The White Knight Cometh (completed 8/10/06 w/Part 10)

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    Hello Fonk,
    This is just a short note to thank you again for the Florida Crane story and I was glad to provide any help. I hope you post the story in the new story archive and also thanks for the current White Night story. This story looks like it will be another growth/supergirl classic. Keep up the great work. Looking forward to reading more of your writing.
    Rodman 😎


    A most excellent continuation, dear Fonk, but this segment/chapter does seem a little too impersonal compared with the previous.
    Especially as you constantly refer to her as 'The Student' making her seem as though she is a completely different character and not the Amber we are coming to know.
    Besides that point, it is most excellent written. Especially the teasing of her casual groeth and clothes ripping.
    Thank you for posting this.
    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Amazing cliffhanger Fonk. That kind of crash should pretty intense. I just hope the bus is ok.  😀



    Hi again! I'm aiming to get a new chapter out every four days – work is slack at the moment, which is perfect for the writer! 😎 Though the World Cup is getting in the way… anyway, I'm out tomorrow, so this episode is coming in a day early. 😀


    The White Knight Cometh – Part 4

    Amber wrenched hard on the brakes, so much so that she came off the bike and turned through the air like a human torpedo toward the screeching bus. Her bike clattered to the ground uselessly.

    "Oh my God oh my God oh my GOD!" she screamed, screwing her eyes up tight. After what seemed like an age but might have been half a second, Amber's left shoulder hit the bus, her body having spun awkwardly in the air.

    Despite the braking, the bus was still travelling at around twenty miles an hour, so Amber bounced off it. Gravity took over and the young woman fell onto the unforgiving concrete on her front. Instinctively she rolled back out of the way of the oncoming vehicle. She stopped a few feet away as the bus squealed to a halt. Amber winced but, after a half-second of lying there, she realised that, miraculously, she was not in any pain. By this time a concerned crowd was forming around her, including the bus driver and a few of the passengers who'd seen the incident. Amber listened to their voices with her eyes still closed.

    "What 'appened?!"

    "Are you hurt?"

    "Should I call an ambulance?"

    "She's not opened her eyes!"

    "Why didn't you look where you were going!"

    "She's torn her jeans!"

    "Give her some room, I think she's coming round!"

    Amber fluttered her eyelids theatrically, trying to put on a good show and stop herself from thinking about what had just happened. A pale teenager, wearing a black T-shirt, black jeans, black boots, black nail varnish and green hair, offered her his hand. She took it and allowed him to pull her back upright.

    "Thanks," she said, giving the boy a smile. He seemed quite taken with Amber, though he was at least five years younger than her.

    Amber dusted herself off and then held her hands up, palms facing the crowd.

    "I'm OK, everyone!" she half-shouted, just so that they could all hear. Everyone who'd been on the bus had piled off it now, and they were all craning their necks for a better view.

    There was a group sigh of relief and even a small cheer.

    "Thanks for everything," Amber continued, "but I'm running really late for a meeting – I've got to go! Thanks again." The young woman strode back to her bicycle, mounted and pushed off, waving to the crowd as she passed.

    "How am I not hurt?" Amber asked herself, rounding the bend and getting out of sight, just in case any of the delayed motorists decided to have a go. "Even my bike is OK!"

    There were so many questions zipping around her brain that the young woman decided to just forget about them and enjoy her lunch with Sunita. Smoothly she glided to a halt outside Sunita's block of flats and locked her bike to the set of railings that surrounded it. Amber Knight took her helmet off, stuffed it into her backpack, smoothed down her jeans in a futile attempt to hide the tears and pushed the buzzer of her oldest friend's flat.

    "Hello?" Sunita's lovely rhythmical voice said.

    "Hi, it's Amber," she said. "I'm having the weirdest day and you are the one and only person I can talk to about it!" The student could hear her friend grinning.

    "I'd better let you in, then!" she replied. Amber heard the buzzing sound and pushed on the door.

    Usually the forbidding door took an effort to open but it swung back easily today, reminding Amber of her new unsightly muscles. She shuddered as she took the stairs – the lift being permanently out of order – to Sunita's third floor flat. Knowing that Sunita would be standing outside the flat ready to greet her, Amber stopped on the second floor and tried in vain to hide her torn jeans. She tried all sorts of folds but nothing worked.

    "Ohhh, bugger it," she said, and carried on up.

    Sunita was, indeed, standing outside her flat. She wore an ornately-designed pink dress, flip-flops and an enormous quantity of big bracelets on her wrists. Her long black hair was currently tied back into a ponytail that swept to the middle of her back. She was petite and slender, with big brown eyes and flawless dark skin. In her weirder moments, Amber had imagined kissing her full pink lips.

    The fashion student squealed in delight when she saw Amber, as was their tradition. But her expression turned to concern when she saw the state of her friend's jeans.

    "What happened to you?" Sunita asked, brushing an errant strand of hair from Amber's face.

    "You know the bend just before here?" Sunita nodded, still looking worried.

    "I, er, crashed into a bus," Amber admitted, absently scratching the back of her neck and avoiding her friend's gaze. Sunita's jaw fell open.

    "Oh my God, we've got to get you inside!" she said, ushering Amber through.

    Amber stepped into the tiny hall, took her shoes off and padded through into the lounge. Tony was sitting at the computer in the corner, no doubt working on something to do with The Company.

    "Hi," Amber said. Tony turned to face her, slightly startled, and grinned.

    Tony had come into Sunita's life when she and Amber had gone to college. He was the only boy in their General Studies class of about sixteen students. He wasn't conventionally good-looking – his nose and teeth were too big and he wore glasses – but he was kind, practical and had a fantastic smile. After the trouble Sunita had had with finding a good man, Amber had heaved a big sigh of relief when they had started dating. He worked for some big IT firm that Amber had never heard of, mostly from home, for peanuts.

    Today he was dressed in a light brown T-shirt with red and yellow trim and a pair of loose black jeans. He was barefoot.

    "Hi Amber," he said, giving a wave. Then he noticed her jeans. "What's happened to you?"

    "Had a little accident," she said, rolling her eyes at herself.

    "I didn't know piss could melt jeans!" he exclaimed. Amber giggled.

    "No, I rode into a bus coming up the hill," she explained. His eyes widened.

    "Oh my God!" he said, shocked. "Mind you, the way they take those turns, I knew it was going to happen one day. Can I get you anything?"

    "No, thanks," Amber declined politely. "I think Suni is cooking something up for me."

    "You know," said Tony, "it looks like the cycling's been doing you good." He nodded at her muscly thighs.

    "Yeah," Amber replied, trying to suppress a blush. "A bit bigger than I would have liked, maybe, but, yeah, I do feel good."

    Thankfully, Sunita then walked into the room, carrying a tray bearing three cups of tea and a plate of ginger biscuits, Amber's favourites.

    "Aww, thanks," she said, eagerly taking a cup and a couple of biscuits off the tray. Sunita smiled beautifully.

    They all sat quiet for a moment, sipping the boiling hot tea.

    "Is that better?" Sunita asked. Amber nodded, smiling widely.

    "Nothing like a good cup of tea," she said, holding the cup up to salute her hostess, who grinned in return.

    Sunita eyed her friend critically.

    "You're looking very good," she said. "Very strong." Amber nodded, almost mournfully.

    "I know," she said. "I am clearly going to have to lay off this cycling!"

    "I'm not sure you'll fit into my clothes now," Sunita admitted. Amber shrugged.

    "We can but try, as my mother always says," she replied. Sunita nodded happily, slurped down the last of her tea, and stood.

    "Come on, then, let's go make fashion happen!" Amber grinned, drank her tea hurriedly and followed Sunita into what she called "the shop floor".

    In reality, it was Sunita's bedroom. The room held a bed, a wardrobe, chair and large desk, which was littered with pencil drawings. Most of them were half-finished scraps but a few were complete and bursting with colour. A very small handful were finished and hanging in Sunita's wardrobe.

    The oddest thing was that the practical part of Sunita's course didn't kick in for another year. When Amber had discovered that, Sunita had just said that she wanted to get on with it, and Amber couldn't say fairer than that. The budding designer opened the huge wooden wardrobe and fiddled with coat hangers while Amber shut the door carefully.

    Sunita turned around, holding a gorgeous red sleeveless dress. Amber's eyes widened.

    "Try this first," Sunita commanded, holding the garment out for Amber to appreciate.

    "It's beautiful!" she said, feeling the material. "Just let me slip out of these clothes."

    Amber began to peel off her T-shirt when she remembered something.

    "You'll have to turn round, Suni," she warned. "I'm not wearing a bra." Sunita's eyes widened in turn.

    "You're kidding!" she gasped, but turned round anyway. "You've always needed scaffolding!"

    "Not anymore," Amber whispered, just loud enough for Sunita to catch. She'd taken her T-shirt off and was wrestling with her torn jeans, trying to get them past the massed ranks of her quads. She succeeded after quite a struggle and held out the dress in front of her, not daring to look down at her body to see how it had changed since the morning. Instead, she slipped the dress on and, fantastically, it fit.

    "I'm done," she said, turning to Sunita's mirror. Her friend turned around and her eyes widened. She pointed a finger.

    "That's not from cycling!" Sunita said, pointing at Amber's muscular upper arm. The medical student turned to look her friend in the eyes.

    "No," she said, "it isn't."

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Sunita frowned at the end of Amber's story.

    "So you have, like, no idea why this is happening?" she asked. Amber shook her head.

    She had borrowed a black knee-length skirt from her friend and had slipped the Supergirl T-shirt back on around ten minutes ago. The pair were sitting side by side on Sunita's bed.

    "Look," Sunita said, after a moment's pause, "let's get some proper food inside us before we carry on. I can't think straight." Amber agreed.

    The pair left the room and headed for the kitchen. Tony noticed them and called them over. He was sitting bolt upright on the sofa, facing the TV.

    "Amber!" he called. "Get in here!"

    Amber and Sunita quickly joined him. He was watching a local news report: Amber recognised the graphics. Someone was interviewing a very familiar-looking bus driver. The student's eyes widened. Tony turned the sound up.

    " – dn't stop," the man was saying. "Mind you, she couldn't neither! She musta braked hard, but she still came off her bike and banged right into me grille. And she left this." The camera panned away from the man to what was obviously the front of his vehicle. It was a mess: the radiator grille appeared to have completely caved in.

    Amber was close to tears when the man's voice came on again.

    "She left a little dent," he concluded, chuckling.

    — To Be Continued —

    To Max… how did you know?! 😛

    To Pimp_N_B… the last episode was kind of an experiment to see if I could get away with no proper dialogue. I'm not sure it worked! 😐


    Again, a wonderful chapter, dear Fonk.

    You have a good process and pace, making us want more.
    Please, do not rush yourself or force your words to complete a self-enforced deadline or timetable.
    Create when the mood takes you and all shall be well.

    Thank you for posting this.

    The Pimp NeonBlack


    Another great chapter my friend. It seems that Amber is slowly realizing her new potential. Nice to see new characters.  😀

    To Max… how did you know?! 😛

    Well, it was a fifty-fifty bet. Or it was Amber the one that took the bad part or was the bus. Since Amber is the main character… well, it was a bet I couldn't lose  😆



    One of the best slow-growths I've seen in a while!  I'm a big fan of clothes-ripping, so keep it up.



    I'm ahead of schedule here! 😮 But that's a good thing, right? 😎


    The White Knight Cometh – Part 5

    "We was all so busy with her that no-one thought to look at the bus," the driver continued, milking his moment of fame for all it was worth, "till she was round the corner and well out of sight."

    The camera cut from the driver to a smart-looking man in a crisp grey suit and yellow tie holding an old-fashioned mike in his right hand. He was standing near to where Amber had hit the bus, but he was in front of a tree. The sunlight spiralled down onto his suit in flickers and shafts.

    "First Buses has said that they will not be pressing charges, but local pressure groups are calling it a – "

    They never found about the local pressure groups, as Tony had had the presence of mind to turn the TV off. Sunita hugged her friend tightly. Amber was crying freely.

    "Hey, don't worry about it," she said, stroking Amber's hair. "It looked old anyway." Amber smiled half-heartedly.

    "It's just – too much," she replied in between sobs. "How could I do that to a bus?" Tony quietly left the room, heading for the kitchen.

    Sunita nodded gently at him as he left. She manoeuvred Amber to the sofa, where they sat down facing each other. Sunita took her friend's hands in hers, making soothing noises and stroking her hair.

    "Look, why don't you stay here for the night?" she asked gently. Amber shook her head, looking down at the floor.

    "I can't," she explained. "I'm going to Mum's for dinner, and then I'm out with a couple of guys from uni tonight. I can't let them down." Sunita looked critically at Amber.

    "You know what?" she began. "I think you're doing too much. You can't keep living the life and not expect to get run-down – " Amber laughed hysterically, a little eerily.

    Sunita rolled her eyes and waited for the strange giggles to die down.

    "OK, bad choice of words," she said, grinning. "But you know what I mean." Amber nodded, serious now.

    "Yeah," she admitted, "and I will start to relax more." There was a pause, during which Sunita smiled beautifully.

    "But I have to have today," Amber continued, looking her friend in the eye now. Sunita shook her head sadly.

    "That's how it starts," she began. "You 'have to have today', then the next day, then the next. You need time to rest. You know that, you just said it." Amber frowned angrily.

    "I do know that," she countered, and stopped, her frown dying away. Sunita was right.

    "You're right, you're right," Amber moaned, looking away again. She sighed heavily and seemed to shrink in on herself.

    "Sorry I snapped at you," she said, sniffling the last tear away. "I've gotta take it easier, you're right. Thanks, Suni." Amber squeezed her friend's hands.

    Sunita winced and Amber let go quickly, smiling wryly to herself.

    "OK!" Sunita said, standing. "Time for lunch." Amber smiled happily and stood up too.

    "Yeah," she replied firmly. At that point, Tony walked in holding a massive plate of sandwiches and set them on the coffee table.

    "Way ahead of you, ladies," Tony grinned.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Amber left Sunita's flat at four o'clock, full of gorgeous food and happier than she'd been in a while. She got on her bicycle and waved to Tony and Sunita, who watched from their window. They grinned and waved back madly. Amber set out on the short journey to her mother's house, just a mile further into the suburbs.

    Amber's mother, Sarah, had separated from her husband when Amber was fourteen. She'd gained custody of her daughter – Amber was an only child – and the pair had lived in a small house out in the suburbs. Sarah was a Biology teacher just a couple of years from a justified retirement: she had worked hard for her students over many years. The more Amber thought about, the more she realised how much she owed her mother, who had brought her up almost single-handedly through the most difficult teenage years and got her into university.

    Fortunately Sarah's house was the opposite way from where Amber had had her extraordinary accident. Unfortunately, it meant going further up the hill. However, Amber found the going really easy and made the journey in double-quick time. She turned into the drive of her mother's house, a slightly grubby-looking semi-detached house with an unkempt hedge around it, and locked her bicycle in the garage. Unstrapping her helmet, she rang the doorbell. Sarah opened the door and beamed at her daughter.

    Unlike Amber, Sarah was tall and slim. Her auburn hair, streaked with grey, fell about her face. Her keen green eyes seemed to say 'I want to know everything about you'. She was wearing a white T-shirt under a grass green cardigan and a similarly coloured skirt.

    "Hello, Mum," Amber said, and hugged Sarah tightly. The older woman gasped.

    "Have you been going to the gym?" she inquired, when Amber had let go. "I thought you said you couldn't afford it." Amber took a deep breath.

    "No, I can't afford it," she admitted. "So I did the next best thing and borrowed Devon's weights." Amber prayed silently, but the answer seemed to satisfy her mother.

    "Come in," Sarah said, gesturing behind her into the house. Amber nodded, wiped her feet on the doormat and went into the lounge.

    Sarah sat on her sofa whilst Amber took up position on a chair opposite. The coffee table was groaning under the weight of marking. Amber glanced idly at it: there were about thirty write-ups of the famous peanut-burning experiment. The CD player that rested on a small bookcase was on pause; Amber wondered what her mother had been listening to.

    "I'm glad you're taking a sensible approach to weights," Sarah began. "It's one of the best ways to lose weight." Mother and daughter both said the next line at the same time.

    "The more muscle you have, the easier it is to lose weight." Sarah stopped, bemused, as Amber continued.

    "I know, Mum," she said, rolling her eyes. "And it's working, as you can see. Thanks."

    "Can I get you something to drink?" Sarah asked, changing tack. "Tea, coffee, water?"

    "Water, please," Amber replied. Sarah nodded and left the room.

    Amber raised her legs to look at them whilst her mother was out of the room. Her exposed calves looked pretty big now: two or three obvious veins ran the length of both. When she reached to grasp them, Amber found she could barely make a dent in the muscle when she flexed it. Swallowing hard, she put her feet back on the floor.

    "Thank goodness this skirt has got an elasticated waist," Amber thought.

    Sarah came back into the room with a large tumbler of water for her daughter and a glass of milk for herself. She sat back on the sofa with a contented sigh. They were both visibly struggling for conversation, so Amber asked her traditional question.

    "What's for dinner?" Sarah laughed.

    "Seeing as you were coming over," Sarah announced, "I thought I'd treat myself to some carbs. We're having spaghetti bolognese." Amber licked her lips.

    "My favourite! Thank you!" Sarah smiled happily at her daughter's reaction.

    The pair chatted for the next hour – mostly about work, love and the soaps – before they went into the kitchen to make dinner. Amber was glad of the distraction: it gave her time to process the past two days and let everything sink in. Within forty minutes Sarah and Amber were eating. It was heavenly.

    Amber stayed to let her food go down. Then she stayed for Coronation Street, leaping up as soon as it had finished.

    "Sorry Mum," she said, "but I've got to go. I said I'd be out by nine." Sarah nodded resignedly.

    "Go!" she said, waving her daughter towards the door. "Go sacrifice yourself to the God of Dance." Amber smiled confusedly.

    "I swear you're going mental, living out here on your own," she replied mockingly. Sarah raised an eyebrow haughtily.

    "You're not too old for a smack, Amber Jane Knight," she retorted. By this time, Amber was at the front door.

    "That's what I'm scared of!" she said, opening it and stepping through. The night was cold, but the cycling would soon warm her up.

    "OK," Sarah said, serious now. "It was lovely to have you here. It's always lovely to have you here." Amber nodded.

    "It's always good to come home," she said. "I'm sorry I couldn't stay longer." Sarah smiled.

    "I know how it is. I went to university too, remember," she replied. Amber grinned.

    "Back when it was all black and white, and fields as far as the eye could see?" she mocked. Sarah's eyebrow threatened to jump clean off her head.

    "OK, OK, I'm going," Amber said, palms up towards her advancing mother. She ran round the side of the house and opened the garage.

    A minute later she was setting out, her bicycle lights turned on, waving madly at Sarah as she did so. The journey home was quick, smooth and resolutely accident-free. Amber locked her bicycle away and ran upstairs to shower.

    "Hi Amber!" Devon called from his room. The young woman skidded on the landing, having decided to pay her boyfriend a visit.

    "Hi honey!" she said, peering round the doorframe at her shirtless lover, who was lying on his bed reading a magazine. She licked her lips saucily at him.

    It was Devon's turn to raise his eyebrow.

    "I thought you were going out?" he asked, standing up and stretching. Amber watched the ripples of his six-pack stomach dance as he moved.

    "I am," she said, after a moment of reverie. "That – " (she licked her lips again) " – and that – was for later." She smiled seductively.

    "I'll be awake," he whispered simply. Amber's eyes filled with lust.

    She looked at her watch.

    "God, I've got to get ready!" she said, and dashed into the bathroom, locking the door behind her.

    Amber whipped her clothes off and laid them carefully on the radiator. She was about to turn the shower on when she caught sight of her reflection in the mirror.

    It was barely her at all.

    Amber frowned and walked closer to the mirror. Then she looked down at what had been her voluptuous body. Even compared to when she last checked herself in the library toilet, the young woman's body had changed beyond recognition.

    The most obvious change was in her breasts. Amber had gotten used to being large-chested but this was beyond belief.

    "God," she said to herself, "they're like bazookas." It was true: her boobs simply shot straight out of her chest, no sagging at all.

    Cupping herself, Amber estimated she had gone up a couple of cup sizes, but there was more. All the imperfections – the moles, the marks – had gone. Her areolae had expanded a little too. Amber bit her lip as she teased her left nipple to erection: it was about three-quarters of an inch long. Biting the lust down, she raised her arms out to her sides: the delicious flesh bulged round the sides of her body.

    The fat on her stomach had all but disappeared, to be replaced by a large trail of impressively bulging abdominal muscles starting just below her majestic mounds. Shocked, Amber traced the contours of her new tummy: her abs were bigger than Devon's and harder, too. Looking further down, the young woman saw that her legs were now coated in distinctly unfeminine slabs of thick and brawny power. She ran her hands down her thighs, feeling the ridges and valleys of her huge quads. She lifted one leg at a time to check on her calves: they felt solid as rocks and were riddled with ugly veins.

    The young woman's eyes widened like saucers when she clasped her butt. Her unhappily sagging ass had changed into a couple of solid, strong, well-rounded bowling balls, again very smooth. Finally Amber held her arms out in front of her, crushing her boobs together and forming cleavage you could lose a ruler down. She stared at her forearms: thick veins were running up and down them too and her upper arms had swollen to insane proportions.

    Amber looked her reflection straight in the eye, biting back tears.

    "What the hell is happening to me?!" she shouted.

    — To Be Continued —

    "What the hell is happening to me?!" she shouted.

    My answer will be "Do you really care?"  😆 "Just enjoy the ride"

    Great new chapter Fonk. It's nice to see that her transformation had continued and she had improved greatly her body. I wonder how Devon will react when he got a good look of his girlfriend's new body.



    Hi Fonk 8-),
    I agree another great chapter and as expected the plot thickins. I'm enjoying the slow growth process and I loved your graphic discriptions of Flrida Cranes' growth and muscles. I wonder if their is some secret in Amber's past or her Mom's past which is connected to her transformation into a superwoman. I look forward to the next chapter.

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