The White Knight Cometh (completed 8/10/06 w/Part 10)

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  • #32079

    Really fantastic. The pacing of this segment was excellent and the description was some of the best. The test scene reminds me a bit of Lingster's Hiccups. Keep up the good work!!


    This one is a bit of an info-dump, I'm afraid! Hope you like it. 🙂


    The White Knight Cometh – Part 8

    Amber's calm countenance turned.

    "You had no right," she said, anger dripping off every word. The old woman looked around nervously.

    "This is not a good place for us to be talking," she hissed. Then she turned to a co-worker, who was folding a selection of wildly colourful jumpers and adding them to the pile.

    "Janice! Could you cover me on the till for a moment, please? I'd like to take my break now." Janice, a scrawny, pouting teenager with heavy black eye-shadow, black T-shirt and combat trousers, nodded and walked over.

    "Sure, Rose," she said, and they swapped position. "See you in an hour." Rose smiled at the black-clad teen, then beckoned Amber to follow her into the back of the shop.

    The walls of the room were painted sky blue. The floor was littered with boxes filled with odds and ends that either had not been sorted or had not been sold. Further round Amber saw a number of hooks fastened to the wall, each holding a bag of some description. Janice's bag wasn't hard to spot: it was a black record bag with a madly leering face on it, complete with a shock of red hair. There was a small table with two decrepit chairs either side next to an old and worn looking sink and cupboard unit. Rose had pulled a chair out for Amber to sit on whilst she busied herself with the kettle near the sink.

    "Tea or coffee?" Rose asked, not facing Amber.

    "Tea, please," Amber replied, sitting carefully on the chair. She propped her elbows on the table and absently scratched her forehead as questions flitted in and out of Amber's mind.



    "Why me?"

    "Who is she?"

    "What is she?"

    "Is it dangerous?"

    "When will it stop?"

    "Will it stop?"

    "If I lend this T-shirt to anyone, will they start to grow too?"

    "How big will my muscles get?"

    "How big will my boobs get?"

    "Can I control it?"

    "Will I get other powers?"

    "Am I going to turn into Supergirl?"

    "Will I be able to fly?"

    "Cos that would be cool."

    Rose set the kettle on its stand next to the sink. She turned around, her hands holding on to the edge of the worktop behind her, facing Amber. The young woman seemed, mercifully, calmer. It seemed to Amber that Rose was finding it difficult just to begin. Eventually the older woman spoke.

    "My name is Rosaline Stewart, Rose for short. I am sixty years old. The T-shirt you are wearing is magical."

    Rose paused, expecting some sort of reaction. After a few seconds, Amber raised her eyebrows.

    "I think I figured that out for myself," she snapped. "Go on." Rose shifted uncomfortably.

    "Forty years ago I bought a brand new England football shirt. When I wore it for long enough, I began to get more muscular, just like you have. I decided to use the power for good and started to fight crime."

    "You were a village auntie?" Amber asked. Rose smiled, expertly stifling a laugh.

    "You mean a vigilante, a person who brings about justice without the help of the law?" Amber rolled her eyes at herself, but nodded anyway. "Yes, I suppose so." Rose paused again.

    "Can I ask you a question?" Rose said timidly.

    "Of course," Amber replied. She felt much calmer now she was going to get some answers at last.

    "Are you enjoying your strength?" Amber frowned a little before composing her reply.

    "It's handy to have, yes. Everything is easier." She paused again. "I don't think I'd like to be much bigger, though." At this, Rose winced.

    "So you are enjoying being strong?"

    "Yes," Amber said guardedly.

    Rose let go of the work surface to cross the room. She picked a beige satchel from the rack and began to rifle through it. Amber decided to ask some questions of her own.

    "So you've had this… power, then?"

    "Yes," Rose replied. "I enjoyed using it. Finding someone to pass it onto has been quite a challenge." The old woman found what she was looking for.

    It turned out to be a photograph in slightly faded colour. She set it on the table in front of Amber. The student's eyes went huge.

    "That was me," Rose admitted quietly.

    Amber could tell – just. The photograph showed a woman wearing a bikini, standing on a gloriously sun-kissed beach. It was a full-length shot, which was in itself amazing, because the woman was absolutely huge. Phenomenally huge. Every last muscle on Rose's frame was immense and bulged obscenely. Every body part either obscured something or prevented something being in the right place. Her thighs were so packed with vascular brawn that her knees would never meet. Her pectoral muscles had grown so big they forced her breasts a hand's width apart. Her unflexed biceps were so gargantuan that the woman would never have been able to bend her arm into the classic bicep flex position. They were pushing into the enormous, plush pillows that were Rose's breasts.

    As Amber stared, she realised that the woman's stomach was severely distended. She hadn't noticed before because her breasts were so large that her torso had looked comparatively normal. Her globes were bigger than volleyballs. Now Amber had pierced the illusion, she saw that the abdominal muscles were like slabs of concrete. She wanted to ask a question but her throat had gone dry.

    "I was the strongest woman alive," Rose smiled, looking at some point many years in the past. "All thanks to that shirt and the power it gave me." Amber pushed the photograph back towards Rose with a sick look on her face.

    "I don't want to look like that," Amber said, disgusted. Rose shook her head.

    "You don't have to," Rose consoled. "I went off the rails at the end, craving the power – and sense of power – that I got."

    "How does it work?" Amber demanded. Rose took a deep breath.

    "There is a principle in Physics that energy cannot be created, only changed or transferred. It's called the Law of Conservation of Energy." Amber nodded, vaguely remembering hearing that in Physics lessons many moons ago.

    "The woman who sold me this shirt told me that every ten minutes I wore it, I took one per cent of the strength of someone who was wearing another England shirt." Rose waited for the implications to sink in – it didn't take long.

    Amber stood up, her eyes wild.

    "You mean I've been stealing people's strength all this time?!" Rose nodded, determined to look the powerful young woman in the eye and not back down.

    Amber scowled in anger. She stood up, scraping the chair across the tiles.

    "Forget this. I'm going home, and I'm gonna burn this stupid T-shirt!" she said, grabbing a handful of the material and looking squarely at Rose. The older woman's eyes popped in turn – she moved to grab the student by the arm.

    "No! You can't!" Angrily Amber wrenched her arm out of the woman's grasp.

    "Why not? Give me one good reason why not!" Amber yelled.

    "I'll die," she said quietly. Amber stopped.

    "Why?" Amber asked quietly.

    "Condition of sale," Rose replied, smiling sadly. "If the shirt is destroyed, anyone who has ever worn it dies or is erased from history. I can't begin to tell you how bad things would be then."

    Angrily Amber resumed her position on the chair. Rose sidled carefully into the chair opposite. She took Amber's hands in hers.

    "I know this is difficult. I know it seems like a curse, but really, the shirt is a blessing. One per cent is not a lot and it's rarely taken from the same person. The shirt picks from as many different people as possible. And it may give other gifts too. The woman who sold it to me said that in times of need the shirt may provide more powers." Amber frowned fleetingly.

    "It already has," she whispered. "Last week I came off my bike and hit a bus. I smashed the front of the bus in. It must have made my body really hard or something to protect me."

    "I saw that on the news and wondered if it was you," Rose said happily. "So," she continued, "there are other benefits too." Amber gently lifted one of her hands away from Rose and flexed one of her biceps.

    "Besides the obvious?" she said, smiling cutely.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Rose and Amber talked for another hour. About ten minutes in Amber had got her notebook out to write down the main points that Rose and she had discussed. There had been such a lot to take in that Amber had filled eight sides.

    According to the older woman, the origins of the shirt had been lost. Instead of Rose choosing her, the T-shirt itself had chosen Amber as its new owner. It had changed into a form that Amber had found appealing. As it stood now, Rose reckoned that Amber's strength came from anyone who was wearing a Superman insignia instead of anyone who was wearing an England shirt, as was the case during her ownership of the garment.

    The shirt expanded to cover its wearer, no matter how large they became. Amber didn't follow the part about her breasts growing along with her muscles – something about conservation of energy again. Privately she wondered if the garment had been created by some sort of pervy wizard. There appeared to be no upper limit to the amount of strength the wearer could gain, even beyond what most people ordinarily thought of as possible.

    Rose had other photos of herself with even bigger muscles. On the last one she showed Amber, her entire body was just a network of thick veins connecting colossal muscles on paper-thin skin – even her just-short-of-beachball-sized breasts were riddled with big blue veins. Her neck scarcely existed, buried under gigantic pecs and awesome traps. The woman was performing a double bicep flex, or at least her closest approximation: the monstrous muscles were so big that Rose could only get her arms to about seventy degrees. Amber shuddered and swore that she would never let herself get that built.

    During Rose's career as a crime fighter, she had caught hundreds of criminals and never once revealed herself to the police. If ever Amber had heard on the news that the police had received an "anonymous tip-off", Rose had said, the chances were that it had been her. A fan of detective novels, she used to wear a longcoat and hat when she went out on what she called "jaunts". As time went on she had had to use baggier clothes to conceal her immense bulk.

    On her sixtieth birthday, Rose woke up on her reinforced bed to discover that her superbody had been taken away overnight. The shirt, now hanging in a wardrobe, had a note attached to it, written in a strange hand. It read: "GIVE ME AWAY." Flummoxed, Rose had spent weeks making a plan to fulfil its wishes. She had taken the job at the charity shop in order to help the shirt make its choice. It had hung on the racks for three months before Amber walked into the store.

    The "extra powers" that Rose had gotten had come up solely on the spur of the moment and disappeared when she removed the shirt. Amber wondered why the muscle and breast growth stayed, deciding that it was more evidence for her pervy wizard theory. On one very memorable occasion, Rose said, the shirt had allowed her to fly to track a set of bank robbers escaping the scene by car. She had been impervious to bullets, radiation, poisons and any other sort of harm whilst wearing the shirt, but cut herself chopping carrots days later without it on. If anything else had happened, the old woman admitted that she had either forgotten or not registered it.

    When Amber broached the subject of her libido, Rose had simply smiled enigmatically and said that her husband had really enjoyed the times she wore the shirt to bed.

    Rose cheerfully admitted to having no idea why she'd appeared in Amber's dream.

    During a long pause, Amber looked at her watch and gasped.

    "Oh my God! I should have been back at home ages ago!" She got up to leave and held her hand out for Rose to shake.

    "Whenever, or if ever, you need me, I'll be here," Rose promised, taking Amber's hand and shaking it gladly. When she let go, the older woman tried to hide how much it had hurt – Amber clearly wasn't used to her strength yet.

    "Thanks for everything!" Amber said enthusiastically, smiling widely now that she had an ally who had gone through what she was going through.

    "It was my pleasure," the older woman replied happily. They walked into the shop together.

    "Thank you, from the bottom of my heart," Amber whispered as Janice left the till, to be replaced by Rose. "I hope I can live up to your good name!" Rose smiled, flattered.

    "I'm sure you will," she said generously. "Now run along!" Amber left the shop, waving to Rose as she did so, and returned to her bicycle.

    Armed with the knowledge of her mysterious T-shirt, Amber tried some maths.

    "I was in there seventy minutes," she said to herself, unchaining her bike and getting ready to ride. "That means I'm an extra seven per cent stronger!" As a little test, Amber flexed her right bicep and inspected it closely.

    "Doesn't look any bigger," she mused. Shrugging her shoulders, the student strapped her helmet on and started on her journey home.

    "And a longcoat!" she thought, powering off from the kerb. "Forget that – I want a proper costume. And I know just the person to go to!"

    — To Be Continued —

    OK, I admit, I've always wanted to use the phrase "a shock of hair". 😉


    This has to be your greatest chapter yet, dear Fonk.

    The description of Rose at the height of her powers is both tanitlising and terrifying.

    You have obviously put much thought into this work and for that, I's do thank you.

    Kudos unto you, dear friend.



    This has to be your greatest chapter yet, dear Fonk.

    The description of Rose at the height of her powers is both tanitlising and terrifying.

    You have obviously put much thought into this work and for that, I's do thank you.

    Kudos unto you, dear friend.


    I totally concur!  Really wonderful stuff….. the possibilities of how far Amber might be prepared to push her powers are very exciting.

    Thank you


    This chapter… is a bit naughty. :-[ ;D

    Thanks once again for all your support. 8)

    The White Knight Cometh – Part 9

    A vision of power and grace, Amber cycled home. The journey lasted ten minutes, adding another randomly chosen 1% of power to her beautiful, burgeoning form. The young woman locked her bike up and stepped inside the flat to fix herself a sandwich. All through this, ideas fizzed around her brain about what exactly she wanted her costume to look like.

    "It has to be able to fit this T-shirt under it," she mused, buttering up the bread. "And it has to be stretchy, so that I can grow while I'm wearing it."

    Thoughts of colours, styles and a potential logo whirled around while Amber sat in the lounge to watch the news. Nothing out of the ordinary had happened, though she sat through the half-hour bulletin to make sure. When the announcer had politely wished her audience a good day, Amber went upstairs to continue her revision. She carefully removed her T-shirt, not wishing to grow too much too soon and deprive more people of their own strength at the same time, and draped it over the back of a chair. She slipped a yellow T-shirt on instead, which bore a phoenix on the front, crowing triumphantly over her right breast about its reborn body. What had once been a full-length T-shirt now showed off a good portion of Amber's fabulous abs. She smiled.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    As her Primary Care exam was on the Friday afternoon, Amber used the morning to ring Sunita, who had finished the day before. Her friend picked up on the fourth ring. Amber was impressed – clearly she hadn't partied all that hard the night before.

    "Hi Amber!" she said excitedly. Amber's eyes shut and she grinned at the joy in her voice; her exams must have gone well.

    Amber asked the question anyway: "How did your exams go?". Sunita giggled.

    "Brilliant, thanks!" She sounded genuinely happy. "How about you?"

    "Great," Amber enthused. "I think I've got them all in the bag. Listen, could you do me a favour?" There was an ever so slight pause.

    "Sure!" Sunita replied, sounding a little confused. "What is it?"

    "You know that I've been growing recently?"


    "Well, I've found out why, and I want you to make me a costume." There was another pause.

    "What sort of costume?" Sunita asked warily.

    "A superheroine costume," Amber replied, before the more sensible parts of her brain could hold her back.

    "Oh my God."

    "I know, I know! It's weird. But I'll pay you and everything. I just… I just want to make a difference, to be an example, a good person." Amber waited a second. "Will you do it?" Sunita waited for longer than a second.

    "Yeah, what the hell?" she said whilst Amber squealed. "It'll be great practice, if nothing else."

    "Oh, thank you so much!" Amber said. "OK, OK," she gasped, "Here's what I want you to do."

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    As Amber prepared herself for bed later that night, a mischievous idea struck her.

    "I'll wear my T-shirt in bed tonight," she said to herself. "That way, I can be stronger and sexier for Devon's Day tomorrow." She had promised her lover a day he would never forget, and with a better body than ever before, she was determined to provide it in spades.

    So it was that at the ridiculously early time of ten o'clock, having shunned her friends' post-exam celebrations, Amber slipped the Supergirl T-shirt over her otherwise naked body and slid under the covers. Part of her was screaming madly that she shouldn't be stealing the strength of others for her own personal gain: Amber tried to shut this part of her mind down. It was her gift to use as she saw fit, she reasoned. Besides, the strength would surely come in useful later on when she started her life of fighting crime. One per cent wasn't really a lot, either.

    Her alarm was set for ten thirty; Devon never awoke before midday on weekends and the student needed some time to prepare. Amber turned off the lights and rolled around for a couple of minutes, trying to find a good position, before she fell soundly asleep.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Uncannily Amber woke a couple of seconds before the alarm drilled into her ears. She switched it off quickly. The young woman opened her eyes wide a couple of times and wiped the sleep out of them. Then, catching sight of the T-shirt in her peripheral vision, Amber remembered. She leapt out of bed, whipped the T-shirt off and looked in her full-length mirror. A massive grin slowly spread across her gorgeous face.

    "God, I don't think I'll ever get tired of this," she exclaimed.

    On the other side of the mirror a stunning and naked woman looked back at her. Amber's hands first shot to her enormous breasts. Well on the way to filling an HH cup, she felt their impressive heft, fingers rolling around her fat, hard nipples. Once more her areolae had spread to cover more of their surface and her nipples had grown longer. Electric waves of lust crashed over her and she gasped throatily. There was, though, so much more to explore. Reluctantly Amber let her hands drop, watching her bulging smooth globes jiggle back into position gleefully. An idea caught her imagination. Slowly she flexed her pecs and watched, eyes wide, as her boobs responded by hoicking themselves a couple of inches further up her powerful chest. Amber spent the next five minutes inventing and perfecting tricks with her breasts: bouncing one at a time, both together, both perfectly out of time. She giggled.

    "God, if only Devon were awake now," she thought, biting her lip.

    The rest of her body was devoted to strength. Biceps bulged out of her upper arms even when relaxed; when she flexed, Amber's eyes nearly fell out of her head. She hit a side chest in the mirror, the curve of her massive right bicep competing gamely with the curve of her awesome right breast. Turning her arms, Amber was surprised at the size and scope of her new triceps, which had wrapped themselves round her upper arm and exploded outward. Again her forearms were thicker, riddled with wriggling veins. Her shoulders and hips had widened to accommodate more muscle, giving her an exaggeratedly feminine set of curves. Her traps were beginning to swallow her thicker bull's neck. Delts like cannonballs topped off her arms. Thick, brawny pectoral muscles backed up her outrageous boobs. Each of her crashing, huge abs was as hard as rock when she thumped them with the flat of her hand. They had etched indelibly onto her torso grooves that almost swallowed her little finger when she flexed them hard enough. Ripped obliques held the stunning muscles in check. Her navel had burst outward under the strain.

    Amber enthusiastically ran her hands over her massive thighs. Each one was jam-packed with unbelievably hard muscle, covered in strong veins and deliciously thick. Her calves too had ballooned outwards, forming the perfect diamond shape of tough brawn as she flexed. Turning to see her butt in the mirror, Amber gasped at the results of the night's work on her backside. Each of her ass cheeks was a deliciously round shape, coming together to give her a mighty fine arse. As her hips had spread, her bum had widened in response. She grabbed each cheek and squeezed. Two large glutes fought back and Amber groaned in delight. A part of her mind wondered what was better than "traffic-stopping", the last classification she had given her arse. Deciding on "heart attack", she looked further up. The muscles in her back had taken on beautiful shape and size, counterbalancing her superbly developed front perfectly. There were no imperfections anywhere on her body: every mole and dimple had vanished, leaving behind smooth and surprisingly soft skin. Her cheekbones had become more prominent and her jaw softened, giving her the look of a classic beauty.

    Put simply, Amber Knight had turned into a walking wet dream, the perfect combination of blistering she-strength and raw raunch.

    "Well," she said, tearing herself away from the mirror finally, "better get Devon's Day started."

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    At exactly midday there was a polite knock on Devon's door.

    "Come in," he said blearily, not knowing why on Earth Amber was bothering him at this hour. Shyly she entered the room and stood in front of his bed – Devon's eyes nearly popped out of his head.

    "Bloody hell," he couldn't stop himself from saying. He sat up in bed to get a better view.

    Amber was beautifully filling out a rather small black French maid outfit. Most of the top buttons were undone, giving Devon a full view of the tops of her gorgeous and immense cleavage. Strong legs poked out of the tiny skirt, which had ridden up so much as a result that he could just see make out the edge of her lacy panties. She was holding a tray in one hand above her head, the musculature of her arm bulgingly apparent. Her biceps and shoulders distorted the sleeves. As if to jolt him from his reverie, Devon's nostrils provided the information that the tray had a full English breakfast on it.

    "Thank you, honey," he said. She gave a little bow.

    "It is my pleasure," she replied, putting on a mock French accent and settling the tray on his outstretched legs. "When you have finished, ring the bell – " she held her mobile up and wiggled it meaningfully " – and I will clean up." Bowing again, she left the room.

    It didn't take long for Devon to wolf down his breakfast, mopping his plate clean with a bit of white bread. He called Amber up.

    "I've finished. Thank you, it was wonderful."

    "In that case," Amber said lustily, dropping her faux French accent, "you'll love the desert." She went back into Devon's bedroom, removed the tray and put it downstairs.

    Devon had gotten out of bed in the brief time it had taken her to dump the tray in the kitchen. He was only wearing black boxers which were being stretched somewhat. Amber slinked up to him and thrust her large chest into his. His aching cock twitched.

    "Unbutton me," she whispered before kissing him deeply. She stepped away so that Devon had enough room to get at her shirt.

    Fingers trembling uncharacteristically, Devon unbuttoned her shirt and splayed it open. Amber's huge naked torso burst was revealed, taking Devon's breath away. She looked so strong, so hot. He eased the shirt off her body, turning around her glorious frame to get her arms through the sleeves, and drank her in. A literal tower of strength, Devon took his time exploring her upper body, using hands, tongue, lips and even teeth. Eventually they eased each other out of their remaining clothes.

    "You are gorgeous," Devon whispered, kissing her ear. Amber smiled, her lower lip quivering.

    "I love you," she said, light as the air.

    "I love you too," he whispered. Gently he took her hand and they walked to the bed.

    The lovers settled into Devon's favourite position, the wheelbarrow. Gently at first, but building up to powerful, smooth strokes, he pumped into Amber, grabbing her meaty thighs and appreciating the view of her rippling torso, crowned by her enormous firm breasts. Devon held off the moment as long as he could but it was no use – Amber was overwhelming.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    The day continued in much the same way, though the lovers took a break to go out for lunch and, later on, cook dinner together. Amber showed off the tricks she had mastered with her breasts, causing Devon to practically drool on the floor. They explored each other intimately, Devon getting to know every square inch of Amber's new red-hot body. They licked golden syrup off each other and, for the first time, made love outside. It was, indeed, a day that Devon would remember for the rest of his life.

    As they settled into some post-coital snuggling much later in her bed, Amber's mobile rang. She sighed theatrically.

    "It's all the way over there," she huffed.

    "You don't have to get it," Devon pointed out, running a finger down her powerful left arm, but the shrill ringing was insistent. Eventually Amber gave up.

    She lifted her corner of the bedcovers and walked round to her clothes, rifling through the pile until she located her mobile.


    "It's ready," Sunita said.

    — To Be Concluded —

    A most excellent chapter, dear friend.

    Excuse I for saying: It is developing most well.

    I's cannot wait for the further editions.



    I wait eagerly for more.


    You truly have a gift, Fonk!  Keep it cumming!  😛


    And, it's done! I'd like to thank all the people who've replied to the thread. It's been good working with Amber, and we'll definitely meet again!

    I'd also like to thank MaxAP and brad328 for their inout on this chapter in particular. Cheers, y'all!


    The White Knight Cometh – Part 10

    Amber danced around the room, still with the phone clasped to her ear.

    "Oh, thank you, thank you!" she said joyfully. "How'd you manage it so quickly?"

    "Let's just say you inspired me," Sunita replied cheekily. "When can you come over and pick it up?"

    "Er, tomorrow would be best," Amber said, lowering her voice when she noticed that Devon was asleep. "Well," she thought, "I must have tired him out."

    "Cool," Sunita said. "Come over around lunchtime."

    "Sure," Amber cooed. "Thank you so much, Sunita. I owe you."

    "I know," Sunita grinned. "I'm still deciding how much to make you pay."

    "Ha! Well, we can decide that tomorrow. See you!"

    "See you." Amber shut the phone with a snap, which woke Devon.

    "I was having the best dream," he mumbled, smiling sleepily. "I dreamed that my girlfriend had turned into the sexiest woman in the world and we were having great sex all day." Amber smiled shyly and walked back round to her side of the bed, trailing a finger across the bedcovers.

    "That was no dream," she whispered in his ear. "One last time?"

    "Wait a minute," he said, with Amber only a couple of inches from his lips. She pulled away.

    "What is it?" she asked, suddenly scared. Devon looked squarely into her eyes.

    "What's going on?" he whispered, looking searchingly at her. "In the last three weeks or so you've gone from being a curvy girl into, well, just short of a bodybuilder. There's no way that could have happened naturally." Another pause. "It's not that I've not been enjoying it – " they both grinned happily " – but I need to know what's going on." Amber nodded slowly.

    "OK," she said, "but this first." She leaned into him and they shared the best kiss they'd had all day.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    "So that's what's been going on," Amber finished, a few minutes later. She was sitting up in bed, head turned to face Devon, who was sitting up beside her.

    Devon was nodding slowly. He hadn't interrupted Amber once during her story but, judging by the depth of his frown, he had really wanted to.

    "That's one of the weirdest things I've ever heard," Devon said, unable to think of anything better. "What are you going to do?" he asked. Amber turned away.

    "I don't know," she lied. "It's such an odd thing. I think I need time to decide what to do." Lying to Devon hurt her deeply, but after such a great day for the both of them, she knew admitting she wanted to be a superheroine would just end up in a massive argument.

    "Alright," Devon said. "Just promise me that you won't do anything daft." He grabbed Amber's strong shoulders and turned her to face him.

    "I promise," she said, although she wasn't able to look him in the eye whilst she said it. He smiled widely and kissed her cheek.

    "Now," he said, pulling away to face her again, "about that one last time."

    Amber tried not to let her heart break as she began to shower Devon with kisses.

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    The next morning Amber woke up beside Devon, feeling more miserable than she had in a good long while. The young woman kept trying to reassure herself that her lie had been to protect Devon, but she knew different. She padded quietly back to her room. Opening her wardrobe, she selected a pair of blue jogging bottoms and a white T-shirt that had been too big when she bought it. She slipped them on and checked herself in the mirror. The T-shirt was now just about the right size, even covering her stomach, though it couldn't disguise her massive arms.

    Breakfast was a couple of slices of toast, munched quietly in the kitchen. Telling herself that it was because he would be grumpy if she woke him, Amber left Devon a note on the kitchen table saying that she had gone to Sunita's. Slipping wallet, phone, housekeys, cheque book, bike lock and the Supergirl T-shirt into her flowery backpack, Amber left the house and took her bicycle out. Soon enough she was out on the quiet streets, pumping hard on the pedals to try and set a record time.

    Which, inevitably, she did. Amber realised partway through the journey that not only her strength had been improved; her stamina was greatly increased too. She locked her bike up against the railings and buzzed her friend's flat. It was Tony who answered, clearly suffering from just having been woken.

    "Yes?" he mumbled. Amber leaned into the intercom.

    "Hi Tony, it's Amber," she said brightly, the endorphins having lifted her partially out of the funk. "Could you let me in, please?"

    "That is what I'm here for," he replied. Amber heard the click and pushed the door open, making sure that it closed behind her.

    Again looking for some endorphin relief, Amber ran up the stairs to Sunita and Tony's flat, bouncing and jiggling under her shirt. As she went up the last few steps, she flexed her pecs, forcing her runaway bosom tightly into position. Sunita, as always, was waiting on the landing for her, clothed in a dressing gown that was part robe, part kimono, but all very pretty.

    "Just as always," thought Amber.

    "Hi!" she said.

    "Hi," Sunita said, not sounding entirely happy. Amber caught on immediately.

    "Too early, eh?" Sunita rolled her eyes.

    "Amber, eleven am on a Sunday doesn't exist for me, especially after exams," Sunita chided.

    "Sorry," Amber said as they went through to Sunita's room, the shop floor. "I guess I'm too excited about my costume!" Sunita shut the door angrily and turned to face her friend.

    "Keep it down!" she hissed. "Tony knows nothing about this. I had to tell him that I was making a new kind of swimsuit when he popped his head round the door." Amber giggled.

    "That's fine!" she laughed. "We can say I'm going to model it for a little while." Sunita looked mad.

    "It's not fine," she said quietly. "Sure, you wanna be a symbol, a heroine. But you're also gonna be a target, Amber, and I don't want anyone you know getting hurt. The fewer people who know, the better. If someone finds out I helped you, I could get into big trouble. And I don't have those bulky muscles to help me out," she finished, pointing at Amber's bulging biceps and broad shoulders. Amber's face slid into seriousness.

    "They won't," she stated simply. "I'm not going to do anything stupid, I promise." Briefly, Amber worried why people were thinking she would do something stupid. Sunita sat next to her on the bed.

    "You said you'd found out how it works," Sunita said, scratching her head absently. Amber nodded.

    "Yeah," she began. "Basically, for every ten minutes I wear the Supergirl T-shirt – you know the one, I wore it when I was last here – I get 1% of the strength of someone else wearing the Superman logo. And that's if it's on a T-shirt, or a tattoo, or a pair of pants, or whatever." There was a horrible pause.

    "You mean to say," Sunita began coldly, "that you steal this strength, it's never returned in some way?!" Amber nodded slowly.

    "No, it all goes into me. I can't return it."

    "My God, woman!" Sunita shouted. "Have you even begun to think this through?! What if you steal the strength of someone who's dying, and you push them over the edge? What if you keep stealing it from the same person until they're in a coma – or worse?!" Tears began to slide down Amber's face.

    "I don't know, I don't know!" she wailed. "I never asked." Amber sniffled for a moment. "But listen. I have these powers for a reason, I have to believe that. There are people out there who need me, I know it. I want to – I have to help people. Remember, with great power comes great responsibility. And I have great powers."

    "Well thank you, Spider-Man," Sunita sneered. "How did you find all that out, anyway?"

    "I talked to the woman who owned it before me," Amber said, drying her eyes.

    "Well, you just go back to her and find out if this strength stealing can kill anyone," Sunita ordered. "If it can, you're gonna throw your T-shirt in a cupboard and never wear it again." Amber smiled gratefully and nodded.

    "Sure," she said. "Listen, I'd better go." And she stood up.

    Sunita, visibly calmer, put a hand on her friend's chest to stop her.

    "Oh no," she said, smiling wryly, "after the time I put in on this thing, you are going to take it with you!" Amber smiled happily.

    "OK," she enthused. Sunita smiled in return.

    The young designer turned to rummage in a wardrobe while Amber sat down on the bed once more. After a few seconds of muttering and clonking, Sunita turned round, brandishing what did indeed look like a completely white one-piece swimsuit. The only difference was that this one had sleeves and a little collar. As per her instructions, there was no logo. Amber gasped, her eyes as round as saucers.

    "Oh, it's perfect, exactly what I had in mind!" she enthused. Sunita handed the costume to Amber.

    Amber felt the fabric. She had never felt anything like it before – parts of it felt soft, parts of it felt hard, but it always felt smooth, almost like moulded rubber. She could tell from the way it was made that it was all the same stuff, despite the changes in how it felt. She frowned for a half-second. Then she held it out in front of her and turned it round. It was perfect.

    "Can I try it on?" she said eagerly. Sunita nodded.

    "Of course!" she said. "I want to see how it fits, if I need to make any adjustments. Which – " she paused to look at Amber's larger figure " – I might just have to do." Amber grinned and punched her friend playfully on the arm. They both laughed.

    "Ow," Sunita said. Amber rolled her eyes and apologised.

    "Guess I don't know my own strength!" she breezed, standing up. "I'm gonna go into the bathroom to put this on, 'kay?"

    "Yeah," Sunita said. "Just don't let Tony see you!"

    "Of course!" Amber said and, tucking the costume under her arm, she slipped into her friend's bathroom, her backpack in the other arm.

    Sunita's bathroom was smaller than her own, but big enough for her current purposes. Amber bolted the door and stripped to her black panties quickly. She fished in her backpack for the Supergirl T-shirt. Sunita's harsh words echoed around her head.

    "God," she said to herself, "I hope this is safe."

    Putting on a determined expression, Amber slipped the T-shirt over her head and smoothed it down. Then she held the costume out in front of her body once more. She draped it over her curvaceous frame and looked down at herself. She bit her lip. Unable to take it any more, Amber found the zip on the back of the costume and began to put it on, stretching it slowly up over her powerful body. Once it was fully on, the young woman zipped it up at the back with surprising ease. Then she looked at herself in the mirror. Her mouth fell into an 'O'.

    It was form-fitting. Very form-fitting

    "Well," Amber mused, "that's because I have one hell of a form to fit at the moment."

    Despite that, Amber had the sense that the costume would take more if necessary. As she tossed her head from side to side to experiment with the collar, Amber felt her excitement rise. To test the costume's limits, she flexed her biceps hard. Twin mountains erupted into life, but the costume didn't split or tear. Amber jumped for joy. Her boobs stayed still despite the motion. A single happy tear flowed down Amber's face. She wiped her face and looked over her body. The costume was tight all over, showing off both curve and muscle. Amber felt strong and proud. She composed herself before returning to Sunita's room, making sure that Tony didn't see her. As the door clicked shut, Sunita, now dressed in a simple blue shirt and matching trousers, registered her friend's happiness.

    "Oh, Sunita, it's just perfect, thank you so much!" Amber picked up her friend and hugged her in delight.

    "There's just one more thing," Sunita said into Amber's shoulder, "before it's really perfect." They broke off the hug and Sunita showed Amber something small and black.

    For a terrible half-second Amber thought her friend was urging her to wear a very sheer black thong. When she took it, though, it turned out to be a small black face mask. Amber turned it over and over in her hands. It was adjustable, like those face masks you can get to help you sleep on planes.

    "Well, put it on, then!" Sunita urged. Amber felt like Violet from The Incredibles as she whipped her hair out of the way and put the mask on.

    "There," she said, "how do I look?" Sunita giggled.

    "Give us your best superheroine pose!" she ordered Amber.

    In response Amber put her hands on her hips, drew herself up to her full height, stuck her chest out and rose her jaw, looking heroically at something to her right. She was unable to hold the pose for more than a couple of seconds before bursting out laughing.

    "Well," she said, in between giggles, "how did I look?"

    "Breathtaking," Sunita replied, in such a way to indicate that she wasn't joking, but wished she was. Amber smiled widely and put a hand on her friend's shoulder.

    "Thanks," she said. "I won't forget what you said earlier. In fact, I'll just go change right now." Sunita nodded.

    Amber nipped carefully out of her friend's room and headed for the bathroom. She packed her costume away neatly and donned what she guessed she would now have to call her street clothes. Amber removed her cheque book from her backpack and slid back into Sunita's room, ready to head out again. She set her cheque book meaningfully down on Sunita's desk.

    "How much do I owe you?"

    "Forget it," Sunita said kindly. "Call it a labour of love." Amber started to argue, but Sunita shushed her.

    "You just make sure it's safe to wear that damn T-shirt," she insisted, "and don't do anything stupid." Amber smiled, and promised again.

    A thought struck Sunita.

    "Hey," she began, "if you're going to be a superheroine, what are you gonna be called?" Amber had been waiting for someone to ask her this.

    "Y'know how Batman is The Dark Knight?" Sunita nodded. "Well," Amber said, smiling, "I think I'm going to be The White Knight."

    *  *  *  *  *  *  *

    Later that week Amber was out with Caitlin and Jenni, celebrating the end of exams. They were making their way from a pub to their usual club when a terrified scream rooted them all to the spot. Amber listened carefully, trying to judge the direction the scream was coming from. Once she was sure, she turned to her friends.

    "Damn!" she said, rooting through her little bag. "I think I left my phone in the pub." She pointed a thumb over her shoulder. "I'll go back for it; you carry on and I'll meet you in there." The girls rolled their eyes at Amber, but agreed, and walked away.

    Quickly Amber darted into the nearest deserted alley, praying that she wasn't going to be too late. She ripped her red shirt open, revealing her costume underneath, and went to work.

    — THE END —

    Very good ending.

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