Things Done by Love

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    Note: Many thanks to Fonk for working with me in this short story  ;D . Hope you enjoy it.


    Things Done by Love
    By Max and Fonk

    Everybody knows that you do crazy things for love. Well, this story is about me and something I did last week.

    First of all, let me introduce myself. I'm a bit shy, so my apologies for not saying my name, but I can tell you that I'm a 20-year-old woman who stands at 6' 3" tall. My hair is black and waist length. I have a 36-24-36 figure. That should be enough to let you imagine the rest of me! Now that you have the image of a top model in your mind, add the biggest muscles you have seen in any bodybuilder to it. OK? Now double them. Yep, that mountain of muscle is me.

    So you must be thinking a woman like me should be a kind of bodybuilder or something, and in this case, you are right. I'm the pride of the gym I work out at and, as you might imagine, many people joined the bodybuilding program after I signed up!

    Well, I think that's enough about me. Let me tell you about what happened last week. It was just another ordinary Saturday afternoon. I was finishing up a work-out at the gym. Most people had already left. Four or five men and I were the only ones still there when my boyfriend arrived to pick me up.

    Eerr… I think I forget to mention about having a boyfriend. Sorry, guys! You might have been thinking that a woman like me would be lonely but the truth is that if it wasn't for my dear baby… well, I might be a huge muscle woman, but I would have an empty heart.

    I'd better tell you a little bit about my relationship with my boyfriend. It'll be useful for you to know about him, since he was the cause of the incident in my story. Let's start with how we met.

    Two years ago I was just a normal girl, another classic example of the girl next door. That was before I started to develop my muscles. They got pretty big and pretty fast since I… uhm… I want to save this explanation as I will have to do it later in the story. I don't want to have to repeat myself!

    Where was I? Oh yes! When my muscles began to show up, I quickly joined a gym, where I continued making them bigger. My personal trainer was amazed at how quickly I could increase my musculature. To be honest, he did a great job hiding his jealousy as in less than 4 months I matched the size of his muscles. As you must be guessing, I didn't stop there.

    By the end of my first year in the gym, I was as muscular as any top class bodybuilder in the world. Even I was totally entranced by my size and shape, but it did have awful consequences in my relations with the opposite sex.

    Before I started in the gym, many men found me intimidating as I was taller than them. A year later, all men feared me: the few that were taller than me were nowhere near as muscular. At that time, I wore baggy clothes and flat shoes when I went out with my friends in order to reduce the number of men who fled in my impressive presence. On one of our regular shopping trips I met my boyfriend. He was so nice to me on our first date that I couldn't help but fall in love of him.

    Everything was going well between us, so we began to date regularly. One day, though, fate took a hand. We were leaving a club when 3 guys tried to mug us. My little man – that's what I call my love as he is only 5' 9" and I have a height advantage of half a foot over him – showed his bravery as he stepped in front of me to face the delinquents.

    My heart was full of love as I saw him trying to defend me, but I suddenly panicked: all 3 of them were over the 6 feet mark. I truly didn't want to ruin his gentlemanly gesture, but since I was stronger than my little man it would have been awful if he got hurt and I could have prevented it happening.

    When one of them made a move with his knife, I quickly stepped forward to protect my little man. I was just in time to stop him getting hurt; unfortunately, my sweater got cut. The hole made in the sleeve was big enough to reveal my muscular arm under it. I'll never forget how big my boyfriend's eyes got when he saw my thick, brawny forearm.

    I felt ashamed that my closely guarded secret had been revealed. My relationship was in jeopardy because of some jerk, and that was enough to show them the reason why my muscles are so big.

    Angry, I grabbed my attacker by the neck and lifted him from the ground. I tensed my fist. The man struggled, but he wasn't able to break my iron grip. His friends tried to help him but they backed off when they saw that their friend was getting weaker and thinner. Through the hole in my sleeve, it was obvious that my muscles were growing bigger.

    I don't need to explain to you what was happening, do I? I mean, it's pretty obvious that I was stealing his muscles, right? I must say that how I got this ability is an interesting story, but I bet you don't really want to hear it, so let's carry on.

    Satisfied with taking about 40% of the strength the man had, I tossed him to his friends. They picked him up off the floor and ran away. The pleasure I felt in draining the man was quickly replaced by nervousness when I noticed the expression on my little man's face.

    I gulped hard: I could only imagine all the things that were passing through his mind. Not only had he just learned that his girlfriend was a muscular amazon, he'd also found out that I was able to drain muscle from other people! I looked down at the floor feeling ashamed.

    "I… I… understand if you don't want to see me again. Who would want to be with a freak like me?" I said sadly, turning to walk away. The tears were streaming from my eyes when I felt a hand around my arm.

    "Please, don't go," my boyfriend said. "You are not a freak. You are the most gorgeous woman I have ever had the good fortune to meet. I loved you before I knew you had muscles and now I love you even more because of it."

    "You mean, you like a woman with muscles? I mean, look at me. I'm huge!" I said, ripping off the rest of my torn sleeve and flexing my arm, showing him my bulging, beefy bicep. The vision almost made him faint.

    "Are you kidding me? The bigger the better!" he grinned to me. He moved closer and put his hand on my bicep. No matter how hard he pushed, he couldn't make a dent in it.

    "And… what about… you know," I said with embarrassment in my voice as he moved his hand away. My face was deeply red as I muttered like a little girl.

    "Oh!! That," he said with a more serious tone. "I guess it's alright. As long as you can control that kind of ability," he said with no fear in his voice.

    His words left my world frozen. It was all I could do to nod faintly, because my heart was pounding so hard that I thought it would break out through my chest. "Oh darling!!" I said with tears in my eyes. In a quick move, I carried him like a baby and filled his face with lovely and gentle kisses. "You have made me the happiest woman in the world!" I said to him.

    It's funny how an incident can change your life. Thanks to that group of punks, my muscular nature was exposed to, and accepted by, the only man I cared for. Since he loved me as a powerful amazon, I was ready to give him what he wanted. Soon my whole wardrobe was replaced. I ditched my baggy clothes and new, daring, sexy outfits took their places. Tight tops with zero sleeves (to show up my muscular arms, as well as my incredible eight-pack abs) and short skirts (to show off my luscious and powerful legs) are the clothes I like to wear now.

    Even though I was very tall, my little man insisted that I should wear heels. Ladies, let me tell you, heels work! They made my legs look even better and personally I enjoyed having my boyfriend close to my breast level: I like to smother his face with them from time to time.

    My self-confidence greatly improved thanks to him. Gradually I woke up to the great feeling that my body gave me. The change in my appearance coincided with a great difference in the way people noticed me. I was by then used to imposing respect and authority wherever I went, as well as some jealousy, but now I got another kind of feeling. Lust.

    I was fascinated by the way people of both sexes watched my body. I could swear some of them were devouring me with their eyes. That new attention made me feel even more sexy and desirable. For the first time in my life, I felt like a real woman, and it was all made possible thanks to the great love my little man had for me.

    So I think it's time I tell you about the incident that got me talking to you in the first place! Where did I leave off… oh yes. My boyfriend came to pick me up at the gym and I hugged him tenderly, lifting him from the floor to give him a kiss on the lips, provoking some minor laughs from the men present.

    After placing my lover back on the ground, I went to the lockers to take a shower and put on some fresh clothes. When I finished my shower, I realized that I hadn't brought my orange juice bottle with me – I always like to drink some after working out. Remembering that my lover was outside, I picked up my cellphone and called him. I wasn't prepared for what happened next.

    For some reason, the cellphone of my little man was set to respond automatically. His cellphone was answered immediately, so I presumed he didn't hear it ringing. I was about to yell him to make him realize that I had called him when I began to hear the conversation that was taking place outside in the gym.

    "Don't you feel ashamed to be with a woman like her?" I heard one of the gym boys say to him.

    "Yeah! Any respectable man wouldn't be with a freak like her. Have you seen the size of her muscles?" said another.

    "I bet she has more muscle in her index finger than you have in the whole of your body!" laughed another man.

    At that moment, I felt my anger rising again. How dare those jerks bother the man I love?

    "Look, man. If you had any dignity, you'd dump her," said one of the men.

    "Yeah. Look at us. We are strong bodybuilders but even so, we'd never be with a muscle monster like her."

    "She'd make us look bad."

    "If we look weak against her, imagine how you look. You're like a little baby to her."

    "I bet she cradles him in her arms and rocks him to sleep every night!" said another, making all the men laugh loudly.

    My fury became visible as my veins popped out. My bulging arms threatened to crush the cellphone I was holding. Just as I was about to go out and put those macho men in their places, I heard the voice of my little man retaliate.

    "Say whatever you want. I truly do not care what you guys think. Just because you can't appreciate the wonderful woman she is because she is stronger than you doesn't give you the right to talk about her like that. If you want to make fun of me, go ahead, but I want you to respect her, not only because she is a woman, but because she is the woman I love," he said.

    "Oh my little man," I purred as my anger simply vanished at his romantic words. "Mommy will be really good to you tonight," I said, shutting the phone with a snap. "But first, I need to 'deflate' some egos."

    I waited patiently in the lockers until I heard the men heading into theirs. I went out wearing a skinny gym suit that left nothing to the imagination. I really enjoyed how big and wide my little man's eyes got when he saw me like that.

    "Darling! Can you do me a favour? Your big girl forgot to buy her orange drink, can you get me one while I finish up a few things in the lockers?" I smiled at him.

    "Sure," he replied.

    We both said goodbye and I made to walk back into the ladies' locker room. When he went out of the gym, I changed course and went into the men's room.

    "So you're the 3 jokers who like messing with my man while I'm not around, eh?" I said as I caught them packing their bags.

    "Didn't you notice that this is the men's room, or have your muscles affected your brain?" joked one of the men.

    "It looks like we'll have to show her the way out," said another, cracking his knuckles.

    "We can't allow a girl to be in here," grinned the last one.

    "Oh! So the 3 big men want to fight one single girl," I teased them, placing my hands on my hips. "It doesn't sound fair… for you, at least." I smiled as I cracked my neck.

    "Get her!!" yelled one of them.

    "Bring it on, boys!!" I cheered them.

    The 3 of them charged me. I took a step forward and tackled the one on the left as if I was playing football. When I got up, I sent him flying a couple of feet away. Then, I used my leg to hit the middle guy in the stomach, forcing him to fall backward. I connected with a hard punch to his chest as he was falling. The blow of my fist made him crash loudly onto the floor, cracking the tiles underneath.

    Even though I had just finished off two of his buddies, the last man, the biggest, still tried to fight me. I let him hit me with all he had. I have to say that it was an amusing experience: after a while he began to cry as he'd hurt himself trying to dent my dense muscles.

    "You have been very naughty and you need to learn a lesson," I said as I grabbed him by his neck. Soon, he gasped as he felt my 'touch'. His eyes got wide as he saw that my muscles were growing bigger and thicker.

    "How are you making them get so big?" he managed to say.

    "It's easy: I'm taking yours!" I laughed, watching the truth sink in. He gasped as his strong, muscled body was losing its hard condition. His muscles were not only dissipating; they were getting flabby too.

    "That'll show you what happens when you try to hit a woman," I said, releasing him.

    Then my attention turned to his buddies. They had been watching, perplexed by what I did to their friend. "Don't worry, boys. It's your turn now," I said, grabbing both of them together.

    "I've never tried to drain two men at once, but something tells me I'm going to enjoy this," I said as I started to absorb strength from the beaten pair at the same time.

    I found myself moaning involuntarily as the rush of raw strength running into my body was incredible. Siphoning the muscles of two men was making my body burst with power and strength and it was driving me crazy.

    I could feel my muscles getting harder, denser, stronger with every once of strength I took from those men. I was amazed: I was reaching such strength that I was beginning to not notice their combined weight. Inch upon inch of mass packed onto my already bulging frame. Layer upon layer of thick new muscle coated my already powerful body. Wave upon wave of delicious power cascaded over my already superb form.

    Even though I was entranced by the idea of getting strong enough to lift two heavy bodybuilders without feeling their weight, I decided against it. Once I got the same amount from them that I had from their friend, I let them go.

    The 3 men backed away like scared pets as I tensed and stretched my much bigger muscles. "Just in case you hadn't worked it out already, I have the ability to absorb muscle from bad men. Just now I drained about 20% of your muscle mass. From each of you. That's nothing you can't build up in the next 6 or 8 months," I said.

    The men were speechless. The fear in their faces was certainly intoxicating, but I somehow managed to control the urge to grab them and drain them completely.

    "I hope this lesson will show you to keep your mouth shut and not bother other people," I said to them. "Don't mention what happened here to anyone. Otherwise I will be forced to drain you until you are just skin and bones. Am I making myself clear?" I said. The boys nodded vigorously.

    "Good. Now take your showers and go home," I said, and left the men's room.

    Back in the ladies' locker room, I took the opportunity to check out my new body. I gasped when I noticed that my gym clothes now fit me like a second skin. Each and every vein-covered muscle clearly showed through both my top and pants. "There is no way I will fit into my clothes with muscles this big," I said as I flexed them, smiling happily at my ravishing reflection.

    Thanks to the generous donations of those boys, I got about 60% of the muscle mass of a normal bodybuilder. That, added to my previous musculature, gave me about twice the muscle mass of the top bodybuilder in the world. In short, I had just become the strongest human in the world, and it really showed.

    For a moment, I just stood watching the unbelievable woman in the mirror of the locker room pose. I was so drunk with the image of power and strength that I had become mesmerized. Eventually I remembered that my little man would be waiting for me outside. I quickly packed my stuff and went out, striding confidently.

    Once outside, my little man got very aroused as he saw the new me. My bulging muscles threatened to rip apart my stretched outfit with every step. "Oh my… You look so… so…" he stuttered.

    "Powerful," I purred in his ear as I gently grabbed the terrible hard-on he was showing off. He gasped.

    I was about to get kinkier with him when I heard the men leaving their locker room. I smiled at them as I noticed how baggy their clothes were. The boys passed by without making any comment but acted respectfully in my presence.

    "Did you…?" my lover started to say. I put a finger on his mouth and shushed him.

    "There is no need to ask what you already know," I told him. "I heard on your phone how those bastards talked to you. When I confronted them about it, they were stupid enough to attack me," I laughed.

    "In that case, I'm glad that you are alright!" he said.

    "More than alright," I said as I picked him up and sat him on my arm. I smiled widely as his weight didn't bother me at all. "You have a hard night ahead of you, mister. There's even more of me to be satisfied now!" I teased him.

    "I'm more than eager to explore and touch those extra inches you have developed!" he grinned, and to be honest, he certainly did! He did it so well that I couldn't remember a more passionate night before that one. Isn't it funny, the outcome of the things we do for love?

    Well, that's the story I wanted to share with you. Hope you have enjoyed it as much as I enjoyed living it. I don't know what kind of situations the future has in store for us, but one thing I'm sure of: I'm a big enough girl to face them and, if not, I know how I can get a boost up.

    The End.


    I look forward to the next story of her 🙂

    Matthew Lim

    Max, this story is awesome. And Fonk, whatever you did for this story, you get my praise as well.  😉


    A most excellent tale, dear Max AP.

    I's must take the time to read it all again.



    Love this little story, love the drain thingy, another great job



    Thank you for all your comments. I will try to post more of this short stories in the future and hope you will continue enjoying them  ;D



    Max…youve impressed me greatly! I love the job done… bravo man!


    Nice story, Max.  Hope we can learn more of her origins and how she can do what she does. 🙂


    Great story. Very nice to see a woman in a story who has an absorption power use it to punish those who are worthy of punishment and not go overboard and take the strength of every one around her.

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