This Is Really Sad

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  • #78854
    Robert McNay

    There's a new Street Fighter movie coming out, "Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun Li". Unfortunately, they chose skinny, little, "90 pounds soaking wet" Kristen Kreuk from Smallville to play Chun Li.

    There's a Japanese trailer online for it. The movie looks like it might be fun but Ms Kreuk is not Chun Li. She's not tall enough or muscular enough.


    I think the whole movie is going to be moronic, Kristin as Chun Li was what immediately put me off from it.

    She doesn't have the physical presence to pull off Chun Li at all.

    Robert McNay

    I think the whole movie is going to be moronic, Kristin as Chun Li was what immediately put me off from it.

    She doesn't have the physical presence to pull off Chun Li at all.

    I know. Ming Na, in the Van Damme movie, was a better Chun Li than her. She was pretty darn awesome in the part. I think that's when I fell in love with Ming Na.  ;D

    Muscle Growth Nut

    I saw an early poster for the movie. It didn't exactly scream "Chun-Li movie" so much as "generic action-girl movie."


    Even Jackie Chan was a better Chun Li.


    Looks like it has terrible production value.

    Does know seem true to the character design, besides that gal looks like a twig to me.  Looks like pure dog shit.

    I will pass on this and wait for cable.  Movies are too expensive anyways now.

    I saw SlumDog Millionaire tonight with my gal and it was about fifty dollars for tickets and basic snacks…Good movie BTW.


    Well, what can I say, the idea of putting such small girl as an action charactr is beyond me. At least I hope it's a fair enough action flick.

    On a side note, I found this, I really don't know what to think.


    It's sad, but inevitable.


    Ive known of this travesty for a while. I just feel we shouldnt even comment on how this will end up…

    And as for Mr. Rodriquez's Red Sonja…yeah…hes a good director…but Ill cringe while watching this. IF I watch it.

    David C. Matthews

    On a side note, I found this, I really don't know what to think.

    Well… um… at least it looks like they got the costume right this time.

    But is everything that Rodriguez directs from now on going to look like Sin City?

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