amber slipped the T-shirt on and smoothed it down over her body. As soon as she'd finished, the young woman felt light-headed for a half-second. Instinctively she leaned against one of the walls and counted to five, but by the time she'd reached three, the feeling had passed.

    "Huh," she said and shrugged again, smiling at her reflection.

    Picking up her record bag, Amber Knight left the changing room. She smiled widely at the cashier as she left. The old woman smiled back a little strangely. She was obviously happy, but Amber got the initially eerie feeling that it was a little more than happiness at having made a sale.

    "Maybe she thinks this shirt is a hideous old thing and she's just glad to have got rid of it," she thought happily, admiring her reflection again in a window as she walked past. "Her loss, my gain!"

    The young woman had had to spend her bus fare home on the T-shirt she was now wearing, so she set out on the thirty minute walk. Bizarrely, as she passed from the town to the suburbs, she began to feel more energetic; more alive, almost. By the time she reached her dingy student flat, just on the edge of probably the second roughest part of the city, a spring had entered Amber's step. She looked around carefully before putting her key in the door and shut the door behind her quickly.

    "Devon!" she yelled. "You in?"

    There was no response. Amber figured he mustn't have got back from work yet, so she went straight up to her room to sort through the day's uni notes. The young woman laid the five pieces of paper out on her pillow before jumping on the bed to read through them carefully, underlining points she felt were important. After ten minutes, Amber got up and put the notes in a ring binder marked "PRE-NATAL". It was then that the inevitable wave of exhaustion crashed over her.

    "Must be the heat," she muttered to herself. "Maybe a little nap will sort me out." With that, Amber Knight laid her head on the pillow and promptly fell asleep.

    Three hours later, Amber awoke to a kiss on the cheek. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled hungrily at the man kneeling beside her bed.

    "Mmmm, my Prince," she purred. Devon straightened up and grinned down at his girlfriend's voluptuous form.

    "New T-shirt!" he exclaimed. "I like it." Amber smiled widely, sitting up on her elbows.

    "Thanks," she replied. "I got it from the charity shop on the high street. I only went in to get into the shade." Devon nodded.

    "Yeah, it was really hot at work today. I must have sweated pints!" he agreed.

    "Sexy!" she giggled.

    Amber looked her boyfriend up and down. He was looking a little sweaty: his dark brown hair was ruffled and his face was slightly streaked. She knew that, as soon as he took his leathers off, there would be horrible sweaty patches around his armpits. After finishing her sweep, she looked deep into his tropical sea blue eyes. He grinned.

    "Listen, I'm just going to take a shower." He walked to the door and paused, looking directly into her eyes, before pointing to the bathroom with his thumb. "Care to join me?"

    In response Amber whipped her T-shirt off and threw it casually onto the back of a chair.

    "You bet," she said in that special voice, the one that plugged directly into Devon's libido. He grinned widely, staring openly at his girlfriend's deep cleavage. She put on a mock shocked face.

    "Devon Williams!" she gasped. "I'm up here." The young woman pointed to her face, which was wearing a reproachful look. He rolled his eyes at her.

    "Come on," he said, moving back into the room to pull her up off the bed. Amber stole a march on him and wrapped her arms around him.

    "Just this first," she said softly, running a hand through his hair. She kissed him deeply, feeling him rise in response, before pulling away and running out the door to the bathroom.

    "Now come on!" she giggled.

    Devon rolled his eyes again and followed her. He bolted the door behind him. Amber was standing in front of the shower unit in her underwear, her black jeans sprawled on the radiator. She had a finger in her mouth and was looking at him innocently. She moved seductively across the room and began to unzip her boyfriend's clothes. She was right – he did have sweat patches under his arms.

    The lovers kissed and nuzzled as they undressed each other. Devon unclasped Amber's black bra expertly, still as transfixed as he had been three years ago when he had first seen her breasts bounce deliciously free. They barely sagged. Her dark pink areolae were two inches across and capped with thick, erect nipples a tantalising half-inch long. He ducked to take the left in his mouth, but Amber pushed him back against the wall and held him there, hands spread across his broad, muscular chest.

    "Tonight," she purred hungrily, "you work for me." Amber trailed her hands down her lover's rippling abdomen before whipping his boxers off in one smooth motion, releasing his eager eight inches. Her fingers carefully stroked the long shaft, listening as he moaned lustily.

    "Turn the shower on," she ordered, hands on wide hips. Devon did as he was told, adjusting the temperature until it was just right.

    "Milady," he said, gesturing to the shower when it had warmed up to his satisfaction. She half-smiled and curtseyed to him.

    "My lord," she replied, stealing a kiss as she got in. Devon followed and closed the door.

    Immediately she was on him, kissing, stroking, scratching even. Her intensity nearly overwhelmed him.

    "God, she's on tonight," he thought, grabbing and kissing at whatever happened to be nearby at the time.

    Within seconds he was someone – something – else. Devon lifted Amber up by the armpits and shoved her against the shower wall.

    "Go on," she whispered invitingly, biting her lip, rat-tails of hair framing her beautiful, flushed face as the water rushed down. Devon didn't need a second invitation.

    The young woman moaned as Devon worked out his passion on her. She ran her hands up and down his muscular arms, straining to hold her weight in place. Amber slowly wrapped her legs around his thrusting torso, pulling him closer. Seconds later, she felt that he was spent. Panting, he lowered her to the floor in an upright position, covering her voluptuous body in soft, lingering kisses.

    "Amber," Devon said, panting, "that was fantastic." There was no response.

    "Amber?" he asked, straightening up to look at his lover concernedly. "Amber?" He waved a hand in front of her face. Nothing.

    Just as Devon was steeling himself to ring for an ambulance, she blinked and looked around, startled.

    "How did I get here?" she asked, brow wrinkled in confusion.

    — To Be Continued —

    Great beginning my friend. I really enjoy this romantic scenario you have built so far. Certainly this will be the first of many surprises for Devon. 😀

    I will be looking forward for the next piece.



    Very good start ! !


    Most intriquing, dear Fonk.

    I's do greatly look forward to an English twist to the Super Heroine genre and thus look forward to reading more.

    The Pimp NeonBlack


    OK! This episode is a bit of an info-dump, I'm afraid, but hopefully it will heat up over the next couple of chapters. Enjoy! 😀


    The White Knight Cometh – Part 2

    Devon heaved a sigh of relief. He leaned over her and turned the shower off, shaking the water from his eyes as he did so.

    "Are you OK?" he asked, leaning closer to brush the hair out of his lover's face. "Can you walk?" Amber just rolled her eyes at him.

    "Of course, silly, I just blanked out for a few seconds," she retorted, and took a step forward to prove it. "See?" Devon still eyed his girlfriend with concern.

    "Let's go and towel down," she said, turning to Devon again and flashing him a smile that nearly made his fears disappear. She wriggled past him and out of the room, leaving water footprints on the tiles and carpet.

    Once more the young man sighed with relief. His mind prodded him with a memory: Amber had once fainted at school during exam time, but that was because of heat and exhaustion. Immediately he tried to recall any more incidents where she had fainted, or gone dizzy, or anything like, to see if there was any link. After all, he reasoned, it had been hot today.

    The pair had gone through school together from the age of eleven, but had only gotten together as a couple when they were fifteen. He remembered happily the first kiss they'd shared on the way home from school: it was unexpected, so all the better. Her lips had been full yet soft and yielding. They'd hardly changed since; though there had been many more kisses, none was as magical in Devon's mind as that first one.

    At the age of sixteen, Devon had left school, vowing never to find himself in an educational situation again. He got a job at a local garage fixing motorbikes. Amber had her heart set on being a midwife, which Devon privately thought would be beyond her – his aunt was a midwife and had told him how difficult it was to get the necessary qualifications. Nonetheless, she had gone on to college.

    It was a frustrating time for the pair, as they couldn't be together as often as they wanted. Neither could afford to move out and Amber's mother was incredibly strict – which was why, to this day, they had separate bedrooms, though Amber liked to claim to her friends that it was because she wouldn't otherwise have had space for her stuff. They'd had many rows, but always made up tearfully later that day.

    Much to his delight – and also to his surprise – Amber had passed everything and accepted an offer from the local university to study midwifery. She had scraped through her first year and her second was now coming to an end. She had lived at home during her first year but they had taken the plunge and moved in together at the start of the second. They made a happy couple, both supportive of each other, and still very much in love, even after five years.

    Try as he might, Devon could not recall another time when Amber had fainted.

    These thoughts flashed by in seconds. The mechanic followed Amber's curvy butt with his eyes as it wiggled its way to the bedroom. He frowned: something wasn't quite right. Grabbing a towel, the young man followed his voluptuous lover to her bedroom. She was standing in front of a full-length mirror, a towel tightly wrapped around her full frame. Softly he padded across the carpet to join her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her neck.

    "Honey," he whispered and paused, wondering how to frame the question. "Have you been working out?"

    Devon saw her reflection frown.

    "No," she said. "You know I can't afford to." Then she paused, frowning again. "Why do you ask?"

    He kissed her neck again, higher up this time.

    "I noticed your arse when you were getting out of the shower," he began.

    "Ye-e-e-es?" Amber said slowly, raising what Devon liked to call her Danger Eyebrow. A few years ago he would have panicked at the Eyebrow, but now he knew how to handle it.

    "You know I think you have the most gorgeous, curvy, grabbable butt I've ever known. I've spent so much time looking at it, that's why I spotted something. It looks firmer than it used to, is all."

    Amber frowned, partly in relief, partly in confusion. She grabbed her ass through the towel, a cheek in each hand, and squeezed. Then she shot Devon's reflection a look of surprise.

    "Yeah," she said, "it does feel different. That's weird." Then she had an idea. "I think I know what's happened," she said, nodding. "I had to walk home cos I spent my bus fare on the Supergirl shirt. Maybe it's just temporarily cos of that."

    Devon hugged her tightly.

    "Well, you would know," he said into her bare shoulder. He felt her nod again.

    "Quite right," she said. She broke the hug and moved to pick up her hairdryer. "Now, you waited too long! I have to dry my hair, otherwise it'll go bonkers." She switched it on and returned to the mirror, carefully teasing her hair back into shape. "You'll have to dry yourself down!" she said over the din. Shrugging, Devon left the room.

    Amber carefully moved to the door and closed it. She finished drying her hair a few minutes later and unwrapped the towel. The young woman stood in front of the mirror and began to look critically at her body. A frown crinkled across her brow.

    "What's happened to me?" she whispered, shocked. Just to confirm, she began to run her hands up and down her voluptuous frame.

    Her reflection was different. Subtly different, but definitely changed. Enhanced, even. Her thighs looked thicker, stronger. When she touched them, Amber found they were bigger, but a good amount of fat still encased them. Her calves were bigger too, as were her arms. The young woman grabbed the fat around her belly button again and found a little less there. She cupped her breasts and then really frowned. They had swelled slightly, whereas the rest of her body seemed to have lost fat.

    "This is so weird," she thought. "There's no way a little walk home could have done this." Lost in thought, the student put some fresh underwear on.

    She slipped the Supergirl T-shirt back on and smoothed it down. It still hugged her every curve perfectly, which was even more weird. Shaking her head in disbelief, Amber wandered out to the bathroom to get her jeans. She wriggled into them and, crossing the landing, popped her head around Devon's door. He was lying on his bed wearing just a pair of jeans, reading a motorbiking magazine.

    "I'm just going to make dinner," she said, trying not to let on how freaked out she was. If Devon noticed, he didn't acknowledge it.

    "OK, honey," the mechanic replied, looking at her with a generous smile. "Can I do anything to help?" Amber shook her head.

    "Nah, it's fine." She paused. "It's only going to be something quick, though, it's gone half seven." Devon nodded.

    The young woman slipped out and padded downstairs barefoot. Busying herself with making dinner, the weird events of the day soon went from her mind.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Just before getting into bed Amber looked in her diary for tomorrow. It was a packed day: two lectures at 9 and 11, followed by meeting Sunita and Tony for lunch at their place. Then dinner at her Mum's before heading out clubbing with the uni gang to celebrate the end of term, even though exams were less than a fortnight away. Sighing at the prospect, the young woman lifted the covers and slid into bed, where, as ever, she instantly fell into a deep sleep.

    Unusually, Amber dreamed. In her dream, she was like a curvy brunette superheroine, kitted out in the Supergirl costume. She flew around the city, foiling robberies and muggings and the like. The young woman smiled in her sleep. Later in the dream, she flew to an abandoned warehouse way out of town. SuperAmber didn't even bother to land: she just flew straight through the skylight and hovered over the scene that had alerted her senses. The old woman from the charity shop that she had bought the T-shirt from was there. She was standing behind a chair, to which someone was tied. SuperAmber couldn't quite see who.

    She landed and strode over to the pair, supreme confidence practically dripping from her. Until she saw who was tied to the chair: it was Devon. SuperAmber stopped moving and gasped in horror. Her lover's body was covered in unsightly bruises and welts. He sported a nasty cut on his left cheek and deep wounds down his chest which looked horrifically like they had been made by a screwdriver. The old woman was dressed all in black, a black so deep and true that the real Amber, lying uneasily now in her bed, screwed up her eyes. The old woman raised her right hand and SuperAmber's costume was sucked clean off her body, into the old woman's grasp.

    SuperAmber looked down at her body. She had powerful-looking muscles all over her frame. Her quads bulged with awesome might, leading down to thick, strong calves. Her abdominal muscles formed a tight and sizeable grid from just below her enormous, perfect breasts to just below her tightened navel. Her arms too were covered in layers of brawny, beefy muscles. SuperAmber tried to step forward, but something was keeping her in place.

    The old woman held up the costume and gestured to Devon with her free hand. An evil smile appeared on her slightly wrinkled face.

    "Choose!" she cackled at the stricken dream-girl.

    Amber's eyes flicked open.

    "What the hell was that all about?" she muttered.

    — To Be Continued —

    Another amusing part. Her body is more toned up now and we got a nice background of her plus a possible premonition. Personally, I don't see why she has to chose  😛



    Very nice, dear Fonk.

    A good tease and taste for the tale to come.

    Thank you.

    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Can't wait for the next part!! It's getting better and better;)


    Oh this is gonna be gooooood….


    Thanks for all your support so far, guys!


    The White Knight Cometh – Part 3

    Amber leaned up on her right elbow. Her mouth was dry. She rubbed her eyes and reached for the alarm clock beside her bed. The harsh red LCD display told her it was 7:15. The student sighed.

    "Only fifteen minutes till my alarm goes off anyway," she thought. "I might as well see if I can get ahead of the day." She got out of bed and stretched.

    Even though it was against her policy, Amber elected to wear her Supergirl T-shirt for a second day.

    "Well, I didn't really wear it for a whole day in the first place," she said to herself. "And it does fit me so well!" Despite the changes her body had been going through recently, the shirt did indeed still fit perfectly, almost like a second skin.

    The answer popped into Amber's head as she munched groggily on her corn flakes. Her spoon clattered into the cereal bowl, splashing a little milk across the table. Her eyes widened and she smacked herself on the forehead.

    "I must be going through some more puberty!" she exclaimed. It all fell into place: muscles and breasts growing were classic signs of puberty.

    It could affect girls even up to the age of twenty-one. There could be no other explanation. Pleased with herself, Amber went back to her breakfast, turning her thoughts instead to the day ahead. She decided to take her bicycle into university. That way, the young woman reasoned, she could save money and test her new muscles at the same time. Skipping round the house now, Amber prepared for her day. Kissing a tousled Devon, she left the house at 8:40 for her lecture at 9, wearing her Supergirl T-shirt, old dark blue jeans, black training shoes with white trim, a small light pink backpack with a red rose printed on it and a white helmet.

    Her jeans felt a little tight around the thighs as she pumped on the pedals up the slight incline to the university. The student was making better time than she expected, though, so put this out of her mind. Amber briefly wondered why she didn't always take her bike up to university: it felt so good just to ride, feeling the breeze and the burn.

    There had been a storm during the night, so the air was relatively clear; though the sun was beating down, there was a slight and refreshing breeze. Amber felt on top of the world as she pulled in to one of the university's bike racks, locking her machine to a rail and removing her bottle from the clasp on its frame. She stood a moment to get her breath back, feeling her legs throb from the exercise, and then went off to her first lecture of the day.

    Medical Ethics always bored Amber rigid. She diligently took her notes, as ever, but never really saw the point of Doctor Steinman's dull take on the subject. Her mother had given her an incredibly strong sense of right and wrong, and it seemed to the young woman that that would be good enough to steer her through any ethical dilemma that might crop up. The good doctor certainly never gave her an indication to the contrary.

    The lecture ended at 9:50, leaving the student over an hour to herself before the next one. Fortunately, she had made plans: there was a test coming up in her Pre-Natal Care module, so Amber went to the Library, commandeering a seat in a quiet corner to sift through her notes, taking out the important bits and trying to condense them onto one side of paper.

    At around 10:35, as she was idly tapped her pink gel pen against her cheek, Amber began to feel her bra pinch into her skin. She frowned and shifted uncomfortably on her chair. The wriggling did the trick, so the student returned to her work. Ten minutes later, it began again. Once more a frown creased her beautiful features. Amber packed her work carefully in the pink backpack and headed for the nearest toilet.

    Locking herself in a cubicle, the young woman set her backpack down carefully before whipping her T-shirt over her head. Gingerly she unhooked her bra and put her shed garments on top of her backpack. Amber looked down at herself. Her eyes nearly popped out of her head. She cupped her breasts. They had most definitely grown: it felt like half a cup size in two days. No wonder her bra had been biting.

    Amber noticed a couple more puzzling things about her boobs. Firstly, they actually felt lighter despite the obvious change in size. Secondly, they seemed to have shifted higher up her chest. Concerned now, Amber let her hands drift all over her body. Again there was less fat on her abdomen; in fact, as the young woman's fingers wandered over her stomach, she could feel a pronounced six-pack trying to push its way through.

    The student prodded her thighs: she barely made a dent in them. Unzipping her jeans to investigate, Amber noticed a couple of ugly veins running the length of her legs. Her thighs were larger, more powerful. Her calves had ballooned up too. She ran her hands over her butt, which was very pleasantly firm and well-rounded.

    "At least there's one plus," she thought grimly.

    Almost not wanting to know, she clenched her fists and brought her arms out in front of her. Her forearms had grown too. Horrible blue veins sprouted to the surface with the effort. Looking further back, Amber saw large swells on her upper arms too.

    The young woman began to hyperventilate. Recognising the first symptoms of a panic attack, she concentrated on breathing deeply and tried to calm herself. This had clearly gone beyond puberty: something very strange was happening to her body. Electing to push it to the back of her mind, Amber tried to come up with a course of action. Her new breasts felt firm enough to cope without a bra, so she slung it in her backpack and slipped the T-shirt back on. Amazingly, it still fit. She wriggled back into the jeans.

    There were only five minutes left to get to the next lecture. Amber flicked her hair casually back into place and left the cubicle.

    Mercifully, she arrived in the nick of time for her second and last lecture of the day, Primary Care. As usual, Doctor Fulford gave an interesting and involving talk with plenty of questions and laughs, so Amber was able to naturally forget about her changing body. At the end of the lecture, she slipped her notes into her backpack and headed out to her bicycle to begin the trip to Sunita and Tony's flat… right the other side of town from the campus.

    This, Amber reminded herself as she strapped her cute helmet back on, was why she rarely used her bicycle. It was too unsafe in traffic. There had been six cyclist fatalities in the area last year alone and Amber's mother was forever trying to get her to lay off the bike for good. Amber straddled her machine, preparing herself for the long journey. The student had told Sunita that she was going to arrive at 12:30, and even that was optimistic. She checked her watch: it was 11:55.

    As she set out, Amber remembered the good times she'd had with Sunita, her oldest friend. They had met at playgroup at the age of four and had formed a friendship that was still going strong some sixteen years later. Sunita had wanted desperately to get on the same course as Amber but had fallen just short of the qualifications she needed. Instead she had had a complete change of heart and enrolled on a fashion design course. Amber had, naturally, supported her friend's decision – she had even offered to model some of Sunita's clothes, which was part of the reason she was going over for lunch.

    The other part of the reason was that Sunita would be providing the lunch, and her food was out of this world.

    Amber bobbed and weaved in and out of the lunchtime traffic in the city centre. She came to rest at a set of traffic lights about halfway through the journey. Two things had struck her: she was making fantastic time, and her jeans were becoming seriously tight around the thighs. She grabbed a slug of water from her bottle and prepared herself for when the lights changed. When they did she powered over the junction, hitting the base of the mile long hill that lead to Sunita's flat.

    She switched the bike down to a lower gear and began to get into the rhythmic, pumping motion that would power her up the incline. Unbelievably, she still wasn't struggling that badly, despite the road being one of the steepest in the region. As she went past a parked car, the student heard a dangerous noise. She looked briefly down at her thighs on a quiet stretch of the road and her suspicions were confirmed: they were coming through her jeans.

    The stitching was slowly coming away at the side of the leg. All the young woman could do was hope that they would hold out until she got to Sunita's, where they could be repaired. Gritting her teeth, Amber carried on with the ascent. A couple of minutes later, the student had to stand on the pedals to get enough pump to continue, and then it happened. With the extra effort, her jeans succumbed. Two holes appeared at thigh level, slowly expanding to reveal more of the girl's now well-defined quads, ripping from mid-thigh to just above the knee with a very sensuous sound.

    Amber looked down and squeaked in horror. She sat back on the saddle, hoping against hope that it wouldn't get worse before she arrived. At this stage, she could at least claim that it was a fashion thing. A couple of seconds after sitting down again, Amber briefly felt light-headed. Lights swirled and exploded in her vision but she kept going. Gasping for breath now, Amber felt her pace slow dramatically. She had hit the Cyclist's Wall.

    "The flat – is just – a couple – of minutes away," she said to herself. Even her thoughts came slowly.

    Then several things happened at once: first, her jeans ripped open a little more, coming down now to just below the knee and, further up, getting perilously close to revealing parts of her knickers. Secondly she got a massive second wind – which she described later as "more like a second hurricane" – and began to bomb with strong, determined pedal strokes up the hill.

    Thirdly, a bus came round the bend, heading in the opposite direction to Amber. It had, because of its size, strayed onto her side of the road to take the turn. Taken by surprise by the power she was now applying, Amber crashed into the vehicle.

    — To Be Continued —
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